Comments 638

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@mariomaster96 weird PlayStation version update story: I got a Vita copy of Retro City Rampage, and it came with cross-buy (remember that?) for PS4. The DX version was a free and automatic upgrade, because life was better then. Anyhoo, my copy wouldn't update on PS4, so I contacted Sony customer service. They tried but failed. Finally, I emailed VBlank, and asked what was going on. Brian Provinciano (the dude what made that game) explained that the Vita version was the only one that would not automatically update, and since my PS4 version came from there, it would not update either. Then he asked me for a good shipping address to send me a free PS4 copy. What a champ. I ended up buying the game on multiple platforms just cause that was so awesome of him.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


@Diowine Shrug.
My kids play a ton of harder games and some easy stuff as well. The whole "snowflake" thing is just more culture war nonsense meant to divide people. Big strong manly men worried about the sanctity of Disney Princesses and Star Wars (to be redundant).

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


It is too much for me! As I've said, I play on a Portal now, so the returns would just be too low with streaming. The kids play on the TV, but they are fine with the standard PS5. People want to spend that much, feel free. I just won't be on board for a while.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


Considering I play on the Portal and the kids play in front of the TV, not really worth it. The Portal would be compromised because it is streaming, and the kids don't exactly care about bleeding edge tech. I'm not saying it's pointless. If I was single with way too much money again, yeah, I'd buy one. No use for it here.