Comments 592

Re: Sony Comments on Concord Disaster, Says Game Should Have Been Tested Earlier


I dispute that Concord was good. Sure, I only played the second Beta, but the characters were all too slow, the team-mechanics were awful and discouraged collaboration to build a well-rounded team, the game-modes were all copy-pastes from better games, and the maps were dull and repetitive.
The graphics were good (though wasted on horrible art direction), and that's about all that could be said about it in my opinion.

Three cheers to Sony trying to put something in place to catch duds like Concord sooner in development and put them out of their misery before too much is lost.

Re: Opinion: The Price of Playing PS5 Games Day One Is Getting Higher and Higher


For me, it's a win-win-win-win. The people who want to pay to play early and be Guinea pigs for the unpatched version of the game can, the publisher gets more revenues which might encourage more niche titles to get developed, the developers get earlier telemetry on bugs and glitches from a larger player-base, and I get to jump into the game after a few patches.

Re: Concord Devs Tinker with PC Files, Spurring Free-to-Play Speculation


@pharos_haven it’d be easy enough to fix too, now I think about it - just have the perk apply once to the whole team based on team comp. There's 6 classes and 5 players, so there’d be tactical choices to make about which perk your team forgoes. It would also incentivise the team to fill up the team roles to maximise the perks applied team-wide.

Re: One Year On, Plucky PS Portal's Sales Remain Strong


@TheDudeElDuderino free up the living room TV for others in the family

Exactly this.

and play your games with some lag

I haven't experienced this, even with the Mrs streaming 4k movies to the telly and the baby monitor pumping a live-stream of a sleeping toddler through our network, it's very solid.

Re: Concord Devs Tinker with PC Files, Spurring Free-to-Play Speculation


I already tried it when it was free to play. That was the betas, of which I jumped into the second. Fewer people joined the second beta than the first, and even fewer then jumped in at launch. (At least on Steam.)

The truth of the matter is the game isn't good enough to compete with the big players. Its mechanic of having to play with a character from a particular class, then die, to unlock a perk for your next character, and so on, is completely borked. One, it rewards failure (dying); two, it means you're swapping character classes constantly, ruining any attempt at team composition; three, it is completely counter to the way real people interact with hero-shooters because it encourages you to play characters you don't prefer to build up the perks for the character you'd rather be playing as; and four, by the time you have done all that work of dying and unlocking perks, your team is probably miles behind on points and some other bugger on your team is probably playing as your main while they do all the above.

All that is to say nothing of how derivative and uninspired the game modes and characters are, etc, which is what I see most people complaining about. Yes, the guns felt good and the environments were pretty, but that's about all the game had going for it.

Sony should stop throwing good money after bad here and get Firewalk onto another project pronto.

Re: Ubisoft Comments on Buyout Reports, Says That It 'Regularly Reviews Options'


I've been playing AC Mirage this last week - currently on sale on PSN - and I have to say I'm having a good time with it. It's refreshingly reasonable in its scope, and the story has me interested.

The PoP game from earlier this year was also a cracking metroidvania that everyone should check out. I really enjoyed that.

Ubisoft needs to get back to its basics. Good games at reasonable budgets.

As for SW: Outlaws, I think the problem there is that Disney has run that franchise into the ground and the subset of SW fans who are into games are the people most likely to have a negative view of SW overall now. If I were Ubisoft I'd lean into Outlaws' links to the original SW trilogy in my marketing going forward, which might rekindle some interest.

Re: Classic PS4 Racer DriveClub Is Now a Decade Old


I really enjoyed what I could of this game. As with all these realistic racers, I pretty quickly reach my skill ceiling and the progression I can eke out is not worth the grind or my time. It looked spectacular on my PS4 back in the day, it might be fun to go back in and see how it runs on PS5 at some point.

Re: Until Dawn Is One of Sony's Worst Performing PC Ports to Date


@Medic_alert Got to think this remake/port was part of spinning up the team to make the sequel

I think that's unlikely. Supermassive didn't do this remaster/remake, and the team that did it for Sony recently announced they were having to downsize because they didn't have another project lined up. My read on it was that Sony contracted them to do this one project, and now that it's over they're parting ways.

I think what's happened here is that the movie and game were supposed to release around the same time frame but the production schedule for the movie slipped. Or maybe Sony wanted the game ready and waiting for whenever the movie does come out and is banking on it having a long tail.