Comments 84

Re: Reaction: You Said You Were Sick of PS5's Sad Dad Sims, So You Better Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is


I've never really understood that argument. Sony's studios do the more mature narrative games very well so of course they're gonna focus on those. But there's no reason why Astro Bot and Lego Horizon can't coexist with God of War and TLOU. It doesn't have to be one type or the other. I'm glad they're doing more games like this(will be buying both) but I also don't want them to do a hard shift either. Balance is nice.

Re: Talking Point: Have Sony's Third-Party PS5 Deals Made Up for Its Lack of First-Party Games?


Atm, I'd say it's working pretty well. As their bigger games take longer to make it's smart of Sony to get a Stellar Blade or Silent Hill to help fill the gap during that time. I've been enjoying what the PS5 has been getting. Plus I'd rather have it this way than have their first party studios just rush games out unfinished. There's WAY too much of that going on as it is.

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


Really sad to see all these people lose their jobs along with the projects they put all their time and effort into. But if most of these were live service games as rumored then at least Sony was smart enough to look at the perception and current state of live service and realize they really didn't need that many. Jim Ryan's push for that really screwed alot of their studios.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Fans' Overt Sexualisation Can 'Ruin Great Story Development', Says Cloud Actor


I kinda feel like he's missing the point a bit; shipping is just based on personal thoughts or feelings, a fun thing for fans to talk about. It's not meant to detract from the actual material. If I ship Cloud and Tifa it shouldn't affect the stories the creators tell because it's just a personal opinion and doesn't/shouldn't actually matter. People can definitely take things too far but that goes for any fandom, shippers or not.

Re: Stare Wistfully at The Last of Us Online PS5 Multiplayer Menu Screen


As sad as I am for the studio and all the time and effort the devs put into this project, after seeing that menu... yeah I'm glad they're focusing on what they know and do best instead. This is Naughty Dog after all and I would've hated to see them of all studios cannibalized into live service hell. Really sucks for the players excited for it though.

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