Comments 638

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


I say it all the time here, but I play almost exclusively PS4 games on PS5. That isn't to say I don't appreciate the console. I just don't see much current (apart from what Nintendo is doing) that is interesting. And a few of those PS4 games run at 60 on PS5, which is wonderful. I don't regret buying the console. It's just basically my PS4 Pro Squared.
And it looks like a Roman Numeral 5, which is neat I guess.
...wonder how many people didn't notice that, lol

Re: Founders, Long-Time Employees Reportedly Say Xbox Now Effectively Microsoft Gaming


@nomither6 I only had a Switch from 2018 until I got the PS5 near launch, to replace my kids' PS4. Unless we count handhelds, I was happy with just the Switch. I play PS4 games on my PS5. This current gen hasn't done much for me.
I think that if MS goes third-party, Sony will shoot themselves in the foot through hubris. Everything you've said makes sense though. I just think there's about to be a huge paradigm shift, and am positing one possible outcome.

Re: Founders, Long-Time Employees Reportedly Say Xbox Now Effectively Microsoft Gaming


They bought all these studios with great IPs and it looks like nothing is being done with them. BGS and Nintendo will throw out announcements that a fan-favorite IP is being worked on years before the game releases. While I do like a short turn around from reveals, XBOX needs a better reputation and a more distinct brand. If they picked up all of these studios and showed us some teasers for new Quake, Crash, Spyro, Fallout, etc etc etc, they'd be talking about why every single one of us absolutely need their console. Instead we are all expecting a similar move to when SEGA went third-party...

Re: More Xbox Layoffs Reportedly Inbound as Company Attempts to Cut Costs


I never thought they'd recover from the XBONE, even though I hoped they would. The console wars aren't interesting anymore and neither are the consoles. I play my PS5 a good bit these days, but it's mostly PS4 games. I'm glad we have Nintendo, but even then I don't think they will be doing anything too interesting any time soon.
I'm old, I LIKE console wars. I like exclusives. We need another big player, cause MS ain't it.

Re: Talking Point: Have Sony's Third-Party PS5 Deals Made Up for Its Lack of First-Party Games?


Sony has gone with a very bland identity for a while now. They do third person action games with lots of walking and talking. I honestly feel a little sorry for people that were introduced to their games through the PS4 onward. They were reliably weird af for a long time before that. Don't get me wrong their first party games are always great, even if some of them are not for me. I've just played a wholllle lot of third-person action games that think they have a lot to say.