Comments 638

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


@PegasusActual93 Not at all. I get what you mean, but a huge part of Doom up til 3 was exploring the level and secret hunting after you've cleared out the main mission area. I miss those quiet moments in Doom, and feel like thats one area the new games have failed. Now they have giant markers on the map screaming SECRET which...means it's not a secret. And corpse-stay was important to remind you of areas you've been when mopping up secrets. And so was save anywhere functionality. Old school Doom and new Doom are just different beasts entirely.

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


@PuppetMaster I'm reticent to give them all the credit they deserve, and I admit that part of not wanting to do that is because they have pissed me off so much this gen. Sony was such a bright point for so long. It's depressing. I play my Vita more than my PS5, and (I say it all the time here, sorry) almost exclusively play PS4 games on my PS5. Sony hasn't lost their entire identity yet, but maaaaaaan are they close. I think games are better than ever, but I would go back to the PSP/PS3 days any time. That was just a great gen. Competition was fierce.
I don't think M$ has the same potential in the IPs they are sleeping on, but I can't believe how idiotic they've been now for a generation and a half. The joke has always kind of been "Yeah yeah, Gears, Halo, Forza," but they haven't even taken advantage of their acquisitions in a meaningful way, and now studios are being closed. They could be knee sliding playing a guitar solo this gen with IP's from the studios they've acquired. And I'm not big on exclusives, but I understand their importance and honestly would've had more respect for XBOX if they had the balls to follow through and make some exclusives. I'm more frustrated with them than I have been with a major player in a really long time. Probably since the Dreamcast. And if they shutter id, heads will roll.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Can Be Played Entirely Offline, Once You've Installed It


@Gamer_X Welp, this isn't an always online game. Just like Gamepass games, it needs a connection to install.
Not that I'm defending any of this. If this has a $20 complete option in a year (or 90 days, when they start telling us to focus on the next AC game...), I might pick it up. But I'm sure it will just be another one of these...which I almost always get five hours into and bounce.

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


@Gamer_X The strategy they were just forced into after Gamepass numbers have flattened? The one that has nothing to do with their original Gamepass strategy? Gamepass is great and all but going multi-platform with their big exclusives was not the "strategy." They aren't playing 4D chess here. They failed to get the traction they wanted, and now they're going with plan D. Most likely the penultimate contingency before plan E, Sell Sell Sell.
And for your other petty, fanboyish response about "old games" um, yes? I think games are better than ever but gaming is a cesspool, especially in the AAA space. Hell, I have to play comfort food games every now and then to get over the depression caused by certain AAA releases. And what new games are you babbling about on Gamepass anyway? Almost every one of them introduced this month could conceivably be in a back log. Besides Hellblade 2. That masterpiece.
I'd love for XBOX to be relevant again, but trying to make up for the XBONE's failures is just not working like they hoped. Phil said it himself. They lost the most important generation they could have lost, when everyone was building their digital libraries and familiarizing themselves with online marketplaces. I want them to have a come back. I just don't see it happening.

Re: XDefiant (PS5) - Solid Shooter Does Little to Stand Out, But Still Has Potential


Doesn't this game have obscene monetization? Like $30 and $70 skins, etc? I don't understand why none of this is mentioned at all in this review. Like yeah, I bet the game IS grindy, lol. Maybe tell us why. Reviews for ftp games are worthless without the review telling us how the store works.
CAN I PURCHASE "AIDEN PEARCE'S ICONIC CAP???" These are the hard-hitting points you guys left out.

Re: Rumour: New DOOM Game Reveal at Xbox Showcase, Coming to PS5


I'm going to go ahead and call that this will be a Quake crossover. If it is, I hope it is not spoiled at this event. They've alluded to this sort of thing for a long time now.
Doom is my favorite game and series of all time. I'm absolutely stoked for this. I know DoomE turned some people off, but I played that game for hundreds of hours.
...maybe it's time to reinstall?
I hope they absolutely nail it. I have a lot of faith in id.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Pre-Orders Already 'Looking Very Strong'


@DennisReynolds I wouldn't give the series best entry over a 7.5. All of the work that went into making the early games is undone by the awful combat, stealth, and missions. Yes, Black Flag included. Those games practically play themselves. Everything is a context-sensitive mess, like a bunch of QTEs stapled together. The latter games are bloated and full of the worst AAA practices.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Pre-Orders Already 'Looking Very Strong'


@Fopal So this black dude is based on a black dude that lived during that time, in that area, that did some samurai things. Take some time to build better straw men. People will swallow magic apples, Bizzaro George Washington, and pope wizard battles in this series, but not that a black dude who actually existed in this time could be our protagonist. What an incredibly stupid group of people.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Pre-Orders Already 'Looking Very Strong'


I hope it's great and all, but I can't see past all the shady "AAAA" BS for the time being. I don't care about the neckbeards pearl clutching at the specter of losing AC's sanctity. The series foundations, according to Ubisoft, only exist to ensure it's "annually exploitable," keeping the audience exploitable as well. Nope

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 529


I had to take apart my PS5, replace the wings with some that had ventilation, replace the heat sink, get an external fan, and remove the insane amount of dust in that thing. I'm not exactly blaming the console. It's been the center of the living room for the entire generation so far, and I've only ever taken a bit of duster to it. I was really surprised at the amount of dust. PSA, I guess: remove your fan from the console and get all of that dust out. Usually Fallout 4 will melt it, so I will have that on the tv to see if it runs cooler while I play Animal Well, Vampire Survivors, or Slayers X on my Switch, lol.