Comments 509

Re: Overwatch 2 Will Be Free-to-Play on PS5, PS4


If the monetisation is the same as it was on Overwatch 1, I might give it a look (I kinda burned out of 1, and felt cheated after shelling out for loot boxes for a specific skin which then turned up again the following year, under the misapprehension that it was "now or never" to get the skin during a timed event).
If there is any of this manipulative "season pass" bullsh*t or other innovations I'll be staying well clear.

Re: PS5 Exclusive Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Is a Year Old


It was the last game I platted after picking it up recently. Absolutely stunning game, with great gameplay. I loved some of the later movement abilities in particular - without wishing to spoil anything those of you who know will know what I mean. Some of the later levels were full of glitches like the floor or boss not loading at all and requiring a full game-app close and re-boot, which is weird to see in a title that has been out for a year. Overall, a fantastic game.

It's extrinsic to the game, but I felt the platinum was too easy. I'd have spent more time on it if I had to max out every weapon in Challenge Mode, and I'm kinda disappointed that that wasn't required if I'm honest.

Re: Reaction: PS Plus, PS Now's Makeover a Necessary and Positive Step for Sony


I'd be interested to know whether PlayStation intends to offer games that had previously been in the catalogue at a steep discount to subscribers if they get rotated out of the catalogue. My fear with these types of services is starting a game and then finding that it's been rotated out when I want to come back and finish it and I'd feel pretty cheesed off to have to pay full price for it in those circumstances.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Gran Turismo 7 Still Leading the Pack Following Online Issues


I don't know if this is connected to the online troubles the game has been having, but I got 3 weird emails from Sony this weekend, the first congratulating me on achieving the platinum in GT7 in 18 hours and 57 minutes, which is apparently faster than 88% of players, the second, 3 minutes later, welcoming me to GT7 and inviting me to join the community, etc, and the 3rd, sent one minute later, congratulating me on "finding my line" and achieving the Finale trophy, and saying that I only had 13 more trophies to go until platinum.

I don't even own the game and thought I'd been hacked, but everything seems to be alright - GT7 isn't in my library, and my funding source hasn't been abused.

Anyone else had this weirdness?

Re: Here's Your First Look at PS5's PSVR2 Headset, Which Is Lighter and Slimmer Than the Original


I don't understand those controllers at all. With Beat Saber being the top-selling PSVR game every month, you'd have thought that more attention would be paid to the needs of that game when it comes to controller design. These look cumbersome and awkward to play with (for instance, I wouldn't be able to cross my hands over one another without smashing those controllers' orbs together, possibly breaking one or both of them).

Maybe Beat Games has a custom controller up its sleeve. If not, I'll wait to see what the Beat Saber community makes of these controllers before buying PSVR 2, and consider abandoning ship to Oculus Quest or something.

Re: Guardians of the Galaxy Is a Significantly Smaller Download on PS5


@artemisthemp On games that are going to be loaded from HDD platters, the devs need to repeat the same assets multiple times in the game files to strike a balance with load times (e.g. if the NPCs in level 2 and level 5 are going to be the same, then it might be faster to load if those character assets are saved next to the level 2 environment assets AND also saved next to the level 5 environment assets, rather than to make the arm go back to the level 2 location to load the characters from there). That introduces a lot of duplication of assets. In SDD, the developers can pretty much ignore this as the assets can be loaded just as fast pretty much wherever they are saved in the game's files.

Re: Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Right Now


@RogerRoger @Quintumply there was a legal case about the difference between a biscuit and a cake, because one attracts VAT and the other doesn't. Jaffa Cakes are, indeed, cakes. The criteria are discussed here, so you can review and make up your own mind about lebkuchen, with which I am not familiar:

Fun fact - Pringles once tried to argue that they were not a crisp too, having too much non-potato dough and a uniform, unnatural shape. However, Pringles lost their appeal and they have officially been crisps since 2009.

Re: Hands On: Back 4 Blood Wears Its Inspiration with Pride


Urgh. I bounced off of CoD multiplayer really hard around the time they started adding convoluted progression mechanics and unlocks to the MP game - I think it was BLOps 2? - and never went back. The beauty of L4D, for me, was in its simplicity, every player character was functionally equal and winning was dependent on team communication and good tactics. The game will become very boring when players who have less time to play and unlock higher level cards and perks are kicked from games by players who have more free time available. Cards, unlocks, etc, all these would have been unnecessary in L4D and are unnecessary here, in my view.

I'll wait for full reviews, as ever, but the previews I am seeing for this game are dampening my enthusiasm very quickly.

Re: After E3 2021 No Show, Sony's Seemingly Skipping Gamescom As Well


If Sony're going to be following the Apple playbook and only speaking on their terms, then they need to up the quality of the presentations.

State of Play just aren't cutting it for me, personally. I watch them and go "huh, that looks cool, but I'll probably have forgotten all about it in a week" (honestly, besides Deathloop, I can't remember the name of a single game from last week's SoP, and I watched that through... I think there was a side-scrolling one with a warrior of some description that looked cool...). Whereas when I watch an Apple Keynote, I am usually able to recall a number of new products or OS features for months afterwards.

Re: Gotta Go Fast! Here's a Speedy Sonic Colors Ultimate Gameplay Video


Can everyone in Sonic's universe move the way he can? Seems like the world has been designed specifically for creatures with Sonic's movement abilities, which seems like a huge investment of resources for one anthropomorphic hedgehog and a few of his furry mates.

How do the everyday Joe Schmoe's of Sonic's universe travel around? Are they annoyed at all that they have to live in a world that has been designed for the convenience of the 0.00001% (I'm assuming - if they could all do it then Sonic wouldn't be special) of them that move very very fast?

If there is a lore resource that I'm unaware of that could address these points I'd love to be made aware of it.

Re: Rocksmith+ Jams on PS5, PS4 with Subscription Teaching Tool


@munkholt I agree. I have such a huge collection of songs on RS2014. If they don't let me port those purchases over somehow, then what's the point in RS+ for someone like me?

A little disappointing that they are going the subscription route too. One of the best things about RS was that the DLC was very fair. You knew exactly what you were getting and for a fair price considering the work that went into transcribing the songs, and if you didn't like the songs then you could skip that week's releases. Have to see what the prices are like before I will know whether I can fit another subscription into my life.

Re: Returnal's Save System Still Being Investigated, New Content in the Works


Housemarque/Sony would have to make servers for the game, but the solution that I see working is that you can make a save, but that it save's server-side, rather than on the console. When the player downloads the save to play, it is immediately deleted from the server (preventing save scumming).

No local saves of the game state (to prevent save scumming with PS+ cloud), only meta-progression.

Server-side saves could even be made when the user starts a new biome, or whatever, in case the game crashes, so that the user doesn't lose all progress in the case of a crash. Such auto-saves could be set to delete if the user dies (to prevent save scumming, again).

Seems like the best way to maintain Housemarque's creative vision while also helping the players out with this issue.

Problem is that Housemarque and/or Sony will have to create some infrastructure to support such a solution, increasing the costs of maintaining the game long-term. So it probably won't happen.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Beyond Excited for PS5's Next-Gen PSVR


How does it play Beat Saber? This will determine whether its a Day 1 purchase for me, or something I get to eventually. I'm concerned that those new controllers, which look excellent for most other applications, will be too unlike-a-wand and cumbersome for a game like Beat Saber.

I'm considering buying a Quest 2 for my Beat Saber fix, as my PSVR just can't keep up anymore and the tracking goes nutso. I think I might have busted the motion sensing part of the Move controllers, as I frequently get tracking errors where the saber will keep spinning after the point where I have stopped moving my wrist.

Re: Soapbox: 69% of PlayStation's Revenue Is Driven by PS Store, But the Shopping Experience Sucks


The store could be much, much better.
1. If I own a game on disc, stop advertising it to me!
2. If I own a game digitally, stop advertising it to me!
3. Separate pre-orders from recently released games. Put pre-orders somewhere on their own. It's just illogical to put them together and it annoys me.
4. Let me sort by more things, like "more from this publisher" or "more from this developer" would be great, and save me having to use the internet.
5. The recommendations system has never made a sensible recommendation to me, ever. All it seems to show are the most popular and current AAA games, which are already easy to find on the store, apparently taking no account of my tastes and making the feature completely redundant. A better system would leverage the rich data that Sony holds about my playing habits, like which games I actually play, which ones I enjoy enough that I complete them, etc, in order to make recommendations.

Re: Resident Evil Village PS5 File Size Supposedly Leaks, And It's Small


Is this because the developers don't have to duplicate assets all over the install as a way around loading times anymore? Didn't Cerney talk about this when he did that presentation explaining the design philosophy of the PS5 ahead of its reveal? I recall something, vaguely, about the SSD enabling smaller installs because the developers only need to include an asset once in the install file and the custom SSD is still able to access it quickly wherever it is installed on the drive. On a HDD there was a trade off where if you only had the asset installed once (smaller install) then it would take ages to load because the reader would have to travel all the way across and/or between the platters to find the asset data to load.

Re: PS5 Stock: When and Where to Buy PlayStation 5 in February 2021


Just a heads-up to UK consumers, I was able to get one last week from They have a much better system, where you have to email them to say that you would like to reserve a place in line for future stock. Keep an eye out on their website for the next time they invite people to join their waiting list. It took them about a week to respond to my email requesting a place in line, but once they did it was stress free as I didn't have to compete with half the country and an army of bots to complete my purchase.

Re: PS5 Stock Demand Overwhelms Another Online Retailer


@Hyperluminal Depends on the wholesale contract. Usually the retailer will have a clause that allows it to return stock to the manufacturer/wholesaler if it doesn't sell through, and could have delayed payment terms to give it time to sell the items at RRP.
But as this is a hot item with no risk that it won't sell Sony might have used the whip hand in negotiating the payment terms, so you might be right.

Re: Review: Salt and Sanctuary (PS4)


I've played about 5 hours. I really like it. I'd give it a go if you're a souls fan.
@get2sammyb - Is it the hand drawn cartooney-ness that Ska Studios use that's putting you off? I can't find a screen cap of someone doing it on google, but would it help if you knew that Ska liberally showers the screen in gouts of the claret stuff if you successfully riposte an enemy you've parried?