Comments 112

Re: Talking Point: Is 2024 Too Soon for PS5 Pro?


I think we can a expect a Slim PS5, like sony always did with their consoles.
Given the global economic state, the lack of current-gen only tittles and how expensive manufacturing has become, I think a PS5 pro is very unlikelly.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Hogwarts Legacy?


I think its an 8. While everything looks great, there are still some quirks on the way they optimized the game. Culling is very noticable when the camera glitches on the doors, loading times on doors NEED to be gone in future updates, there are many animation issues (just try using a stair pushing and releasing the stick).
And some quests are just repeated missions with different assets.

But the atmosphere, graphics, attention to detail, music and combat are amazing

Re: Uncharted PC Port Has Lowest Player Count of Any Sony Game at Launch


I mean, this entire franchise has always been a PlayStation exclusive, launching it in a new platform, but only the fourth game in a narrative driven franchise seems a little alienating.
I don't understand why they didn't release the remastered trilogy before the fourth entry. I bet more people would be interested.

Re: Rumour: Reliable Leaker Teases the Return of Alone in the Dark


The last single-player Alone In The Dark had quite good ideas, and it was clearly rushed by people who did not understand game development. The fire and physics mechanics were very interesting and unique for the time, and it had interesting ideas. If they give it care and time it deserves, this franchise could turn out great.

Re: GTA 6 Has a Female Protagonist, New Report Claims


So, we have good news and bad news.
Finally, a female protagonist. It was about time, the humour and sexism on GTA was getting pretty old.

But what about "adding new missions and cities"? So this is going to be a live-service game? Just give me a good single-player game.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Sorry, But Your Cute Cat Game Isn't That Great


This argument is pretty poor.
You are basically saying, "if you take the core element of the game, it's not that great"
It could be applied to any game that you personally don't like, or that doesn't resonate with you.
I could say, if you take modern warfare weapons and narrative from COD, it's just a linear corridor shooter game.

Re: Poll: Is The Last of Us: Part 1 Really a 'Cash Grab'?


As is everything related to Sony, communication is the big problem with this. It feels like a cash-grab because communication has been horrible, not showing what are the gameplay changes, the improvements made on the engine compared to part II, and they should always compare it to the remaster, not to the ps3 original, since the ps4 remaster is what is available for everyone.

I'm not convinced that, even with the visual upgrades and gameplay tweaks, this should be $70.

Re: PS4 Games That Need a PS5 Patch


I doubt Spyro and Arkham Knight will ever have a 60fps mode.
Spyro has movements and physics attached to framerate. On PC you can unlock it and Spyro jumps slower and sometimes slides on the ground.

Arkham Knight streaming was based on 30fps cap. On PC it was a horrible mess, and even after many patches, it still stutters like hell on high framerates.

Re: Delayed PS4 Multiplayer Spin-Off Resident Evil Re:Verse Re-Emerges


I honestly think a multiplayer version of RE could work of they focused more on puzzle and horror aspects of the franchise and not on action and killing.
Would be great to have to solve puzzles in different mansions, labs, with players doing different things.

This feels to me like a better spin-off than making characters battle.

Re: PS5 VRR Support Finally Coming This Week, Select Games Receiving Extra Optimisation


@IonMagi Sony is actually being more honest than Xbox.
Vrr will work and improve the feel of games that can't keep a constant capped framerate. This is how it works on Xbox.

Sony is actually incentivizing developers to unlock their frame rate and make their dynamic resolution scaling less restrict so games could reach better visuals and framerates taking VRR into consideration.

Re: Hideo Kojima's New Project Getting Lots of Sony Love


@lolwhatno I honestly never thought I would like it.
Specially because it does feel like a walking simulator at first, and I find most of Kojima's writing inaccessible... but it does have a uniqueness, and if you accept its different approach on gameplay and story, there is something special for you to enjoy.

Re: GTA 5 on PS5 Features Three Visual Modes, Faster Loading, Enhanced Graphics, Much More


My bet is that it will look worse than PC on ultra (less vegetation and density) but with RT reflections on cars.
They will charge full price with no ps4-ps5 path, while companies like Capcom just announced 3 game upgrades for free.
They are not showing any screenshots (other than 3 very edited and obviously photoshop-treated pics), any videos and no price.
While the game will be out in 11 days.
This smells like a train wreck, just like the Definitive trilogy