Comments 576

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@SleeplessKnight I disagree that going back to the uncharted well for the 7th time or whatever is a good idea.

And the fps story genre is practically dead and buried.

God of war you could argue was the exception to the rule but id argue they vastly changed the tone, gameplay and story depth of those games when they did the soft reboot.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


I think it is Hulst yeah.

Hastely promoted as mentioned here, I actually think that although Guerilla have a very good technical team, their games have always been pretty poor in the character, dialogue and story department. Something that Hulst never managed to turn around in his time in charge.

And then he was promoted over and over again, in spite of this. I'm sure you can point to guerillas sales as being a good team with a good leader but I just don't think they make very good creative decisions. Both of their major franchises just chase current trends (first person shooters, then open world games) but never perfected the genres they were chasing.

And now, Concord fails, a game pushed by Hulst...a game that fails in the character department, is chasing current trends in 2024 (live service hero shooter) and has a poor story. Sound familiar?

Re: Dead Rising's PS5 Remaster Will Strip Bonus Points for Erotic Photos


@jrt87 Thats not what I think at all but cool, just put words in my mouth.

I'm really just explaining why a decision like this gets made.

It boils down to ratings boards. Getting an AO rating is tied to in-game behaviour deemed damaging to society. Remember Hatred? You could argue it's the same as GTA and if you're simplistic it is, but it's not the same. The game rewards the player and its story is to massacre innocent civilians as much as possible.

The points for Erotica in this game used to not really be much of a thought in 2006. But now, this action is a crime in real life. When this game gets to the censor board, it will be pulled up that the game features a mechanic where the player is rewarded for taking creep shots of unsuspecting women and judged on that.

And when a game gets rated AO, Walmart wont stock it and a lot of countires (including the UK) have rules about publicly advertisting it.

It's an ass covering exercise by Capcom. Thats it

Re: Dead Rising's PS5 Remaster Will Strip Bonus Points for Erotic Photos


@jrt87 I remember that throttling dogs thing. Has absolutely nothing to do with the current conversation, but hey, its cool to remember things congrats.

If 2006 Frank West is a satire of a photojournalist grabbing sleezy upskirt shots to sell to the newspaper, in 2024 page 3 no longer exists and if you brought a photo of a random womans breasts to a newspaper editor he'd ask you to leave.

Re: Dead Rising's PS5 Remaster Will Strip Bonus Points for Erotic Photos


@DeepEyes I don't even think you know what you're trying to say at this point.

Capcom dont want the game to reward you for this behaviour as its now considered to be a crime. It wasn't when the game came out. You can still still do these things, you just wont get 100PP every time you do it. In the same way that you can still run over pedestrians in GTA but you dont get rewarded for it.

You're still free to do it.

Re: Dead Rising's PS5 Remaster Will Strip Bonus Points for Erotic Photos


@DeepEyes It's the act of reward for killing that needs to be considered.

If you shoot civilians in COD, the mission fails. Killing civilians in GTA doesnt reward you with extra guns or trophies or anything.

You can still take photos of women in this game. You can still kill women, take a photo up their skirts and then stroke your stuff to your hearts content.

It's the act of giving you Prestige Points and rewarding you for doing it thats problematic and why they've disabled this in the remaster.

Re: Movie Review: Borderlands - As Bland As the Brand It's Based On


It's so funny this even exists.

Blanchett gave an interview recently where she was practically asked "why did you agree to do this garbage lol"

and she as good as said "i was going mad stuck in my house because of the covid lockdown and they offered to fly me out to Hungary for a month. I didnt bother reading the script I was just so desperate to get out I agreed to it"

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony Right to Resist Adding PS5 Exclusives to PS Plus Day One?


Game budgets keep increasing, and subscription rates eventually plateau.

If you offer everything day 1, eventually you will have no choice but to reduce game budgets.

The result will likely be in 2040, your first party games still have 2020 budgets and are not quite as cutting edge as they used to be. Or you jam them with microtransactions, something MS have done with Forza and a few of their other day 1 titles