Comments 548

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


@__jamiie My mistake was assuming you were a rational individual, willing to discuss based on your (now redacted) questions. I had the same opinions as you regarding "they/them" before obtaining my degree years ago. Have a good day and best of luck with educating yourself some more.

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


It's unfortunate but no surprise. It's more costly to support less than 5,000 active players for 6 months versus shut it down in less than two weeks and try again later or move assets into a new project. A refund was the least they could do. Maybe they'll try to pull an FF14.

@__jamiie Fun fact: "They/Them" in singular form was common in Old English until around the 18th century. Even before the transgender movement in the last two decades "they/them" was always referring to someone in a general term when not aware of their sex identity and with the implication of all sexes. @naruball already provided good examples.

Final fact: Glossary & Dictionaries before the 21st century already made a distinction between sex and gender. Every complaint just boils down to people unable to broaden their horizons, especially if it's inclusive.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Sales Estimates Are Somehow Even Worse Than We Thought


It would need a re-vamp and re-release. Think of how FF14 and Cyberpunk 2077's reception was on first release. Toted as the ending for their respective companies. FF14 was hot garbage due to the old game engine that also gave FF15 issues. It took them a few years before they came back with FF14: A Realm Reborn with beta testing in PC and PS3 with more positive reception before they went in release. Now they've recooped that original money lost and are funding other projects for Square Enix. Cyberpunk 2077 had a good story that was appealing but the game was unplayable, riddled with bugs and crashing. After ironying out the bugs in a year's time, now newer gamers "don't understand" why the game was criticized harshly. It's possible, but only if they're serious about it.

The name Concord is tainted, unless they re-marker it as Concord: Reborn or whatever. This game could use a single-player campaign to excuse the $40 price. PlayStation excels on story-based games, and there's lore but the unoriginal gameplay and aesthetic overshadow it. Then they could market it for its story to get the millions sold and then the online multiplayer to support it otherwise. See if they could implement some assets from TLOU Factions Online with ND's help to appease those still upset that ND canceled it.

Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Harry Potter Game?


The Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, and Prisoner Azkaban were the best game adaptations of the series. Quidditch World Cup was fun for a short time but way too easy. Since they had different companies work on different versions for the many game systems, everyone has different memories. The fact that the PS1 Philosopher's Stone released at the end of 2001and ended up being among the top ten best-selling PS1 games of all time says a lot. Since Goblet of Fire though, the games just felt like cheap cash-ins and weren't as popular anymore except for die-hard HP fans.

Hogwarts Legacy brought back the magic that was originally in the first three adaptations.

Re: Konami 'Aware' That Metal Gear Solid 4 Is Still Stuck on PS3


@Ashina They could still honor the PlayStation references like the latest port of MGS1. A short animation of the disc swap, a digital manual with the image of the back of CD case, and the option to customize your save file for the Psycho Mantis section.

A redone port would then segway them to announce a full-fledged remake.

Re: Summoner (PS2) - Ambitious RPG Remains a Relic of the Past


@Dragon83 You might wanna read Czar_Khastik's username aloud 😉

The site usually reviews classic games in the hindsight of it aging well enough for players to try out or revisit. Not on if the game was originally good for its time. The filters available for PS2 to improve its design doesn't help it much. PS2 games were pretty jank outside 1st and 2nd party developers and compared to the other launch PS2 titles this was one of the more forgettable titles due to its aged mechanics and mixed reviews. That's the tricky part with reviewing this. It sounds like a 5 or 6 would be fair in this case, but 7-8 might be too generous. Especially compared to the other PS2 classics available.

Re: Ghost of Tsushima Now Considered a Major Influence for Big Open World Games


I quite enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima. The most impressive was the short loading times on PS4 despite being an open-world game. I don't have much to complain about with the game, other than how much de-fogging was needed to have a clear map.

@Cloud39472 The interesting part of the guiding wind comes when playing in black and white mode. Since you wouldn't be able to distinguish the white wind as easily without the colors, they amplified the sound of the wind when you're on the right path.

Re: Naughty Dog Allegedly Found Bungie's Feedback on Binned The Last of Us 2 Multiplayer Extremely Helpful


Naughty Dog has a history of stagnant multiplayer game content, which aligns to the advice Bungie reportedly gave. Their games are a lot of fun, but consistent updates are required before it gets boring. UC2 had the most variety out the gate, with weekly events of specialized game modes (grenades only, RPGs only, pistols only, etc.) with the main issue being the lack of patches that prevent hackers from ruining the core gameplay. The 2011 PSN outage stopped their final update from ever appearing so fans moved onto UC3. UC3, fans begged for different colored outfits, let alone more gameplay modes and it was drip fed. UC4 has the most barebones gameplay compared to 2 and 3, 3 had more updates than 4.

Overall, their team would've had to hire more people for them to handle this live service title and still make more IP games. With all the layoffs happening, it was better to scrap this title when Naughty Dog already has backlash from not moving on from TLOU.

Re: Rekindle Your Romance with The Sims 4's Upcoming Lovestruck DLC


@savarunl Unfortunately, without competition, there's nothing stopping EA from milking updates through microtransactions in the Sims. Their standard practice of releasing the bare game to be filled by expansions has shifted more into greed with drip feeding previous bare game elements into game packs, expansions, and kits.

Re: Best Uncharted Games


Uncharted 1 was alright. Because I played it on PS3, the six axis controller dampened the experience + higher difficulty. It's not one I could replay again until the PS4 version cleaned things up nicely.

Uncharted 2 had the complete package on PS3, no question. Best story, gameplay, and plentiful modes in multiplayer before it broke right before the 2011 PSN outage. But with them removing the multiplayer on the PS4 collection, it's just a good story game now.

Uncharted 3 had an alright story and slightly better multiplayer experience, but not as many modes as 2. Felt like they took some steps forward but some steps back. Marlow wasn't an adequate enough villain compared to the previous games.

Uncharted 4, it was great but not quite high on replayability. Especially with the multiplayer being barebones compared to 2 and 3. I loved Lost Legacy, even though it leaned harder on the Tomb Raider comparison with expanding Chloe's past. And Golden Abyss was alright too.

Re: PlayStation Likely to Go All-Digital By PS7, Analyst Predicts


You never know. Vinyl was supposedly extinct by the 2000s, yet today it's gotten a huge revival with video game soundtracks releasing on them. Yes, that is music and not games, but there is a correlation if Sony continues to support physical media like they do with cassettes and cd players. Physical media should always be around so long as there's a market available for them.

Re: Dr Disrespect Admits Messages to Minor 'Leaned Too Much in the Direction' of Impropriety


@Korgon Twitch banned him preventing it from going further. His own company provided a statement saying they had waited until they looked at all the evidence in the situation before they decided to let him go. We can safely say it leans towards the worst. Showcasing the evidence to the public will only provide more harm to the minor in question. It's easy to speculate and give the benefit of the doubt, but it's more important to look at how the decision that was made then still applies today.

Personally, I didn't care for the guy after hearing him back up a someone who made a homophobic statement "to protect the children". Come to later find he was one that the children should be protected from.

Re: PS1 Classic Fear Effect Gunning for PS5, PS4 in 2025


@AdamNovice Fear Effect Reinvented was the planned remake. It was officially canceled around September though.

Fear Effects aged well with the cel-shaded art design, but man were those games tough at times. The plot was interesting enough, plus the added the eye candy. It'd be nice if they revived the canceled PS2 game Inferno as well.

Re: Hands On: They're Rough Around the Edges, But It's Awesome to Have PS2 Games Back on PS5, PS4


Tomb Raider Legend seems to follow the PS3's trophies, which was pretty easy to get.

So far Legend looks best played with the Modern filter. Default has the best lighting, but it reveals how blurry the textures are. Meanwhile, Classic Arcade & Modern Arcade filters makes game environment look lively, but there's a distinct blur over Lara's face and her character model. It's disorienting when having her move around.

Editing in to realize something. CD had chosen to remove the option to play the game in 4:3 and locked it to 16:9 display. It's a strange choice since the game was ported without any visual changes but they consciously removed that option when PS1 games allow you to switch between the two aspect ratios.

Re: Random: What Happens to Your Digital PSN Library When You Die?


It'd be nice to have an option for the account to be memorialized with an official status, so online friends could know. There's a few online friends I never removed, even though they haven't logged on since 2008 on PS3 days. Maybe they passed away, outgrew gaming, busy with life, or are active on a new account? I don't think too deeply on it other than remembering the good times. Scrubbing the account would be like destroying a photo.

Re: Classic PS1 Platformer Tomba! Arrives on PS5 in August


I remember Tomba, it was heavily advertised on TV here. With the chaotic commercials involving people with pink hair. Classic. Never physically owned the game, since it for a time got crazy expensive, so had to play the heck out of the demos until PS3 port. Can't wait to buy this now.

Re: PS Plus' Higher-Priced Extra, Premium Tiers Command 35% of Overall Subs


I wonder how many of the Extra/Premium tier subscribers are from the bank of players who had enough PS+ years stacked prior to PS Now being merged? I'm officially meant to start paying in September. I mainly subscribe for the classic games, and being able to play the games without popping in my disc as long as it's part of the service is nice.

Re: Live-Action Tomb Raider Series Officially Ordered by Amazon Prime Video


Well, Tomb Raider rarely is known for its gripping story. It's more so the character of Lara and how she's written. I'd welcome the change if we see something beyond Lara missing/honoring her parents and continuing their legacy. Since the Tomb Raider timelines are rumored to be merging, can hope Phoebe was a fan of the classic Lara over Legend / Survivor-era Lara.. Preferably her depiction in Angel of Darkness was shaping out her heart while remaining ruthless in action. As long as she's beyond honoring her parents legacy, I'd be fine with any changes to her character.

Re: Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement Backtracked on PC After Brutal Review Bombing Campaign


@Slapshot Yep, that's the main discourse over the situation. It did release with the requirement, but because the game launched with server issues the PSN restriction was lifted so the player base could access the game.

It's a battle of continually correcting the audience with facts vs. the consequence of not sticking with the requirement day one despite the server issues. Therefore, it was the PR solution to just leave it as is without the restriction. I think if Sony had no plans to acquire the developer long term, they would've just stuck to their guns and ate the criticism like usual.