Comments 548

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Ending?


Thought it was quite clear that through Cloud's perspective, Aerith is alive, due to his warped and damaged mind mixed with mako poisoning that the game showed so many times. But in reality, she is truly gone and among the lifestream.

It was more depressing seeing the others (especially Tifa) grieve out in the grass field while Aerith's spirit could only stand idly and watch her friends. It also tied in with Advent Children where Cloud could still talk to Aerith's spirit.

The confusing thing though was with Zack's timeline. I was expecting by the end there'd be some definitive conclusion with him when he and Cloud merged for the fight. Such as him and Aerith reuniting in the afterlife or something. Have to wait until part 3, I guess.

Re: Stellar Blade PS5 Dev Thanks Fans for 'Passion' Following Censorship Controversy


@Flaming_Kaiser "Hard R" is the N-word slur written out fully with the "er" ending. The most offensive word used against anyone with a darker skintone. Typically, the word you hear among black and African descents use in public and in music ends in the letter "a". This version is a form of reclaiming the offensive word to be used as a term of endearment within their circle. Like how you'll hear girls sometimes refer to themselves as the b word in an endearing way.

To use the "hard r" spelling has long been deemed socially unacceptable here, the only acceptable fashion is for educational reasons referencing an earlier time in media. So it's referencing to full spelling of the word. Only racists use the word, typically in a fashion of wanting us not alive. I'm mixed, so I've had to "rise above" being called the hard-r numerous times and will continue to do so for as long as racists are around.

Anyways, saying that though.. I do think Crime is a weird choice for replacement. Could've kept Hard and replaced the letter with something else. Or even be cheeky and call it "Soft R".

Re: Tomb Raider Trilogy Remaster Updated on PS5, PS4, Here Are the Patch Notes


@SaucyBrotato Some rule to be more user-friendly by Sony disallowed games to have more than 1 platinum for PS5. The PS4 version has the 3 platinums, but not the PS5 version.

The way to prevent this would've been to have TR1-3 as separate download files (like the Metal Gear Master Collection did) to allow the platinums instead of being sold as one download file.

Re: New MediEvil Trophy List Suggests PS1 Original Being Resurrected for PS Plus Premium


Love MediEvil, have such good memories of it. Being scared with the demo as a kid and finding it hilarious when I eventually bought it in my teens.

@DiggleDog Only issue, the PS4 remake of MediEvil only has the PAL version of the PS1 original (lower frames). Which isn't a huge deal, but after growing up on the NTSC's frames it was like a downgrade. But from this news, it looks like we'll be having all versions fetched out of the PS3's classic digital library.

Re: Tekken 8 Boss Says Younger Players Prefer Team-Based Games Because They Can Blame Losses on Others


It's ironic to see the older generation blame the younger generation for their behavior when they essentially raised them in the environment. Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Zoomers were blamed for one reason and another when in their prime (Boomers being Hippies, Gen X being rebels, Millennials for their avocado & sensitivity, Zoomers with being lazy or bad attitude) and even Alphas now are getting criticized for something just as the previous generations were.

I would say one vs. one matches are more likely to have the player lack accountability and blame the other for their own mistakes and lack of skill. Coupled with the chances of disconnecting or the other player quitting as soon as they are about to lose to save their rank.

Whilst team matches, if playing solo and you join a game, it forces you to look at your own skill set based on the current score. It makes more sense to blame your team if you lose and you see on the scoreboard that you were one of the top players of your own team in the match by the end. And with friends you collectively learn to pick up where the other teammate is lacking in order to win. But just like with any competition, sore losers are present, no matter the generation. It just so happens a specific personality type is more commonly found in these types of settings.

Re: The Sims Is Being Turned into a Movie


Would've said no, then remembered how The Sims 2 on PC was built as a sand-in-box for storytelling and movie making. Each neighborhood had a story plot that the player could continue, uplift, or drive it into a disaster that could easily be turned into a movie.

Such as Pleasantville's Bella Goth missing mystery with Don as the last to see her, then the Caliente sisters moving in right after. Or Strangetown with Olive Spector being a serial killer with her son being taken by social workers only to live with abusive scientists who experimented on him into adulthood, to name a few.

Re: Unlock a Free 12 Months of PS Plus Premium with PlayStation's Visa Credit Card


This would benefit someone who doesn't have a PS5 yet so they could charge it on the card with a game, make the payments and there's the reward. I'm good though, since I'm not looking to dump $600 on anything at the moment, and would prefer to keep less than 3 credit cards on hand to avoid spreading my spending habits.

Weird to see some using this as another opportunity to bash the younger generation. We've been bashed for just existing or having a voice in the past, hate to see the cycle repeated.

Re: Everyone's Talking About Eve's Outfits in PS5 Exclusive Stellar Blade


@Zenos The game actually shows you how Abby maintains her physique. The town she lives in has a full-on factory and well-maintained outdoors with cattle breeding. You can see practically an endless supply of meat for carbohydrates and other forms of food for diet. Plus the time she spent in the gym which is also there. The developers knew gamers would question it and rather than tell, they showed it when you're having her walk around to talk with her friends in the camp when they return. And by the end of the game when Ellie confronts her you can see she lost a good portion of her muscles from being away from her regime for so long.

Re: Everyone's Talking About Eve's Outfits in PS5 Exclusive Stellar Blade


Nothing wrong with designing lady characters to be visually attractive. I like when characters look good. Just as there's nothing wrong with making them diverse in appearance. If they're envisioned to look dumpy, average, masculine grotesque, etc. it's fine, since we always get diverse men characters, then go on ahead.

There's also the definitive line of someone who loves the design and is excited to play the game and someone who loves the design and can't wait to not use both or either hands on the controller.

Re: Sony Secures Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy as PlayStation Console Exclusives


@ZhuckelDror FF7 was considered an exclusive for PlayStation. Even after it was ported to PC one year later back in 1998. Same logic applies here.

The reason of the alleged fluidity with the term is due to the integration with social media and online gaming. PC gamers who've always been on the internet in a separate ecosystem now are in conversations with Console gamers, they had to specify now with "console exclusive".

Re: Guerrilla's Online PS5 Horizon Game Survives Sony Cull


@CrackmanNL Fair enough. I like both series so it really doesn't matter to me if either or neither Horizon/TLOU go through with MP. Guerilla has more experience with MP games compared to Naughty Dog which might've given them the leverage on their Horizon MMO surviving. I'm mainly curious on how Horizon would function as MP, since Guerilla's been only known for Killzone prior.

Indeed, Gears of War was Xbox's third person caveat while Uncharted was one of the main bread of PS3 generation. If that was the main debate on which is better, then there you are. My main focus was to say Naughty Dog's MP weren't poorly received from past history .

Don't forget those community forums. Prior to 2013, most gamers were hanging out there when Youtube was the haven of Let's Players & Walkthroughs. Uncharted was always one of the MP games listed for community events. I don't know where in my post I said that I thought it was the best or creme of the crop. Popular + praised well doesn't always mean it's the best. 😉

Re: Guerrilla's Online PS5 Horizon Game Survives Sony Cull


@CrackmanNL You said Naughty Dog's games with MP weren't praised, I'm merely correcting you in that it was extremely popular and praised at the time with Uncharted and TLOU1. To strengthen your opinion, I wouldn't list FPS as prime examples to compare when Uncharted was completely third-person. It is like comparing apples to oranges. What we agree upon though was there was a great variety of MP experiences that generation that appeased many different tastes.

" just don't act like Horizon is not one of PS best selling franchise and a Monster Hunter like game doesn't makes sense for it" - This is a random thought to bring up. Where did I say anything like this?

Re: Guerrilla's Online PS5 Horizon Game Survives Sony Cull


I'm curious to how this multiplayer will play out. Horizon's a fun series overall.

@CrackmanNL Dunno if you were around when Uncharted 2 and 3 launched, the multiplayer was very popular and praised among the fans. UC4 was popular at launch but fizzled out quickly due to the barebone modes and lack of updated content. I didn't vibe with Factions but everyone I've talked to had nothing but praise for it. The only issue with Naughty Dog's MP, they're addicting but they get abandoned quickly after a year or so. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the issue as well, lack of ideas to maintain it's addictiveness years on ahead.

Re: Naughty Dog Boss Neil Druckmann Doesn't Want to Make Games Forever


@Atreus97 Others painted the picture perfect. He's overhated in general. There's the camp of the loud vocal minority who hold the events of TLOU2 against him, the general politics surrounding Uncharted 4 with Amy Hennig leaving, some of the changes in TLOU show. I don't agree with everything he does/says yet I notice there's an unhealthy hyperfocus on anything he says or does now as an opportunity to bash. He's just a figure to pour the blame on anything they veritably disagree with.

Re: Random: New York Times Posts Decades-Old Final Fantasy 7 Spoilers on Front Page


@RS1 Unfortunately, any concept that aligns with "watching what you say for others sake" is immediately going to be shunned by a number around here. It's easy to discuss FF7 or any media without spoiling major events that take place.

There's more reason to keep things spoiler-free these days with full-grown adults who weren't even alive when FF7 debuted versus the year 2007 when FF7 content was rampant and near impossible to avoid spoilers.

Re: Crystal Dynamics Warns Racial, Ethnic Stereotypes Remain in Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered


@JeongersGaming It appears to be faithful for the most part. I was watching streamers yesterday play it, a minor change I recall was in TR1 the pinmodel on Pierre's jacket was originally bare but in this, they gave her a tiny bra (still pantsless though).

But, on the other end, the shotgun boss I was expecting them to censor what he says when you kill him (the alternate word for phallic sucker) but no change what so ever. The characters had their body shapes amplified. The doppelganger especially was given a bigger chest and hips.. which should do well for certain fans. 😅

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tracks How Much Your Crush Hearts You on PS5


@Uromastryx Yeah, luckily in FF7R they allowed you to jump back to specific chapters as long as you had beat the game. Versus in the original PS1 game you had to start over from the beginning or a specific earlier save file to get specific rewards and to see how the relationship system played out from beginning to end.

It's mainly an issue if you prefer to go through a game one-time with the most obtainable rewards possible. The series, especially FF7, however, wasn't built on getting every item available in one playthrough to account for replayability.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Console Exclusive Starfield Is Setting a Course for PS5


@GamingFan4Lyf Atari too with the Jaguar as their last system. Though Sega is still doing well as a publisher now.

It is interesting though, since the main three are going in different directions. Nintendo obviously wins with handheld and the hybrid market sales. Sony with the main consoles sales. If true, Microsoft can just focus on the games being sold worldwide with the Xbox logo.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate the Latest State of Play Showcase?


Stellar Blade looked good. Silent Hill 2 looked decent. Foamstars, that'll be fun. Rise of Ronin, already locking down. Death Stranding 2 and a new Metal Gear replacement in the works (from how he worded "Tactical Espionage"). Excellent... though this now set the bar up high for future State of Plays now.