

always have some TIME to KILL^^

Comments 434

Re: Final Fantasy 16's Dog Companion May Be PS5's Best Good Boy Yet


Well, apparently can't even look at the good sites anymore and not see stuff I rather find out for myself when PLAYING-.-' maybe I should just stop visiting news sites altogether and just look up release dates..

Btw, it's not this news specifically that's bothering me. It was just one too many to ignore.

Re: Xbox Boss Admits Microsoft Can't 'Outconsole' PS5


In a way it's true what PS4 was the most important generation as far as creating a lasting customer relationship is concerned. Digital games really took over that gen and of course you wanna take your growing library with you.

I say this but I'm more than prepared to get b!tchslapped in the face with the next Nintendo console xD

Re: Destiny 3 Begins Trending on Twitter As Fans Are Fed Up with Current Game


@TooManyBrownies: Yeah, for me the mentioned reasons sound like excuses, so I didn't mention them:
-lack of other games, I mean seriously? All the time they spend complaining could be used searching for the next game on steam or wherever, that grabs 'em.
-addiction in gaming is probably something I'll never fully understand. For me it sounds like an excuse for weak minded people.

As for the other stuff it's just like I said my outsiders perspective and my subjective opinion. I just would never continue to play something that stops being fun for me. I have never cracked even the 1000 hour mark on any of my favorite games, but they are all offline experiences, where I'd have to play them 10+ times for that. Maybe in 20 years some games will be at that point for me xD

Re: Destiny 3 Begins Trending on Twitter As Fans Are Fed Up with Current Game


@TooManyBrownies: If someone has 100+ hours on a game, I'd say they like it enough. When I play something as extensively I also notice the tiniest things that start to bother me. I think it comes with the territory and is just a testament to how much I love the game. Why else would I go so deep into it? Of course with that comes a certain passion and some people just can't control it and start bothering other people^^

At least that's how I see it..
edit: I might wanna clarify that I only played Destiny 2 for about 40 minutes. It's an outsiders perspective for me. I tried almost all the major MMOs but so far none grabbed me the way I like it

Re: One Piece Odyssey DLC Reunion of Memories Announced for PS5, PS4


@Sakisa: I can relate xD I feel like half the game took place in Alabasta and whenever the plot got interesting they just sent you to another past to revisit stuff you already know with a slight twist...really wished there was more original content.

But aside from that I liked it well enough.

Re: Oh No, 'Exciting' Persona News Has Been Teased Again


Yeah P5 truly has a nice visual style and artwork too. It also ditches the "randomized dungeons" from its predecessors. It only bothered me, that so many days are spent doing boring jobs and chores to build your personal stats.

As a story and gameplay focused guy Trails has everything I ever wanted and more. And it's all thanks to the connected overall story between games. It's incredibly rewarding to see events unfold set in motion a couple games ago and see the characters grow. I really wish more developers had enough faith in it's audience to risk having such continuous storytelling. But I'm starting to ramble now so let's stop here...

Re: Legendary Game Designer Shinji Mikami Leaving Tango Gameworks


Well first they aquired his studio, then MS aquires the studio that aquired him. I would speculate he's not in a place he wanted to be in and is either gonna join some other third party or just create another studio.

The big mistake MS apparently made is not contracting the important workforce behind their aquired stuff. What use is a bought studio if all the important people leave it xD