Comments 638

Re: Preview: Space Marine 2 Is a PS5 Blockbuster That's Worth the Hype


As a big retro shooter fan, I was pretty let down by Boltgunner. This game looks incredible. I'm really not the kind of guy that gets excited for MP shooters anymore. Not really since the 360, honestly. But this looks like a BLAST. It looks like the MP is going deep without being a live service. If not, the SP looks great too. Was t even really paying attention to this until now, so thanks for the read. Skill Up's video on it is great too.

Re: Yakuza Wars May Be the 'Surprising' New Game from RGG Studio


@Yagami can you imagine if the musuo graphics engine was as pliable as something like early id tech? There would never be another DW skin, erm, I mean entirely new game after like the 3rd mainline entry! Modders would have just made all of the games people want by now...and probably better than the games TC released into this cursed realm.

Re: Yakuza Wars May Be the 'Surprising' New Game from RGG Studio


I'd like a new Sleeping Dogs. A new Sleeping Dogs would be swell. I just can't do all of the cutscenes in Yakuza. I know, my loss. But when I'm saying "holy hell, okaaaaayyyyy SHUT UP! YOU AREN'T THAT INTERESTING!" every five minutes or so, for the first five hours of a game, I know it's not going to stick w me. I know they're rad games, I know it's a me issue but GOD. It was killing me.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 540


I started RDR2 again, because last time I tried it I think I was a little unfair to it. We'll see. It's a painful opening, man. Walk and talk is not for me.
Also I reinstalled Bloodstained: RotM on my Switch at someone's suggestion that the performance issues weren't nearly as bad anymore. I disagree. I got it on my PS5 now, and am a lot happier for it. I have too many games on my Switch anyway...

Re: Ubisoft Strikes Back at Star Wars Outlaws Leaks, Contraband Clip Offers New Hope


@Lord-Mucus of course I respect them. All 3000...
It's unsustainable. There is an inevitably that the AAA model will crash. Either games are made faster by ai and tons lose their jobs, or budgets decrease and more games are made on tighter budgets.
There's zero chance big publishers won't go with the former. At least in the short term. They should all be paying attention to Capcom.

Re: Ubisoft Strikes Back at Star Wars Outlaws Leaks, Contraband Clip Offers New Hope


@Lord-Mucus I didn't ask them to make a game with an insane budget, and most of the games that hit big don't look like RDR2. They look like Fortnite. Or Balatro. Or Minecraft. Or Palworld.
Maybe they should just make a fun game that fills a hole in the market, then move on to making another game.
Beyond that, the industry has taught us that a successful release at the big publicly traded publishers is rewarded with layoffs. The developers should know that as well.

Re: EA Sports College Football 25 (PS5) - Stunning Sim Worth the 10 Year Wait


@AhmadSumadi "He beat Joe Louis's ass!''
"That's true, he did whoop Joe Louis's ass..."
Also interesting tidbit you probably knew, but Eddie Murphy played the old white dude in the barber shop too. I think that might be the first time he did the whole "more makeup than man" thing. He said he was sick of just playing Eddie Murphy, so he started doing a lot of costumes and makeup (like Johnny Depp, but I think his motivations are more a method actor thing). Anyway, I recommend Dolemite is my Name, if you are a fan. It's good to see all of them in a film again, and Wesley Snipes is hilarious in it.

Re: EA Sports College Football 25 (PS5) - Stunning Sim Worth the 10 Year Wait


@riceNpea The only thing I'll say about that is that at least the college players are in the colleges they are representing. The NFL is a bunch of players playing for teams from areas/cities they aren't even from. So I guess you're just rooting for the team with the animal mascot you dig the most? Makes zero sense to me.
I WILL say that soccer broadcasts are hilarious to me. They will scream and replay when someone misses a goal like nine times. SOMETHING INTERESTING ALMOST HAPPENED! LET'S WATCH THAT EIGHT MORE TIMES! It is super popular though. Since all you need is a ball. I don't think something like hockey or American football will ever come close to that popularity of soccer because American football is kind of for privileged people. Like hockey, you need a lot of gear to play.

Re: Ubisoft Strikes Back at Star Wars Outlaws Leaks, Contraband Clip Offers New Hope


@Lord-Mucus the big publishers caused that problem, not us. They're betting that the Star Wars license has enough clout that they can sell this game for over $100. Pay that for this samey open world Star Wars branded Ubisoft uber-game, or you don't get all of the missions and content. Oh, and also you need to be online. Because they need to call us thieves too.
If they'd have just charged the $70 and let it be, everyone interested would be talking about how refreshing a release Outlaws will be.

Re: EA Sports College Football 25 (PS5) - Stunning Sim Worth the 10 Year Wait


I don't begrudge people getting a great sports sim. Back in the 8 and 16 bit era I'd play sports games because back in those days you played whatever you could. Also...they were fun, and felt good. I don't have much dog in this fight here, but it's difficult to trust reviews from typical outlets on this. So many times, the breadth of microtransaction frickery is barely touched upon. Or to what extent online connections are required. So, basically it's a wait and see how rough all of that nonsense is. This review mentions purchasing packs. That's it. To someone that won't touch a game with a ton of mtx or online requirements, this review is not helpful. Is this a situation where reviewers are not allowed to mention that stuff?
Edit: Yup. Just checking around a bit on Youtube confirms that it's a pay to win situation, with player packs even including NFL players in their college years to entice people to buy packs that cost up to $100. You know! To win! Cool. Hope that is helpful to people that weren't given the game for free.

Re: Video: Our Most Anticipated PS5 Games Of Late 2024


Most of what I'm interested will be coming to the Switch or the Switch's successor, I'm sure, besides Astrobot. I was surprised to see that AC: Shadows looks to have some decent stealth in it (they've almost caught up with stealth games from 1998!!!), but zero chance I'm getting a Ubisoft game new. Star Wars looks like it has some great atmosphere, but again...I'll wait until it is all patched up and $40 at most. I'm most interested in Mahvel and Switch releases.

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


There are a lot of them that have incredibly patchy combat. When an enemy switches direction mid-air and lands a punishing attack or attacks through walls or doesn't react at all when I attack them (but they can interrupt every one of my attacks...), I nope out quick.

Re: Dragon Quest Creator Says Silent Protagonists Look Like Idiots


@Haruki_NLI I tried to enjoy Borderlands 3 but it just never shuts up. That is my go to example of voicework killing a game for me. Yakuza is up there too. Not because the writing is bad even. It's just so overindulgent. It's not an unbearable cacophony like BL3, but I don't care enough to sit through hours of melodrama either.

Re: Random: U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris Potentially Linked to Shadowy Federal Bureau of Control


I'd really like it if Kamala won. I'm a single issue voter. I don't want the world to end. All this is really funny and sad, the whole dystopian future we are definitely just doing. I saw an article about how some of the right is claiming that the failure of the Secret Service to protect Trump was a DEI issue. In that same article, a woman agent was in front of Trump, shielding him with her body...dotdotdot...
The whole post-truth future we are living in is exhausting.
Anyway! Super happy people are being civil here! I'm sure it will last.

Re: Mini Review: Asphalt Legends Unite (PS5) - Over-the-Top Arcade Racer Serves Up Some Free Fun


@Northern_munkey Probably said this to you already, but Transmetropolitan is the way and the light.
I'm 43, and my thing is more that when a game is lengthy and repeatedly breaks it's own rules, I'm out. Like the first boss of Remnant, who kept attacking me through walls. I just said nope, and moved on after a few hours. I'm more than half dead. I'd rather go have some fun.

Re: Concord's Free Open Beta Is Performing Abysmally on PC


"The problem for Concord is that many PlayStation fans have had their pitchforks out for the project since the start"
Yup. "Doomed from the start" is just another way to say "Dead on arrival." Everyone knew this game wasn't going to pop off. For some reason, no one at Sony or the media listened. IT'S OUR FAULT!!!
Shrug. Live and learn.

Re: SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos Revived on PS4 with Rollback Netcode Next Week


They resurrected the bad one. That's hilarious.
Edit: REALLY though, what is up with those backgrounds? This is SNK, in 2003! Check out KoF 94.
I know that they were on incredibly shaky ground at the time, but c'mon...just use the old backdrops. This game looks like it is set in the post apocalypse.
Which, honestly, knowing SNK could be, but you get my drift.

Re: Mini Review: Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn (PS5) - Yeah, It's Pretty Good


@Anke I really appreciate you calling out the frustrating enemies and enemy placement. Those are details that will keep me from enjoying a game. I'm currently slogging (strogginnnnng???) through Quake 2: Ground Zeroes, and it is incredibly frustrating. Every opportunity to put an enemy at your back is taken, it has a fixation on tiny flying enemies and little crawling ***** that skitter all over the walls, and most levels end with an escape sequence. Luckily, the added compass makes those escapes easier. I can't imagine how awful they were back in the day.
Anyway end rant, thanks for mentioning the frustrating enemies. Can you tell me if the baddies just teleport in or are levels "lived in?"