Comments 548

Re: PS5 Remake The Last of Us: Part I Has Gone Gold


@KundaliniRising333 Snap, are we in August now? Anyways, I think you're reaching on this one. This is probably the most neutral article if I've ever seen one and reads more as a repost. Speaking as someone who isn't getting this remaster day one. I'm expecting a nice soapbox article once its out.

Re: Ape Escape (PS1) - Monkeying Around in 3D Platforming Pioneer Is Still a Blast


Man, this game has such good memories for me. I didn't own the complete game as a kid, instead I replayed the demo (which had the first two levels & 2-3 gadgets) over and over until I was able to get it finally in my collection in my late teens.

Have to say this definitely aged better control-wise compared to the other PS1 titles, especially since the D-pad for once wasn't used solely to move the character around and instead it's the left analog stick. As for the camera... oh yeah, it's awkward, but overtime, I've gotten used to just spamming L1 at every turn and just going about as usual.

The trophy hunting, oh this was an easy one. You can platinum this in one go without going for 100% competition for the true ending. It also looks amazing with the Retro Classic filter in 16:9. Definitely worth the two platinums (PS4 & PS5 version) if you want an easy going run.

Re: Rumour: PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for July 2022 Possibly Leaked


I don't get how this could be spun into a negative, assuming this is true. These are some solid reviewed games and fits into catering a good majority who had enjoyed them. Like them or not, this is reminding me of how good PS+ was back on PS3 with decent titles being added again versus the luck of the draw from PS4 era. There's more reason to be optimistic, we just really need more classic titles before PS3 again, pronto.

Since the Ezio Collection didn't have the multiplayer trophies attached, I may actually revisit those games for the platinum (well, for Brotherhood & Revelations mainly since I did get AC2's platinum). AC peaked during the Ezio fandom for me, I never cared for the ship and sailing additions in AC after and AC3 was a letdown from its hype.

Re: Gaming Spend Will Continue to Decline in US as Living Costs Increase, Says NPD Report


Some of these comments are like stepping into the DailyMail... anyways, while I'm fortunate enough to be able to buy any game I want day one at full price, I know my limits. I'm paying for a game that I expect to return to overtime versus the subscription model caters more to those who are fine with playing a game once and being done and over with it.

The $10 increase seemed fine to me since we were fortunate enough to not have the expected $10 increase during the PS4 generation. $40 for a new PS1, $50 for PS2, $60 PS3... not to mention the inflation, we could've been at $80 now if the record kept going.

But... we're getting games less frequently now and it seems like with the subscription model being the most economic sense we might be seeing more games in a smaller scale or larger titles less frequently since the $70 was meant to even out the developer's work more so versus Microsoft's money making up the loss for developers. I'm not feeling so optimistic with either outcome. Maybe games should revert back to $60 or less since Nintendo & Xbox are going to remain that price as an edge over Sony.

Re: Ubisoft Is Shuttering Online Services for Some of Its Older PS3 Titles Later in 2022


I don't recall ACII having online multiplayer, unless they're talking about the UPlay connection for extra stuff. Brotherhood I have fond memories where it went from people following the rules on remaining stealthy for the kill to just people wreaking havoc chasing each other on first sight.

All these PS3 games having online trophies tied to getting platinum sucks since it'll be impossible to platinum them now once the servers are shut down.

Re: God of War Ragnarok Dev Sony Santa Monica Demands Respect After Unsavoury Week


@Would_you_kindly There is a recent tweet by Cory that says the game hasn't been delayed so far. I believe they already said God of War Ragnarok won't get the upgrade last year. Horizon got the free upgrade because it was promised back when its original target release date was in 2020. While they weren't going to offer it for Horizon after its delay, they eventually did so because they already promised it and had to honor that. If they do the same for GoW:R that'd be nice but I wouldn't expect it.

@LiamCroft Right? They're working hard on the game and get hate. They decide to finally respond after straight up harassment and death threats and they're considered deflecting? Crazy people online.

Re: God of War Ragnarok's PS5, PS4 Release Date Reveal Was Delayed from Today


@WallyWest Yo, no one ever said it was without flaws and issues. You seem to be venting now and maybe we outta just agree to disagree at this point.

Your version of a "hot mess" and "broken" is different from our version of a hot mess and broken game.

You really outta re-read @themightyant's comments. You don't have to prove the game has issues, everyone already said that. We just don't consider it as broken as you're alluding to. Also, look at Horizon Zero Dawn's patch updates on the wiki and compare. This isn't the first open world to receive a lot of patch note updates after launch and still be considered polished. Whilst we already agreed HFW wasn't perfect and had issues, it ain't broken. It just needed tuning.

I think we actually outta wrap this up now cause this isn't even a Horizon article. So I'll leave it at... boooooy. 😂

Re: God of War Ragnarok's PS5, PS4 Release Date Reveal Was Delayed from Today


@WallyWest The infamous "my friend did" experience holding over the people you're having a present conversation with. @themightyant already pointed out the flaws in your argument that you're conveniently skipping over just because. Now going back to equating Horizon as a "hot mess" when the most recent and valid example of a hot mess was Cyberpunk 2077.

As for why they needed a State of Play for performance mode. Uh.. because they made it look even better? To help promote people to replay the game and now get a newer experience since they were also promoting the new update of New Game+ and difficulty. On second playthrough those who played on Quality mode previously can now try Performance Mode and don't have to feel like they have to play an "ugly" game for faster frames.

Look at this image example right here prior to the update with Performance mode. I only went with the first article I saw for this image:

Re: God of War Ragnarok Is 'Still on Track for November', Game Is 'Huge'


Sony's been more silent this generation and letting announcements happen later than usual. Remember when the PS5 date/price was finally revealed? Least they're transparent and making sure whatever date they promote is their target. Ifit comes out this year, awesome. If not, fine by me. I don't have to know right now if they aren't ready to share.

All these negative spins on why we haven't received a release date and trailer just yet only dwindles the impact on the surprise Sony's been working to in revealing this game. The game's going to be fire whether it comes out later this year or next year.

@77dreams This lad understood the assignment and I hope this doesn't get removed. Adding to it, just because a certain situation doesn't affect yourself personally, doesn't mean everyone has to ignore it and "just move on" or the other argument of "I came here to escape it not be reminded of it".

Re: God of War Ragnarok's PS5, PS4 Release Date Reveal Was Delayed from Today


Given the recent article on the developers being harassed for information on God of War, it's a sad state of gaming with the level of entitlement now.

@WallyWest I don't think anyone's arguing with you on Horizon Forbidden West not being perfect and glitch-free. Just you placing it with Cyberpunk in terms of broken and horrible is going to get you some major side-eye lol. Just speaking as a non-fanboy of the series.

Re: Rumour: PS Plus Essential PS5, PS4 Games for July 2022 Leaked Early


I really don't have a problem with this game being offered on multiple tiers. But the complaints here do at least make more sense than the issue people had with God of War being added in as if every casual gamer in the world owns it when statistics say otherwise.

I'm excited to get Crash 4 though, it was on my list to eventually buy but you know, all the other gorgeous games that came out took a higher priority.

Re: PS Plus Extra, Premium List Games Leaving Soon, Shadow Warrior 3 Gone on 5th July


An extra point to physical copies once again. Though now this creates more confusion since previously as long as you paid more than $0 for a PS+ game digitally, it'll always be yours after the subscription runs out. Will this also apply if say that game leaving the higher tiers, you pay full price digitally or will there be conflict with the license?

@Dezzy70 Uh... you know there was the big Pandemic that slowed game development down to a crawl by at least a year or two + the chip shortages that wasn't a thing in more recent previous generations. Next gen should've started this year instead of 2020 with all the delays and small amount of new releases.

Backwards compatibility didn't become an issue until PS3/360 gen when Xbox could only do a portion and Sony couldn't afford any longer to fully support PS2 compatibility in their later models. The difficulty with the Cell processor meant new software for the PS4 which meant bye bye compatibility overall. Now since Xbox filled in the gap that PlayStation was always known for it's time for a reminder of their humble beginnings especially with the slow rate of new games.

Nintendo however, has been consistent with sometimes offering backwards compatibility since the Nintendo Wii and the handhelds.

Re: Poll: Which Final Fantasy Game are You Most Looking Forward to?


Rebirth, just to see how else the story will be changed and what they decide to keep from OG FF7 in the next reimagining installment.

As a longtime FF fan since VIII, I'm a bit disappointed at what looks like it'll be a solo party adventure in XVI. But I'm sure it'll be great, from the team's history. We'll see if my opinion changes the more they show.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Is Remake 2, PS5 Exclusive, Out Winter 2023


@GorosBat You should probably look up the meaning of that word before ever attaching that to my name.

I said what I said. FF7 always released on PlayStation first, everything else later. Shouldn't be a surprise to see them bring it on the platform that helped bring each other the global success first. Remember how long it took Xbox to even get the OG FF7? That's all.