Comments 466

Re: Talking Point: Is PlayStation Right in Saying PC Isn't a 'Major Risk' to Console Business?


Personally after using GFN it convinced me to go all in on PC and I've never looked back. I still use my Xbox and ps5 here and there but there's such a gap between how console games look and play compared to PC which feels even bigger this gen it's just a game changer.

Games look and feel so much better and full ray tracing makes stuff like Indiana Jones or outlaws look amazing compared to consoles while still getting 60+ often around 100fps

Games are also cheaper and like 30 or 40 years worth of backwards compatibility, mods, people actually fixing games when devs don't bother, emulation and now I've got a steam deck and a rog ally I can play whatever where ever

Re: Talking Point: Would You Want a Steam Deck-Like Portable PlayStation?


Not really. Most PlayStation games come to PC and most of the back catalogue is already on PC, it won't have exclusive games so what's the point.

Better off with the rog ally or or steam deck (I have both) and can play the likes of ragnarok or forbidden West just fine already.

Steam deck and rog ally are probably the 2 best gaming things I've brought since 360 days really (not including building a very good PC and moving to PC gaming mainly this gen)

Re: Sony Reportedly in Talks to Acquire Elden Ring Dev's Parent Company Kadokawa Corp


@Rich33 well I mean yes gamepass has gone up but not by loads and I'd still probably the best deal in gaming and having all the ABK only helps. As for brining games to ps 🤷 i wish Sony didn't have exclusives either. I'd have 0 issue seeing any Sony game on Xbox and vice versa.

These days publishing in gaming space is where the moneys at and PC gaming is only getting bigger (Ive personally gone PC after being quite dissapointed in this gen but own all 3 major consoles)

The more people that play games from studios owned by Xbox the better for them and all of us really

Re: Metacritic Responds to Ongoing Dragon Age: The Veilguard Review Bombing Campaign


I find steam to be the most accurate user reviews.

Im mostly enjoying it even though it's not a dragon age game and feels much like a young teens my first rpg.

I personally don't agree how high the reviews are for it and even though the writeing is at best average, the voice acting is just about ok, story is meh and the design makes it looks like a pixar film.

The problem with the "wokeness" if you will is very heavy handed and poorly done and not written like real people, or at least I hope real people don't act and talk like that. Mabey some Americans do but still 🤷

Re: PS5 Dominates UK Black Ops 6 Sales, As Game Pass Causes Xbox Share to Collapse


Gamepass is still one of the best things in gaming and adding cod onto it is a great win. I'd normally be paying 70+ for it but just got the vault edition upgrade much like everyone I know who got it on gamepass ans I'm willing to spend abit more money on the BP which I imagine is the same for a wedge of people.

They have already said it drove a big old spike for gamepass and the amount and the most successful cod launcher ever (think they mean day 1 players).
It's also a great game that's going to sell real well and make most of it's money from skins and the BP so win all Round for the multie trillion$ that is MS

Re: Microsoft CEO Says More Xbox Games Will Come to PS5, Hours After Rumours Said Porting Project Was Paused


It makes swns9for Xbox to out as many games on ps5 and Nintendo as possible. You've got the great deal that is gamepass to draw people into the Xbox ecosystem then hopefully a next gen Xbox as they don't seem to be doing the refresh.

Then make up a wedge of money from sales on other platforms. Its a win all round really for MS and a win for people on all consoles and pc