Comments 548

Re: Until Dawn Reportedly Set to Receive New PS5, PC Versions


I'll likely wait on the price to go down before buying. But I already have the game, so no biggie.

@Neverwild Well, it takes up main developers time. As we know, they only work on one single project at a time. Nothing is ever delegated to the smaller team. There isn't a new crowd of gamers coming in so everyone is forced to buy them. 😉

Re: Sony Refunding Players Confused by The Last of Us 2 Remastered PS5 Upgrade Path


For Sony to have this in place already, means the PS4-PS5 upgrade path from previous games left enough customers confused to double purchase.

Edit: After reading your comment, @DennisReynolds, I snooped and found another article which paints a different picture. It was indeed targeted not just for those who mistakenly double-dipped but mainly for those who pre-ordered ahead of the $10 upgrade path news. Retracting my previous theory.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Breaks 14-Year Call of Duty, Rockstar Streak to Become USA's Best-Selling Game of 2023


The game was in a tricky spot, the game succeeded because it was well developed and the developers had the passion that showcased. If it weren't for the author's distasteful opinions, it wouldn't have received negative attention. I don't blame those who boycotted the game and I doubt the developers are upset at them (otherwise there wouldn't have been as much inclusive features in the game). No one can deny it's a good game in the end.

@HammerKirby3 While the buzz has died down since the Harry Potter movies concluded a decade ago, Harry Potter is still recommended for kids to get into reading to this day so the fanbase is always revolving. They consistently released new versions of the books (new art covers and even an interactive pop-up book) prior to Rowling's opinions tainting a sizable fanbase from the series.. but only those online. Everyone else isn't aware unless they check the online news articles daily which isn't very many in real life. Plus with the upcoming HBO series in the works, the fanbase will still be plentiful.

Re: Video: The Last Of Us 2 PS5 vs PS4 Graphics Comparison


If it weren't for the extra modes attached to this game, this would've been a difficult $10 upgrade sell.

@Deoxyr1bose While I agree that it should be called Director's Cut, I don't think we'd see less entitled comments (talking about the ones saying it should be free, not other legitimate opinions) trashing its existence.

Re: Remedy Has Clarified Logo Issue, Recently Resolved Amicably with Take-Two


@Flaming_Kaiser My line of thinking was more towards younger kids thinking they're the same company and believing they had a change of logo at first glance if they just started getting into gaming. There are young gamers currently who have no idea what Tomb Raider is from some comments I read on Twitter, for one example on the level of ignorance.

Re: Rapid Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fast Travel Wows PS5 Fans


Already got this on pre-order, looking forward to playing.

@AFCC Considering OG FF7 was open world, this is more faithful than having the closed pathways. Makes it easier to avoid side quests if you want while also catering to those who want to digest everything in between the linear story like before.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man's Mary-Jane Face Model Calls for an End to Unacceptable Behaviour


Sadly, this is not surprising. Also unsurprising are the comments deflecting to "it's not just gamers, it's all of society". Of course, it's a societal issue, no one is saying it isn't. In the gaming space, it's common to come across misogynistic behavior just as it likely is in the corporate office. You can be sexually attracted to women and still have mistrust and believe they should behave a certain way and/or in certain roles or else. While yes, men can also experience harassment in this level, this topic is focused on how common it is for ladies.

Stalkers towards ladies are often grouped under misogynistic behavior due to their extreme entitlement. They believe their idol belongs to them and any sign of rejection they take the extreme route of "if I can't have them, no one else should", which if not curbed will end up like Rebecca Schaeffer and Christina Grimmie's tragic murders. Stephanie Tyler Jones, was forced to change her career focus to minimize that threat.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Conjures a Staggering 22 Million Sales


It's a fun game. I hadn't felt the same type of magic in this game since the first Harry Potter game on ps1. Which is saying something.

@Ralizah It's not so much the controversy as Harry Potter is already a household name with most of their games in the past being well received.

It's easy to assume the loud voices off twitter would track globally when most people in real life aren't even aware of Rowling's issues. Other than HP fans, multiple generations of parents will buy a Harry Potter game for themselves, their kid, and so on. Boycotts rarely work out in the gaming space since the internet =/= the amount of casual gamers in real life.

Overall, the game is great. The developers were clearly passionate in their work and even incorporated themes in the game that Rowling is outspokenly against but since she already is paid in advance, the game tanking in sales wouldn't have affected her. I'm pretty sure the developers were more upset with her overall since if she had kept quiet none of this would've happened since the boycotting came from genuine experiences just poorly vocalized and executed.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Remake Hopes Kept Alive by New Report


@JeongersGaming The only way I'd agree with this is if it were its own original spin-off series like how Acid had it's own storyline with a Solid Snake. And not incorporated with a "What-if" sequel like Snake's Revenge and MGS: Survive were.

It's no surprise (if rumor is true) about MGS1 being the next remake since it's story is still very good today. Having the game controls adapted to modern controls would need the most attention since it's original gameplay was arcade like. It would suffer the same issue of being "too easy" if they make it one for one like Twin Snakes did.

Re: Naughty Dog Details The Last of Us 2 Remastered Upgrade Path on PS5


@tesi8 Saves are confirmed to transfer. Just insert your ps4 disc to download the ps5 version one time, then it'll recognize your save file and convert it over. Then you'll be able to use the ps5 disc from there on if you want. Or for collector's sake, you can keep the ps5 disc version sealed and continue using the ps4 disc to play it.

Re: Insomniac Breaks Silence on 'Distressing' Data Breach, Marvel's Wolverine PS5 to Continue as Planned


@Olmaz There needs to be an incentive for news sites to not report such situations. For-profit, it would be beneficial for sites to go into detail, otherwise, viewership will go towards the other sites mentioned in the comments. The quickest way to gain more traction is by emphasizing how forbidden the information is.

I concur though, if it were possible for the information to be written under the umbrella of NDA so sites couldn't discuss the details other than mentioning it happened, I'd be for it. Neither Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony deserve their plans and private information to be revealed... did I say reveal? Stolen. Since that's what happened. But since the morality of the internet has collectively tanked, the thought of Sony forcing news sites to take down or revise articles will garner more hate towards to company. Can't win either way.

Re: Nomura Promises Death Won't be Cheated in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


@LifeGirl I would agree regarding spoilers, but considering each new entry of FF, the question of "Should I start with this one or start with FF1?" always comes up. The ignorance of FF7 and it's spoilers is arguably even stronger from the amount posts from Gen Z I see, especially with Remake's changes to everything. At this point, it's more a courtesy thing without blaming the young for not knowing.

@invictus4000 Funny enough, there was an article where Nomura has actually been one of the few to keep most of the original plot in tact whilst the rest of the team is all for the changes. If this is their way to preserve OG FF7 from being replaced, it's not exactly the way we want it to happen.

Re: Sony Officially Confirms PS5 Has Passed the 50 Million Units Milestone


An impressive feat by Sony, considering the first two years they were dealing with the effects of COVID Pandemic delaying development time by 2 years & the shortage forcing PS4 ports to remain longer than necessary.

It was originally projected by several articles that it wouldn't be until 2024 that consumers would be able to buy them off the shelf/online freely, yet they exceeded expectations again. Despite all the negative issues going on with Sony, at least there's one positive coming out.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


That's too bad at the loss of a multiplayer game since Naughty Dog usually knows how to make them addicting. Chances are the resources used will be in TLOU Part III and Factions (may) make a return there. It's great though. If Naughty Dog was going to be forced to remain a live service studio, then they would be stuck with TLOU series for the rest of their team's lifespan whether successful or not.

Re: PlayStation Wrap-Up 2023 Available Now, Check Out Your Gaming Stats


698 hours total. I spent more time than last year's 410 hours.

1. Fortnite
2. Hogwarts Legacy
4. Sea of Stars
5. Fall Guys

January: Crisis Core Remaster. February & March: Hogwarts Legacy. April: FFV. May-June: Fall Guys. July-August: Fortnite. September-October: FFXVI. November: Sea of Stars. December: Rogue Company.

358 Trophies with 4 new platinums. (Sea of Stars, Ape Escape PSP remake, Fall Guys PS4, Hogwarts Legacy).

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Dev Team Disbands, Making Sequels or Spin-Offs Unlikely


I thought FFXVI was alright, story-wise was fine, but that's about it. Far from my top FFs overall. It'll be lauded like FFX in the future for opening the fanbase barrier. I don't have a current interest in the new DLCs at the moment to revisit, so the decision for the team to downsize only for DLC work is good.

@PinderSchloss Adding to what @FullMetalWesker mentioned. It's been 10 years since XIII, the expectations of FF have tempered far from the glory Square days. Add in the next generation of fans who likely experienced any of X-XV as their first major FF experience (also bonus of Kingdom Hearts fans because of the FF references). When XIII released, the pushback was stronger when the majority of FF fanbase was established from the previous formula. Even X had backlash over it's hallway exploration (other than Tidus) so seeing it return was further fuel. But, with FFVII Remake's appealing to more older fans, it's easier to ignore FFXVI's existence in the space of VII's new attention whilst the next generation of gamers don't have that fixation on an old formula.

Re: Free Avatars, PS Stars Points, PS5 to Win in PS Plus Season of Play


@Impossibilium Funny coincidence, isn't it? I'm imagining its to remind those strictly playing on console about it's Reward system, which is quite lacking on the promotional front. While I have PS App mobile, I forget about redeeming points. If they could allow access to view your points and prizes earned on the console it would be much easier than scrolling on my phone.

Re: Just One Day Later, Microsoft Has 'No Plans to Bring Game Pass' to PS5, PS4


@Fiendish-Beaver Alternatively, it could flip back to Sony vs. Nintendo again, since they did influence Sony's shot in the handheld market and now the remote play Portal. Might see a new console generation with motion gimmicks and a change in graphics and game direction since Nintendo goes to cheaper console route. Unless Netflix and Amazon Luna step into where Microsoft didn't fall in.