

always have some TIME to KILL^^

Comments 434

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Reveal Trailer Is Already the Most Disliked in Series History


So just because there was one notable black person serving in Japan, we need to play as them instead of thousands of noteworthy japanese samurai, ninja, etc.
I don't wanna do that. I'd just feel out of place all the time in a setting like that. Even if we have the other protagonist. She'll probably lack half the skills the black one will have. Well, not like I'm not drowning in games I like.

Re: GreedFall 2 May Not Be the Game You Think It Is


I saw that. Kinda nice because I have way too many games lined up for this year. I can check this out a couple years later than. Maybe I'll be in the mood again for this kinda game by then^^
Still havent even touched Baldurs Gate

Re: New Fallout 4 PS5 Update Is Available to Download Now


@JalapenoSpiceLife : yeah, I thought more about it in a way how you can remove specific DLC from the game like the Automatron DLC, nice and safe without loosing the ability to get trophies. But yeah, Creation Club stuff doesn't usually show up there.

With the mods I would sacrifice getting trophies, I know. Still got a lot of time to think about how I wanna handle it. I kinda do wanna get the Platinum again...Will probably be a spontaneus decision as always.

And thanks for not spoiling Cyberpunk for me. Should be the standard to not do that, but I know it's not xD

Re: New Fallout 4 PS5 Update Is Available to Download Now


I have been looking at playing Fallout 4 again after - funny enough - 4 years. But all these new issues kinda pushed me into replaying Cyberpunk 2077 first. Interestingly after all these years I still run into some design issues, but having fun so far. Excited to see what Phantom Liberty is all about^^

I hope the Creation Club quests aren't to long. Really don't like those non-voiced questlines, they just don't feel original. Maybe I can deactivate them somehow on ps5...or mod them out when I get to it xD

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows the Actual Name of AC Red, Reveal This Week


Is this the first time in two decades that not everything about their next AC game has been leaked beforehand? Nice job, Ubi xD

Playing AC Valhalla to completion which took almost 200 hours exhausted me quite a bit, but enough time has passed to make me excited again. Will probably wait until the game and all DLC is done so I don't have to play it twice

Re: Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Will Be Locked Behind Expansion Pass


They've been doing stuff like this for quite a while now. With every new release they did something a little more egregious. Probably trying to feel out what they can get away with.

I'd say they are getting a little out of hand. This'll probably end in an outcry, a boycott, review bombing or the like soon. I can see them walking back certain future pricing models some time this or next year if this continues.