Comments 509

Re: You Can't Buy Concord on PS5, PC Anymore, But You Can Buy the Official Merch


Yeah, I'd be amazed if Concord ever came back, F2P or not. It was F2P during the beta periods, and the interest actually went down from the first beta (which was limited to pre-orders or those on PS5 with PS+) to the second (which was free to all, unsure about PS+ being required). Interest/player numbers then went down again at launch (at least on PC).

Sad to say, the game just isn't very good, for a myriad of reasons (I jumped into the second beta and nothing I saw post-launch suggests the game was any different after release). It needs a significant re-think and lots of work. If it were me, I'd can it and try to reduce my losses with a write off.

FYI @Quintumply I think you can stop saying that sales numbers were "estimated to be shockingly low"; On the podcast of a couple weeks ago, Chris Dring confirmed he'd seen the real numbers and that they were a little less on PC and a little more on PS5 than the analyst Simon Carless was predicting, but about right overall. I take that to be that they were, in fact, shockingly low.

Re: PS5 Pro Reveal Is Already Sony's Most Disliked Console Announcement


@Pinkman Yes and no. Some people are better able to see frame rates than others - like anything biological, we all exist somewhere on a bell-curve. (Personally, I can see the frames on standard 24fps films, and it's really distracting.)
In the clips Cerney showed yesterday, try watching on your TV, pause, and look at the two images side by side. If you can't see a difference, then maybe its your TV and you'd get no benefit from a Pro without upgrading your TV too.
Plus these improvements are really incremental at this point. A few more blades of grass here, distant objects rendering a few-in-game-metres further out there. I generally don't notice much other than egregious pop-in when I play games on performance mode (where it's available).

Re: 'It Makes Sense Why the PS5 Pro Price Is So High,' Say Tech Experts


I get what everyone is saying about the price, I really do, but what are you all intending to do with your existing consoles exactly? When I upgraded to the PS4 Pro I sold my PS4, which softened the blow. When I bought a PS5, I sold my PS4 Pro, which made the PS5 more affordable.

Sure, if you're still on the PS3 and skipped last-gen, and were looking forward to the PS5 Pro to give you access to the last two generations of games running as well as they possibly can, I can see why this is a massive investment.

But realistically, if you're going to go for the Pro aren't you going to recoup around 40-60% of the cost of it straight away by selling your current PS5 console on the second-hand market (depending on model, condition, buyer, etc)?

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


Adding together those that say they'll be pre-ordering or can wait, the poll is looking very much like the PS4 Pro's market share, which I think I recall was just under 20% of the overall PS4 install base by the end.

Looks to me like Sony knows what it's doing.

Re: Ubisoft Investor Calls for Company to Go Private, and CEO Yves Guillemot to Be Replaced


@Vaako007 they told us we shouldn’t be comfortable owning our games

That's not what the guy from Ubisoft said. If you read the article (and not just the headline) he was making the opposite point and saying that subscription services will not really take off until gamers are comfortable not owning their games. This was in the context of discussing how successful Ubisoft views their subscription service as being.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Vampire Survivors?


@NoHope Try crashing it at minute 27. That's when you know you were having a good run!

Despite the crash, 10/10. The game is pure dopamine delivered straight to the veins. The simple gameplay belies how deep it really is, and I love putting my build together at the start of a run then seeing it become totally OP when it works out!

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ PS5, PC Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


@OmegaStriver I don't recall any hate for Helldivers 2 before it released. If anything, Helldivers 2 wasn't really on the radar - Sony had done minimal marketing and only really through its own channels - so if anything players were overall indifferent. Then when it popped off everyone was pleasantly surprised.

With Concord the game immediately attracted derision and accusations of being derivative of OW and GotG. The vibe I got was that it was actively disliked from the first reveal.

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


I want to see more about how FairgameDollar is different from other games on the market that I already don't play. My initial impression is that it's a Payday-style game, with an unsavoury theme, but I'm open to seeing what it can do.

TBH, the competitive heist-style gameplay sounds on paper like it should have been what Concord went for given the Freegunner Crew were all supposed to be mercenaries for hire or whatever.

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


@naruball I think the difference with games like BG3 and OW and other games which are woke-but-successful is that they ‘do the woke’ well.

For instance, some OW characters are LGBT, but the game only ever references it subtly. A in-game voiceline here, a moment in a cutscene there. In contrast, Concord’s use of pronouns was clumsy. The way Concord could have done inclusivity so as not to cause a backlash was to have other characters use the trans and NB characters preferred pronouns when speaking about them, and treat it like no big deal.

I’m not saying the use of preferred pronouns by the devs caused the game to fail, of course not, but I’m saying it was a) unnecessary and b) signalled that the devs were of a particular political leaning and that likely put people off more than it attracted anyone.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


I don’t disagree with Sony wanting a live service game or two to keep the dollars rolling in at a steady clip. If profits from those endeavours helps fund the big AAA narrative experiences I prefer then I’m all for it.

If I were sat in the executive suites at PlayStation I’d be thinking along these lines:

1. Start the hype train sooner out from release. Gauge customer reactions and adjust.
2. Show off what differentiates the game from what’s already on the market. Helldivers 2 kicked off because we hadn’t seen that sort of Co-operative, horde-mode, extraction style game with such a strong theme before. Concord by contrast looked derivative of OW, GotG, and (once we actually got into the betas) had no game modes we hadn’t played before.
3. Give a few hints as to what single player games are in the works. PlayStation faithful are feeling like there’s nothing for them here anymore because PS is keeping its cards too close to its chest. Xbox is putting on shows that are being praised and generating hype by showing off things that won’t be released for months or years. (And I look forward to playing many of those on PS!)

Re: Sony Flop Concord Axed Two Weeks After PS5, PC Release


Quite aside from one’s opinions on including pronouns, I think the discourse here demonstrates that putting them in character bios was a stupid thing for the developers to have done in the game. For the proportion of the gaming public that already agree with stating one’s pronouns, I doubt it generated a many extra sales that weren't already going to be made. But for the proportion of the public that think you shouldn’t/don’t need to state your pronouns (which all the polling I’ve seen is a vast majority in the US and U.K.) it signalled that this game was made by people with that opinion and likely cost them more sales.

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


The best call Sony could make. If we assume ~$40 equivalent per copy, and estimates are 25k copies sold across PC and PS5 (which was confirmed as “about right” by on their podcast, and their Chris Dring said he has seen the numbers) then refunds will cost Sony about $1m.

F2P would have required additional investment in retooling the progression and gameplay modes to suit that business model, and cheesed off early adopters, while every indication from the betas was that it wouldn’t improve anything in terms of player interest.

If I were Firewalk, I’d strip the game back to a grey-box, remove all the art assets, and focus my attention there. A total art overhaul and rebrand is required IMO.

But I suspect they’ll mothball it instead and take the tax write off.

Re: Layoffs Hit Ballistic Moon Ahead of Until Dawn PS5's October Release


I'll probably pick up the remake, as I really enjoyed the original, but I'm waiting to see what has actually been added.

I don't think we know the terms of Ballistic Moon's deal with Sony. For all we know they are working on the Remake for a fixed price with no ongoing royalties. Reads to me like they weren't able to secure their next project or that next project isn't going to give them sufficient cashflow to remain at the same size.

Re: Jennifer Hale Says AI Is Coming for All of Us


There's got to be a fair rate that can be paid to VAs based on how much of their voice is used which would allow them to licence their voice to studios for use in a GenAI and for specific projects. I'd imagine it is less than the amount they would be paid for actually having to go into a booth, but more than nothing.
Games, film projects, audiobooks, etc, will one day advertise "recorded with real voice over" to distinguish themselves once the technology becomes overused/abused.

Re: How Much Would You Pay for Your PS5 Games? Dev Says Industry Is Waiting for GTA 6 to Hike Prices


I used to spend a lot on games, and have a library of hundreds of PS4 titles. But I’ve saved a tonne of money with my gaming hobby in recent years. I changed things by applying a few easy rules.

1. Do not fall for sales. Only buy a game when you actually want to/will be able to play it. Even if it’s still at full price when you come to it, you probably saved money by not adding 10 games to your backlog that you’re never going to get to just because PSN put them on sale.
2. Try to finish all your games. Sure, you’ll fall off some here or there, but the time it takes to see them through will stop you jumping on the hype for the next game and spending more money.
3. Wait for reviews. Half the time you’ll read them and think “eh, I can wait for a sale on this one” or “I’ll skip this entirely”.
4. Never pre-order.

With these changes to the way I buy and play games, the hobby is surprisingly affordable.

Re: Vampire Survivors Has a Whopping 221 Trophies to Collect on PS5, PS4


@riceNpea 41 in the base game for VS (as it says in the article). PSq said "collection of trophies for a single game".
Not sure how many of the Train Sim games' trophies are attached to DLC. It looks like TSW2 only had one piece of DLC on PSN, so I can't imagine that all the DLC-trophies in the 411 total that it has are locked behind that extra pay-wall.

If you wanna talk trophies-per-ÂŁ then I'm sure VS takes the top spot, (excluding F2P games, where the buy-in is potentially ÂŁ0).

Re: Vampire Survivors Has a Whopping 221 Trophies to Collect on PS5, PS4


In terms of points, VS is 4th in how many points it awards. It's 3rd in the total number of trophies: Train Sim World 4 has 251 and Train Sim World 2 has 411. ESO rewards more trophy-points, but has fewer, higher-tiered trophies.

And yeah, I'm going to be gunning for all 221 on PS5. Really looking forward to playing it this evening, I'm going to go charge up my PS Portal right now.

Re: Players Complain of Lengthy PS5 Matchmaking Times As Concord Numbers Dwindle


@Pusher2021 "These are not bad devs, it is not Gollom standard by any means!"

No, Gollum had more players (on Steam)!

Joking aside, you're right, the devs are clearly very talented. The animations are exquisite and the gunplay is reportedly among the best. (I played the beta and didn't like it personally, but I'm not experienced enough with FPS games to judge really).

The problem was that these very talented devs were working to a very ill-judged brief. They made a game that no one wants, but they made it very well.

Re: Players Complain of Lengthy PS5 Matchmaking Times As Concord Numbers Dwindle


Why does anyone think making the game F2P will save it? It might make it slightly less of a disaster for a little while, but we saw the interest (at least in the Steam numbers) when there was an open beta and they were miserable, certainly not enough to sustain the game long term. There are just 63 Steam players playing the game right now, on day 7 following launch, not even enough for seven full matches on their own!

It's gotten to the point where people who literally flog dead horses are going to start using the idiom "don't pump for Concord", as that task seems even more futile.

Re: Talking Point: Can PS5, PC Shooter Concord Be Saved?


I have experience from the open Beta. While it may be well executed, the game is derivative and badly designed.
Identity -

  • Contrast with OW. It had 2 modes, and the maps were specific to one or the other. You always knew what the intended experience was and there was a relentless focus on those modes. In Concord, it’s hard to tell which mode the devs think is the intended experience.
  • Its general design is clearly ripped from what was popular 8 years ago. People have been comparing it to GotG since its reveal, and they’re not wrong. It’s tiresome at this point.
    Characters -
  • they’re not ugly exactly, but they are boring beyond belief. Going for realism has hamstrung their potential. Barring the robot and the guy with the baboon’s arse for a face, they all just look like the characters i get in an RPG if I hit the randomise button a few times.
  • Again, contrast OW. There they have a truly diverse roster and no one calls it ‘woke’ because they’re all well executed, it’s not made a big deal, and they all stand out, with distinct silhouettes which allow you to tell at a glance what you’re dealing with in-game.
    Meta -
  • the meta game either doesn’t work or requires too much coordination. So I’m building a crew of variants to unlock stacking buffs. Fine. So then I want to put my favourite characters last in my roster so that I can pick them once I’ve accrued all the other buffs from the rest of my crew. But then I might never get to play as that character of my team does well and I don’t cycle through the crew. And if my team does badly, then getting to my fully buffed favourite character might not make a blind bit of difference. And that’s not to mention that someone on my team could block me from picking my main when I do get to them if they’ve picked the same character at that point in the match. So coordinating all these buffs requires stupid levels of communication and planning with a dedicated party and is counter intuitive in the first place and honestly after thinking about how this system works for more than 2 seconds I just want to say “screw it” and move on.
    Gameplay -
  • everyone bar the cat alien feels like they’re running through treacle with lead shoes.

I don’t think the above are fixable without a significant re-work of the game that wouldn’t be worth the candle. Sony should just give it up, take the L, and figure out how to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to Marathon and FairgameDollarsign.

Re: Things Are Getting Worse for Floundering PS5, PC FPS Concord


@Shigurui It scrapes the data of people who sign up, but they also have the PSN rarity for trophies (i.e. all players), hence my trying to do something with the ratio of PSNProfiles v Actual rarity with the easiest trophy in the game. My estimate would necessarily exclude people who have bought the game and not booted it yet - whether on PSNProfiles or not PSN would not have generated a trophy list associated with their accounts - so would have to be the low end of the estimate.

Re: Spare a Thought for Secret Level's Concord Episode


@MeatyVeg Not great or an all-timer, but good & some fun nonetheless

Why should I waste my time on a game that isn’t great when there are so many absolute bangers available to buy or already in my backlog? It’s an honest question - I play a lot of games, usually 2 hours or so a day once the Mrs has gone to bed - and there are tonnes of great games that I haven’t touched, some of which I’ve already paid for.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral


@Shigurui oh really? Ouch.

Hrmm. How about this to estimate the total number of PSN sales. On PSN profiles, 97.58% of players have the easiest trophy (for getting 1 kill). The trophy has 89.9% PSN rarity. So that’s a ratio of 1.085. PSN profiles is tracking 908 game owners. 908*1.085=985. So barring people who have purchased and are yet to get a single kill, there are conservatively only ~985 PSN owners in total.

Does that work?

Re: Concord (PS5) - Live Service Debut Beats the Hate with Stellar Presentation and Good Gameplay


Nice review. The game isn’t for me but I do think it’s incredibly sad that it is doing so badly as it’d have been nice to see something with such a fair business model being rewarded.

I think the world they’ve built here looks interesting and I’d quite like to play a single player campaign in this setting. Maybe that’s what a new IP like this needed: a baller campaign to make people care, then with an excellent MP suite on the side for those that want to hang around afterwards.