Comments 126

Re: Poll: Are You Playing the Concord Open Beta?


I have no time for a hero shooter. Looks lame and g. I do hope they put more appealing characters in the game for people who enjoy it. I don't see people buying cosmetics for the current cast of toons. I should also add that I am not going to paying to play a game online on PlayStation either

Re: Poll: Are You Playing The First Descendant?


No, I avoid free-to-play like the plague -Very good option. Thank you.

I try to avoid most live service games. Granted I used to play World of Warcraft. I don't like games having a control over my life. Wow felt like this. I want to be able to sit down and play on my own time and terms without anything restraining me.

Re: Poll: One Year Later, What Are Your Thoughts on Final Fantasy 16?


Took me 9 months to finally finish the game. The payoff was not worth it. The ending was predictable and lame. I spent 100 hours+ for that, come on man lol. The world felt empty. The soul just was not there for me. I felt like this world being focused directly on a small island of what is possibly a huge ass planet of other continents was very strange. I did enjoy some of the characters though. Joshua was a highlight.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Stellar Blade?


I would probably give the game close to a 9, probably 8.5. The music is great, the graphics are very nice, and the story seems pretty solid. My only complaint would be some of the QTE and some of the maps being corridors. I give other games crap for having QTE and lazy map designs, I cannot give this game I am loving a pass. I really love the parry, dodge system and its pretty forgiving to boot once you get leveled up.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Stellar Blade?


Action games are hard to get right. God of War 1-3,Ninja Gaiden 1-2, and Nier Auto-mata got it right. Steller Blade will require me to painstakingly get good before I actually like it. Has not been forgiving. I enjoy souls games, but only when I can do cheese builds. So far it is only pretty to look at and it is fun to own the woke gaming journalist by buying it. Ultimately I have to enjoy it, I will give it a little more time. I just have a feeling I will get frustrated with it though if the demo is anything to go on.