Comments 48

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows' Japan Looks Stunning in New Open World Showcase


@nessisonett Ok, first of all he was a footnote in history. He wasn't a samurai by any accounts. The more important thing is why did they choose him over ANY other notable Japanese samurai in a huge history? They completely ignored centuries of names to pick this one person. If you can't see EXACTLY why they did it then I don't know what to say.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows' Japan Looks Stunning in New Open World Showcase


Imagine scouring Japanese history to find one anomaly that you build an entire game off of to just pretend you care about diversity. What a shame. They should have just celebrated the rich Japanese history in this game and made another game devoted to another culture. So many cultures out there with great stories that could be easily woven into a AC game. But that would have cost more than a token gesture.

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


The sad part is they haven't learned the lesson. They will F2P the game and it will fail again. There will be some streamers that will play it and claim it's good just so they can pretend to be the good guys. It will all be fake just for content. Nothing can fix the terrible art design, characters design or the fact it's just a cheap ripoff of Overwatch trying to cash in. Hopefully Sony will just right it off as a failure and move on. There does need to be some people fired but they most likely be the poor devs forced to work on this to make a living. No executives will be removed.

Re: Concord Devs Maintain Radio Silence, Which Isn't Helping Matters


All that is happening right now is a long discussion on how to shut this embarassment down and avoid as much damage as possible. The game is completely dead. There is no saving it. No, the F2P option will not work. They are busy writing a very carefully worded announcement that will attempt to shift blame and make excuses to the market and toxic gamers. They will never admit that every decision was bad. Character design alone should have been a flag. Someone put it out of it's misery so everyone can move on. I'm sure the developer is blaming everyone else for being toxic.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Sales Estimates Are Somehow Even Worse Than We Thought


This is exactly what we need to start reminding developers of what people don't want to buy. Live service games need to continue to fail to stop them. The problem is executives are too stupid to understand. This developer clearly should never be trusted to make a decision. Not one person there noticed how truly awful every aspect of this game turned out. The characters are so bad that I think someone needs fired.

Re: Talking Point: Can PS5, PC Shooter Concord Be Saved?


Sony is very greedy which makes the Bloodborne situation worse. They greenlit a full remake of Demon Souls which was shocking but not of Bloodborne. Everybody will buy Bloodborne. It's a pile of cash that Sony is ignoring for some reason. But they spent money on this game. Nothing makes sense now.

Re: Talking Point: Can PS5, PC Shooter Concord Be Saved?


Nothing will save it. I doubt Sony will even let it go F2P since that trick rarely works. Sony is much more prone to killing things now. Somebody over the years should have realized it was awful and stopped it. I guess now people need to pay attention and not let a bad project move on. Hopefully this will lead to more scrutiny and actually good games. It's time to be tough again and stop wasting money.

Re: Genshin Impact Fan Frustration Boils Over As Backlash Goes Viral


What's worse is people who still haven't figured out that all this diversity is actually just pandering by corporations to make more money. They are milking you in a slick way. Things are being made from a checklist now. It's just marketing and none of them really care about it. I will never tell any creator how to create. I just walk away and not support them. Fake diversity is worse than changing the natural thinking of a person. It's a fake world that has some influences, but not all. Most people would never even connect it. TIme to grow up.

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficulty Put You Off Playing It?


It doesn't bother me because I am intelligent enough to understand what the game is about. I don't buy a game then whine because it isn't to my liking. I simply go play something I will enjoy. If it's too hard then it's not for you. It's as dumb as buying and FPS game and being angry because there isn't enough fishing. Too many whiners now.

Re: Poll: So, What Are Your Thoughts on Dragon Age: The Veilguard?


I wouldn't even take it for free. It's very obvious the direction they went is heavily influenced in a certain way. This isn't Dragon Age. Remove the references and you can see it's one step above eurojank rpgs. It will fail and probably sink Bioware for good. EA is waiting to make another cut for the investors.

Re: Suicide Squad Teases Major Post-Launch Support, 'Hundreds' of Build Combinations


I couldn't care less about this game. The live service stuff will kill it. My issue is they decided to make a game based on characters no none cares about. My guess they couldn't figure out how to handle Superman since his powers make him tricky. Justice league would have the same issue but either of those games would be better. Suicide Squad has always been awful. After this failure, will they run back to Batman or actually make a game people want.