Comments 1,916

Re: Poll: Which Xbox Franchises Would You Buy on PS5?


Well first of all I want Killer 1 & 2 plus the remake followed by all the Bungie made Halo, Both Perfect Dark games, All the Gears games, Fusion Frenzy, all the 360 exclusive Jrpgs and many others!

Yes I should have gotten a Series console by now but I was actually planning to get the X this year, now though I'm going to wait and see how this all turns out because if I have the chance to play everything in one console I will

Re: Rec Room Dev 'Can't Justify' a PSVR2 Port


I don't know why Sony wouldn't want to highlight the PSVR2 at this moment now that they are so popular that a streaming only device basically for parents was able to fly off the shelves.

Why was the PSVR1 (and Vita) supported for longer and had more games made by Sony? PSVR2 has one and it wasn't even a full game, I would love to see what happened behind the scenes.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2


"it was the community vote that pushed Spidey over the edge."

Not even blaming you guys. Push Square, Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox game the GOTY to an exclusive from their platform. That's hardly a coincidence, the community is always going to give the edge to a game from their team.

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Baldur's Gate 3


Spider-Man 2 (Starfield for PX) beating a couple of perfect score games which includes what is probably the game of the generation just shows people will get behind their tribe no matter what, if SM2 was a 4/10 I doubt these results would be any different.

Re: PlayStation Reveals Most Played Games of 2023 by Region, Is Basically a Waste of Time


@Americansamurai1 "Really shows you why Sony is trying to get some successful live service titles of their own."

Well that's already collapsing on itself, the live service game that had a popularity advantage and best chance to succeed was tlou.

Also let's not forget Sony started the generation with a live service game that bombed so bad it was dead by release date and Sony was giving it away begging people to download it. Hello Destruction AllStars πŸ‘€

Re: Game of the Year: #6 - Street Fighter 6


@somnambulance there's no way they give RE4 the goty even though I wouldn't have a problem with it. BG3 and Spider-man will fight for goty and RE4 will probably take third place, but hey they might shock us all and name the unreleased PS5 version of The Day Before goty 🀷

Re: Game of the Year: #8 - Dead Space


What a fantastic remake, it mostly left the original in tacked while improving on many things which includes the beautiful visuals. This and RE4 should be the templates on how to do remakes properly

Re: Game of the Year: #10 - Cocoon


@somnambulance It looks like Re4 will end up pretty high on the list which will be controversial since it's technically not new, I never played it before the remake so it's new to me and many others πŸ™‚

Re: Insomniac Hackers Allegedly Leak Terabytes of Internal Information


Insomniac is probably one of the most inoffensive studios so I don't understand why they were targeted when there are more vile studios and entities out there (I wouldn't want those hacked either, well the studios anyway!).

That said is also pretty sad that Insomniac has practically become a subsidiary of Disney, I was hoping after Wolverine they would take a break from super heroes but it seems they are all in and it will become their calling card ☹️

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


@HonestTruth the PS5 has been a bit disappointing as far as the first party studios is concerned compared to the previous generations, definitely less variety (RIP Japan Studio).

Is a good thing exclusives only make up a small portion of what people play on their systems, many of us also want native 4k 60fps with ray-tracing (without having to choose) for our third party games!