Comments 548

Re: Video: In Defence of The Last of Us' PS5 Remake


@Korgon Tbh, the controls of the original RE2 don't bother me. If people were able to learn and adapt to Fromsoftware's game difficulty and the boxy feel with FPS games today for the first time then they can learn to adapt and invest in the same amount of time with this. It's actually the camera angles and item management system that turns me off with investing that the remake handles better.

But yeah, the problem with this remaster is "Who asked for it?" The PS4 remaster still looks good, has more content with the MP. But I guess the time it'll take overhauling TLOU with TLOU2's new system and accessibility features on top of the higher RES has to be paid for somehow. If this came with TLOU Part 2, there wouldn't be as much complaints.

Re: The Last of Us: Part I Compares Tess on PS5 vs. PS3 Model, and the Results Are Impressive


The reason she looks "older" now is they went for a more photo-realistic style in this remake compared to PS3's version is more stylized. Look at the eyes of Tess, Joel, and Ellie in the original, there's a "cute" look to the eyes that gives their models a charming look that still holds up today, whilst the remake is more of a new technical showcase. Plus, hello, pandemic, no sunscreen or moisturizer is available for Tess to keep her looking fresh and young for her age anymore with the added stress easily explains her looking "too old".

I prefer PS3's stylized look, but this version does look good too on its own and fits more align with TLOU2 so I get why they went this route. I don't know, I'm not getting this remake until it's cheaper but I'm not upset over the price. Like others said this is to help promote the newer show, get the PC elitists on board with the series, and the newer gen of gamers to play this new version.

Re: Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura Touches on the Future of Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts


I wonder if it's to also "spare the budget" with rehiring/casting Final Fantasy characters in the next installment after the success with FFVIIRemake. Seeing how FF7's Cid potential new voice hasn't been hired yet could be a spoiler in that case.

Otherwise, I already dropped out of KH since I felt way too old playing KH2 at 15 years old and seeing they didn't age the characters up afterward, wasn't meant for me anymore.

Re: Reaction: PS Plus’ Revamp Is Hours Away, But Sony Still Has a Game Pass Problem


@BartoxTharglod You'd be surprised by the amount of younger gamers now who consider single-player games to be "one and done". From a few I've interacted with, they don't want to replay a game to improve their skill or obtain missable items if they can get the "best outcome" and obtain everything in one playthrough with a helpful huide. Despite how large and open the games from Sony are today, there's a confusing amount of disapproval to their open-world content heavy filled games.

But yeah, like you said. The Netflix comparison will only hold so long as those games featured aren't of a lesser quality. Netflix's reputation dwindled once the popular shows left the service prompting new apps from companies so they don't have the split the profit. Gamepass just the name alone is met with praise over its concept versus the reality.

What you said with FFXIV, man, I literally had to quit playing other games when I got into FFXIV lol. MMOs are a lifestyle with the dedication involved. Man, if the rumors are true on Square Enix being acquired by Sony, then Sony has nothing to worry about revenue wise from the success of FFXIV.

Re: Reaction: PS Plus’ Revamp Is Hours Away, But Sony Still Has a Game Pass Problem


@PoopScoop I think since the surprising success of the Nintendo Wii, there became an acceptance on them being in the console space but in their own lane and rules. The Switch really brought back the huge 3rd party support again despite their graphics capability is behind a whole generation.

It's funny though. Nintendo's games are $60 for 5 years but PlayStation is the bad guy for starting at $70 when knowing full well the game's price will drop within the end of the year.

Re: Reaction: PS Plus’ Revamp Is Hours Away, But Sony Still Has a Game Pass Problem


The Xbox showcase wasn't received well until near the end with the footage of Starfield and Kojima's appearance. It's very telling that companies that weren't originally housed in the Xbox ecosystem garnered the most positive reaction.

Otherwise, Gamepass's success is being the gamer's version of Netflix. Essentially forcing Sony to morph their PS Plus service that from day one has always been an optional feature. Sony doesn't have to rely on day one releases, instead they need to bolden their service's supply of games. The illusion of Gamepass is "free access" to games anytime anywhere versus Sony's traditional quality products.

The unfortunate thing is we're in a time where we want things instantly. The criticism with Sony now is them charging full price for games and the expectation that they must do the same thing as Gamepass while Nintendo doesn't have to change a thing and remains successful due to their first party and dedicated fanbase.

This leaves Sony caught in the middle where they're traditional but the console's capabilities is on par with Xbox to where the expectation of the two consoles is to be on the same level now.

I'm rambling, but I think Sony overall just needs to keep showing more quality titles. "Day One on Gamepass" will only hold so far if Xbox's titles don't escape the small scale of games. Sony's expected live service plans I think will be their counter but in the moment we're in a painful waiting game.

Re: What Do We Know About The Last of Us Multiplayer for PS5?


I didn't really vibe with Factions MP, though that doesn't mean this won't turn out well. I was more into Uncharted's MP and Jak X Combat Racing. Being able to have a customize unique character would be a solid plus for me. I'm definitely expecting microtransactions for sure in this, though we'll see how far they take it.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Has Sold an Impressive 10 Million Copies on PS4


@AdamNovice Yep. That leak definitely hindered what would've been it's immediate sales since so many vocally "boycott" it before giving it a chance. Not to mention the crazy year of 2020. Animal Crossing, FF7Remake, Ghost of Tsushima, Hades, Among Us, Cyberpunk 2077, am I forgetting anything else? Great albeit controversial year of gaming.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Has Sold an Impressive 10 Million Copies on PS4


@truerbluer I get what you're saying but it's not an accurate comparison in that sense. Games that are narrative driven like a good storybook or movie can pull you into the world as an escape from reality or finding some relatable aspect further drives one to continue playing despite the controls. Also makes it possible to be able to enjoy older classic games despite the outdated gameplay controls. But otherwise, why not have both a good story and gameplay? Anyways..

That said, for this game in particular I find there's an unhealthy attachment to a game character that serves as a trigger, which fits more in line with the outrage of the game in addition to the story direction that unfortunately overshadowed the improvement in the gameplay.

Re: The Callisto Protocol Will Have Exclusive PlayStation Content at Launch


@Floki So you haven't even played Lost Odyssey but are claiming it's not novice friendly. Then say it's only within JRPG fans who would know it but then say your JRPG friends have no idea of the game and are then going to tell me if I ask anyone JRPG fan (after already doing so) that they won't know of Lost Odyssey? Then claim it has no name behind but then switch up with it's ties to no known franchise when people who play it compare it to Final Fantasy due to the big FF names behind it that heavily promoted it? Get the heck out LOL. Making me spit my drink out on this pretzel of convo. Let's just leave it at that, everyone I know or come across recommends Lost Odyssey whilst opposite for you.

Kinda proved another point, Spyro & Crash dipped in quality after leaving Insomnia and Naughty Dog's hands which were embedded into PlayStation prior to being acquired. The resurgence came into play with the success of the remakes. Literally, it was the first time in a long time there was hope in the franchise's revival, couple with Crash 4's moderate success. It is a gut punch to those including me who grew up with them seeing them back on track to the standard they once were only to be removed from the original platform that brought them success and made them household names. But that's the nostalgia talking. Bungie doesn't even have the same staff as when they began so one could argue the same thing for Bungie leaving not being that big of a deal.

I mean, isn't PC and Xbox within the same ecosystem? Whatever's on Xbox will be on Gamepass which is on PC. I got to play Halo Infinite with my PS5 controller. I'm pretty sure they would also release on Xbox with their live service since it means more money in Sony's bank. Just like how that MLB game ended up on Xbox while having the PlayStation logo.

Re: The Callisto Protocol Will Have Exclusive PlayStation Content at Launch


@Floki No name behind it? Lost Odyssey was proposed by the FF creator and had a few previous developers of Final Fantasy working on it and had the famous Nobuo Uematsu composing the soundtrack. If you ask any JRPG fan who plays on Xbox, they recommend Lost Odyssey as one of the first to play on the system. It sold well when it came out and positive reviews.

Like I said previously, Microsoft paid money for more JRPG and other games to release exclusively or in addition to Xbox since they wanted to increase sales in Japan. This was controversial at the time, since there were plenty of JRPG fans on PlayStation. As for Xbox, which already got its name for FPS games... the RPG audience wasn't already there, and they didn't sell as well enough so other RPGs like Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls became more popular. Tie in with the lack of JRPGs on PS3 since they were mostly scooped up into Xbox and fizzled out. There's not as much variety in games these days to cater to anyone, you have to deal with what's available or check out now.

Bungie? Eh, I don't know. If anything The Bethesda/Activision is more of a bigger deal since previous PS1 icons Spyro & Crash are now under the Xbox umbrella. Maybe if say Halo was apart of the Bungie deal, you'd have a point on the eye-for-eye. Also, isn't Bungie still planning to release their upcoming live service game on other systems too? Can't guarantee the same with Xbox's current deals after 2024 once their previous contracts with Sony are done.

But yeah, I think the main reason it seems like anyone is defending Sony "stealing" or "forcing" exclusives is that they usually focus on franchises that have longevity and stayed successful on their platform and resolve to hold it in place to continue having a home for the fans. Their intention is to keep the success they helped boost or create. Whilst if we look at Microsoft when they buy a franchise/company it comes off as "stealing success" since they're only doing it to fill the gap that they're missing. They needed more first party developers after Xbox One so they resolve it by making more acquisitions. Fair for business but not every consumer is going to be happy.

Re: The Callisto Protocol Will Have Exclusive PlayStation Content at Launch


@Floki Yo. So the example you gave. The average Xbox gamer isn't enthused with JRPGs in general. The ones that do like JRPGs happen to enjoy the amount that were released exclusively back on the Xbox 360. You know, the era were Microsoft started buying out exclusives to get PlayStation gamers to migrate for their JRPG fix, haha. Some say Microsoft is to blame for JRPGs dying out in favor of Western RPGs during that era since JRPGs don't sell as big of numbers on Xbox than PlayStation (how come there hasn't been another Lost Odyssey?). The Xbox ecosystem is home to heavily Sci-fi and shooter genres. This is why something like Starfield makes perfect sense to be on Xbox. Just like Sony putting their money on "holding" certain games like FF7R when the original game has a huge history with PlayStation in general.

I'm pretty sure what most people are getting at is anything anti-consumer wise Sony is doing, likely began with Xbox. So Xbox doesn't do it as often? Well, instead they're choosing to buy out companies that previously sold well on PlayStation to rack up their first party games. Are we going to get Crash games again when it was practically a PS Mascot? Haha, It's an eye-for-eye.

It's just weird to put the blame on Sony when they're just doing what Xbox or Nintendo do as well.

Re: Final Fantasy 16's Key Staff Confirmation Is the Biggest Reason to Get Hyped


It all makes sense looking at their previous works. The only issue I have is the lack of a controllable party. It looks like it'll be a true solo adventure. Maybe there will be guest characters that join battle via AI. But having a party gang was part of the magic in FF, banding with others to defeat the enemies along the way. Other than that, this game looks really good and I'm sure it'll play as well.

Re: The Callisto Protocol Will Have Exclusive PlayStation Content at Launch


@Kooky_Daisuke Yo. The exclusive missions/story has been a thing already. An earlier example is the DLC of Tomb Raider Underworld on Xbox 360 is still unavailable to play outside the Xbox systems to this very day.

Unfortunately, this will likely continue since we've entered another weird company acquisition age. Xbox after buying Bethesda/Activision will definitely have Xbox exclusive content/missions for the titles that they decide can also be released on PlayStation and Nintendo.

Re: Thor Voice Actor Finishes 'Last Bit of Work' on God of War Ragnarok


@Ryany Last I checked there was more than a few weeks after September. It could fall under the November/December window. Gran Turismo 7 had a state of play showcase after months of no footage... one month before it's release date. It's possible.

I honestly would've said July before they admit it. But to be generous based on how they've been announcing ish last minute. September 1st being the latest we hear anything confirming our fears.

Re: Thor Voice Actor Finishes 'Last Bit of Work' on God of War Ragnarok


I've read across some comments on other sites that suggest voice acting is one of the later stages of development. Other than that I'm giving it until September before calling this game as another delayed into 2023 release. Given prior history, Sony had a State of Play showcase on their first party title games pretty close to release date (GT7, HFW, etc.)

Re: The Callisto Protocol Will Have Exclusive PlayStation Content at Launch


Neat. But often times these "exclusive content" are only useful cosmetic-wise or up to a certain part of the game. Since there will usually be better stuff in the game already making this mute. Depending on if anything else comes out around the release date I won't be rushing to buy this game until I see more.

@Kooky_Daisuke " I wish Sony would stop with the anti consumer practices. " Weird take. You make it sound like Sony was the first to do this and that Microsoft and Nintendo never do this sort of thing. Exclusive DLC content held on certain systems has always been a thing and Sony won't be the last to do this.

Re: PS Plus' PS1 Games Use Superior NTSC 60Hz Format in Japan


It would be disappointing especially for us in NA region to have to play the games in 50Hz when we experienced it at better frames. Mainly because on the PS3 store the games were tailored to our region. We're supposedly entitled to getting it for free on PS5 if we previously purchased it, seems like a downgrade. But whatever, I'm prepping for the worse.

Re: PS Plus Members Bemused by Potential God of War Inclusion Across Multiple Tiers


This is only a negative if you already have God of War, I'm guessing? I would've been in the minority of those who hadn't played it yet if I didn't have a PS5. That was the first time I got to play God of War (I did play two of the games on PS2, but didn't vibe enough to care anymore on the series until recently). In 2018 I was too busy with the other good games that came out to where God of War fell in the bottom list, which likely happened to others who didn't experience it yet.

It's not the first time PS+ has offered a game that "everyone" supposedly buys and owns in its history. Very confusing on how this is seen as the trend for PS+ lowering in quality when it already supposedly began when PS3/PSP titles got dropped and now they're expected to return (sorta). There's only so many high quality titles to offer in a month without repeating the same ones now, just happens to be God of War's turn.

Re: State of Play Showcase for Thursday Confirmed, PSVR2 Games Included


@gollumb82 That seems to be the climate depending on where you fly. Sony is always wrong. Nintendo, yeah you're wrong too but we still love you. Xbox, keep it up but you can also do better.

My expectations are at the bottom. I do think they'll have a little teaser at the end for something. GoW could have its own 45 minute showcase like Gran Turismo and Horizon did close to their arrival date.