Comments 988

Re: Silent Hill F Revealed for PS5 in Debut Trailer


It's a horror game, and looks very good graphically.
But it simply doesn't have the Silent Hill feeling and general atmosphere...

My guess: 7 rating game... "there but not back again" so to paraphrase..

It's dark scenes are still too bright, you can clearly see all your surroundings, diminishing the fear of the unknown, the fear of making a few steps forward because you may stumble on a creature just waiting or roaming in the dark close by, unseen until it's too late...
Quite a few scenes are too colorful...
And it doesn't "raise the hair on your back" so to speak, as SH2 does for example...
Maybe the full game will prove me wrong, but I don't bet on it.

Re: Don't Sleep on Promising PS5 Dark Fantasy Hell Is Us


The game got my attention form previous presentations, I'l certainly keep an eye on it.

About the secret mentioned at the end: there are cows in the game as shown at 01:26, and there are also the humanitarian trucks. Depending on the game's mechanics, one of those could solve it.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Length Between 40 and 80 Hours, New Game+ Under Consideration


Depends very much on how good and entertaining AC Shadows is.

The Witcher 3 was ~75 hours long, with >150 hours for completionists, and didn't have that much drama around it, because of it's exquisite quality... Some sidequests were even better than the mainline, of course you'd delve into them all.

AC Valhalla was about the same length as Witcher 3, but it was capital Boring, an issue that contributed a lot to it's perceived length...

I loved AC Odyssey (made by the same team that does AC Shadows), and despite it's 45h/140h length, I've completed it 3 times + all of it's DLC's - it was that entertaining.
So if AC Shadows ends up in the same ballpark, it'd be grand!

Re: Random: Bloodborne Fans Cope with State of Play No-Show


What we'll receive at the end of March is the usual annual "Return to Yharnam" fan gathering call, for all to join the game for its anniversary, but that's about it...
It's still up to fans to entertain fans for at least 1 more year, until Sony manages to address the hole they've left in their own catalog after spending billions trying to find GaaS gold mines...

Re: Reaction: The PS5 Discourse Around State of Plays Is Becoming Draining


Those reactions aren't so much about Sony's shows, as it is about Sony's attitude towards it's in-house games and towards us as clients.

They wasted a couple of years and billions of $ investing in GaaS games, and now that that (predictably) imploded, they are trying to pick up where they left off with the games that brought them their success.
I get the reason, doesn't mean I like it, or that I have to forget it happened. It was a gross management error, that won't be easily forgotten.... or forgiven... especially by the fans of their epic in-house SP games.

Sony has built a huge fanbase for years around it's SP games, only for it suddenly to throw it in the trash and go hunting for life service unicorns instead.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean "GaaS BAD" - just not GaaS 95%, the rest of the games - whatever!
They must strike a balance, compromise!
Don't cut the chord abruptly and go cold turkey, they must find a way include 1 or 2 GaaS titles into the game development "machine" instead of ignoring almost completely what many of their existing clients want and expect!

What they did was a mistake that cost more than half the life of the PS5 in this regard (in-house SP games), and it will take at least the rest of it's lifecycle to get back on track with them.

Until then, some fans will be more bitter than others...
It's unavoidable, unfortunately, simply because trust and respect will NOT be rebuilt/regained overnight, no matter how much others disagree.
It will pass , of course.
But it will take at least 1 more year for that to happen, and only IF, and I stress the IF... Sony shows, bit by bit, sure, but constantly, that it understood the message and it steers in the direction it's clients want.

Including at least 1 game from their own studios in every State of Play is a good step forward, for example. We'll see if they stick to it, and maybe even up the ante in this year's Showcase.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play for February 2025?


@Loamy Lately both show types are centered around 3rd parties, that's the problem.
As in the last few years Sony was so obsessed with chasing GaaS unicorns, they ignored development on other non-GaaS games. Now that that's more or less busted, they are left with very little to show for than expected, and are just slowly starting to "pull up their pants" as it were...
This is all on Sony's mismanagement, and the state of both shows lately indicates precisely the reality they're in.
Guess they'll start picking up the pace in the 2nd half of 2025, but until then...

Re: Crysis 4 Put on Ice as Crytek Announces Significant Layoffs


The OG Crysis fame was much more based on its graphical prowess than the actual gameplay.
Finished it once, was OK, but as a game it did not rise up to match the hype around it's name.
Goes double for it's 2 sequels, which I found too boring after a few hours, and never finished them.

Imo it would be best to leave it at the current trilogy.
But if somehow a 4th game gets to be made in the future, I hope it's a complete reboot, with reinvented gameplay and mechanics.

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Character Swapping Explained, Loyal Players Won't 'Miss Out'


@nessisonett Edited for a better understanding.
The idea that "you're not "missing out on things too much" if you favour one hero over the other" is what I don't quite like.
Imo the game would have benefited more from allowing players to carve a chosen path, meaningful for the ending... instead of "play however you want, it won't matter that much in the end anyway" style.
I'll play the game anyway, but I think that approach would have been much better.

Re: Sony Will Bundle PS5 with 2024's GOTY, Says New Report


Include custom Astro console plates and the Astro controller, and it'll increase it's sales even more...
Missed opportunity imo, an Astro custom console + specific controller bundle should have been released by now, at the very least officially teased for the near future, to profit from the tide generated by the game's success...

Re: Rumour: God of War Is Taking a 'Younger' Kratos Back to Greece


I prefer they cover the gap between Greece and the North, and set that in Egypt, as implied by the scene in God Of War 2018.

But if they are fixed on Greece as glue on paper, then I hope it's a Reboot.
Played the OG games at least a dozen times each, Remakes/Remasters of those titles are last on my "GoW wish list".

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 567


Started Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 today.
I'm 3 hours in and having a good time. Even managed to finally win the first dice game 🎲🎲 That is 6-7 tries and 1 tutorial video later, 'cause the game's tutorial on the activity is so simplified that it's useless...
Combat is a quite finicky exactly as stated by reviews, but you get better at it with practice. I feel it is, however, overly complicated for no real reason other than to be different from other games...
Anyway, overall, so far, the game makes me wanna keep playing, and that's one of the main traits a very good title has.
Have a fun weekend everyone!

Re: Poll: Would You Buy a PS5 Mouse Accessory?


I see it as the equivalent of Dualsense's Haptic Feedback on PC.
Maybe a mouse would be used on consoles, but I don't see it becoming very popular on consoles, unless some intriguing and attractive support is implemented by game devs especially for it, to boost user adoption.

Re: Spider-Man 2's Looking Like Another PC Own Goal from Sony


PS5 sold. As a result, most people that love it's exclusives have already played them in the interim between PS5 launch and PC launch.
If Sony wants to continue to make PC ports, they should bring them earlier (3-6 months tops from console launch), and with a better quality. If not, then they should give it up completely.
Not to mention the whole PSN account debacle, and Sony pulling it's games from regions that don't have PSN - worse decisions they've made for PC.
They went back now and made Log In optional at least, but there's still no mention about resuming sales in regions sans PSN...

Speaking of port quality - i've seen many in Steam comments blaming Nixxes.
How about this
Sony has launched a lot of PC ports lately (one every 3 months, is it?), and Nixxes was responsible for a lot of them.
I doubt the current Sony administration has even cared to increase the studio's workforce...
Nixxes have already proved in the past that they can make good PC ports - so my guess is they are understaffed for the amount of work Sony has put on their back lately.
Rush, crunch and stress favor no one, no matter how experienced or gifted... and can certainly lead to mediocre results like this one.

Re: Former Rockstar Animator Doubtful GTA 6 Will Run at 60fps on PS5


Yeah, we all know how those locked 30fps will actually be, dipping into 20-25fps or lower in very crowded areas...
Maybe they should slow the... down with the graphical advancements for a few years, given the abysmal PC gaming GPU market and the current gen consoles limitations?
GTA6 should be all about gameplay and platform availability, and not boundary-pushing graphics.
We'd rather have a game with good normal graphics running at 60fps than a "technological marvel" that barely reaches 30fps on current gen...
But who am I kidding, the GTA6 dev/publisher are probably "encouraged" $_$ to crank the graphics up thus driving the need for better hardware, especially on PC...

Re: Rumour: God of War Will Tackle Egyptian Mythology in Next Game


@mountain_spider You look at it as a single game. It's not.
Given the series success they could very well do 2 separate story lines, one for closure one for moving forward.
Do remember that they already hinted at his soon-to-come "retirement" with his reply to Atreus:
"We should finish this journey while I still have strength"
To me that says a lot.
What would actually be next for Kratos after Ragnarok?
Growing old, and mostly teaching and advising?
Going forward means leaving Kratos behind as the main (anti) hero. And all that while not entirely completing his arc.
How's that doing any justice to Kratos as a character, after all those years and GoW games?
I have nothing against going forward, but not at the expense of tying up loose ends.

Re: Silent Hill 2 Has Been Massively Successful on PS5, PC


Remaking SH2 was a very high risk-high reward scenario for any studio - do it perfectly right from the start, or fall - hard.
This time it worked brilliantly, to many ppl surprise BT managed to pull it off big time.
I loved the OG SH2 game back in the day, and really enjoyed playing the Remake from start to finish.

Bloober's next game will be equally risky, being a new IP and all, in a genre that's very harsh and hard to make a successful entry in.
I hope it will also be equally as entertaining.

Bravo BT, keep it up!

Re: Rumour: God of War Will Tackle Egyptian Mythology in Next Game


I hope the trip to Egipt is a prequel to the Northern games, just like the scene from GoW 2018 suggested.
That part of Kratos journey, from Greece to the Nordic lands, is missing.
It would be great to bring his character arc to completion, to see the change from the ever angry warrior to a more "calm and reasonable person" starting to happen.... the reasons for choosing to go down that road, how he deals with the disaster he left behind in Greece, and what will ultimately bring him to the north.
Maybe even how he meets and gets to know Faye, as part of the final game (if it ends up being a new duo/trilogy) ? That part is largely unexplored in the 2 nordic games, there's a lot of potential there too.

Re: Preview: Assassin's Creed Shadows Is the Golden Ticket Ubisoft Needs


I like what they've done with the game in the interim, they really worked on improving it, it looks and feels much better.
I hope they include a Photo Mode, as i suspect some of those vistas will just beg to be used as wallpapers.

They still need to work on streamlining that HUD though, it's still cluttered and rough on the eyes, compared to other games. I hope they at least offer some options to optimize it.

Gonna play it, that's certain, will get 1 month of Ubisoft+ on launch day and dive right in.

Re: Horizon's MMO Appears to Have Been Cancelled


outside of the enormous success of Helldivers 2, the platform holder appears to be really struggling to make anything stick.

Maybe they should finally stop wasting tons of money hunting GaaS unicorns, and restart prioritizing investments in what they do best - epic SP games?

GaaS games should have never been considered such a priority by Sony, given their uncertainty and risk of failure.
They should have invested in one GaaS title at a time, for example, but as a side project.
But no... instead they treated new SP games in their own internal franchises as a side-project, and concentrated / bet everything on the simultaneous development of... what... 4-5 GaaS titles ?

Now behold the results... canceled games, job cuts, closing studios etc.
And on top of it all: ending up with a lackluster PS5 exclusive portfolio, in the 5th (!!) year of it's lifecycle. Wth?
They even ended up transforming the PS Showcases or State of Plays in 2023 and 2024 in 95-100% 3rd party title presentations, 'cause they have almost nothing to show from their own studios!
Anyone remember the kind of show they put on at E3 2016 when they announced the new God Of War? The pride they had in their own IP, the investment in it's development and marketing etc.
Where is that Sony ?? That is the company we need back!

The current situation rests squarely on Sony's faulty management practices in the last ~2-3 years (even more).