Comments 638

Re: Preview: Ignore The Haters, Concord Is a Good PS5 Shooter We Can't Wait to Play More Of


I don't play online MP games, or FTP games that are somehow also $40. Have a grand time if you do!
The hero shooter thing is especially odd to me, as a big fan of classic fps. just want to play an fps with like one weapon? It's always seemed like a model that would make more sense as a co-op campaign where you switch characters or something. Look at Jericho! Or Brute Force! Did they not print money?!? Anyway, I'm probably just out of touch, and I'm okay with that.

Re: New PS5, PS4 Games This Week (15th July to 21st July)


I'm hoping I enjoy Kunitsu Gami...cause recently I've just been sitting in front of my PS5 and staring at the screen, feeling empty. Sometimes I install something that looks interesting for a few hours while I play a Switch game? I don't think I've been more disappointed in a Sony console then this gen.

Re: Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Announced for PS5, PS4, and Yes, It's an Arena Fighter


@homelesscretin I was interested for the developer and not the license. Almost everything Treasure did was legendary. If you never checked out their MD Yuyu Hakusho game, a translated rom is easy to track down. It was way, way ahead of it's time. 4 players, combo counters, cancels, supers, super cancels, different planes to fight on like Fatal Fury. Find it if you can!

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Essential Games for July 2024?


I might try Borderlands 3. I've played about ten hours of it on my Switch. It's a great port, but you know...looks pretty rough. The tone of the comedy is not for me, but I just muted the dumb voices and enjoyed the shooting. I always start Borderlands on a high, but after a while juggling all of the weapons between inventory space and comparing stats wears me out.

Re: Players Won't See Every Dungeon in Metaphor: ReFantazio, JRPG Offers a 'Lot More Freedom'


...what is this "going on a holiday" I hear about in other countries?
@Cloud39472 I'm guessing this means that the dungeons are largely procedural. So you may not have technically seen every dungeon by the end, but you will feel like you have ten times over. But maybe not!
Either way, I'm not touching this until Atlus releases the finished game. So like 18 months after release or so.
Edit: OH. I just looked it up, didn't realize this game has a time limit. So, never getting it, lol.