Comments 509

Re: Instant Character Swapping in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Is Unlimited in the Open World


Miles is very cool and all, but Peter is the OG, and I foresee that I'll be playing mostly as him. That being said, Miles did have a cool set of abilities, if perhaps a little OP.
I'm guessing Miles' tree will tap into his powers, whereas Peter will have more unlockable tech gizmos to balance the two of them. Or more symbiote powers, depending on where they take that in the story.
At the moment, while both are very cool characters, I feel like Miles needs his own game to have the room to breathe as a character. Maybe it's just me, but Peter is the Spider-Man that everyone knows best, and I think most people will play as most of the time.

Re: Poll: Which PS5 Blockbuster Will You Be Playing in June?


I can wait on all these. I just picked up H:FW on Amazon for £31, so have a replay of H:ZD on the patched-in ultra-hard NG+ difficulty ahead of me to remind me of the story, and the DLC to finish off on that, before I get into H:FW and Burning Shores.
Plus I'm waiting at least a year on Diablo 4 to see how the monetisation really pans out.
Plus plus Warhammer 40k 10th Edition launches this month and I am desperately trying to get my army painted up in time to play some games of that.
But yeah, it's a strong month for PS5 if you're into these games.

Re: Fairgame$ May Be Sony's Most Tone Deaf PS5, PC Title to Date


They should have made it meta. I'd like to break into ActiFission publishing HQ and rob Bobby Crotchstick's secret stash to get back my £'s spent on UnderBlotch skins I didn't want to get out of a 'swag-sack'. I'd like to smash my way into EA (Eccentric Amusements) and steal back all the money hoarded from players of FIFA (Football Impersonating Financial Acquisition-engine).

Re: Elle Fanning: People Say Death Stranding 2 Is The Coolest Thing I've Ever Done


DS was my first Kojima game, and I 'got it'. Those moments when Low Roar's music (a very sad RIP) came in when you approached a new location after an arduous trek across hostile terrain are among the best in my gaming experience. And I loved tinkering with ziplines and making a very efficient network to quickly get around the map in the endgame. Very much looking forward to seeing where the series goes next.

Re: Another Legendary Japanese Dev Praises Ghost of Tsushima


Is there still an upgrade path to get the director's cut on PS5 without having to pay the full game price? I have the original game on PS4, on disc.

I tried to have a look on PSN for a directors cut upgrade item, but was only able to find the PS4 version and that only refers to being able to buy the expansion, no reference to a PS5 upgrade. Do I need to buy that first to be able to 'see' the PS5 upgrade?

Edit: I'm only on PS+ Essential too. I'd rather just buy the upgrade, if that's possible.

Re: Best Final Fantasy Games


I started XV the other day - still in the very early stages of it. My first FF experience (save for occasionally glancing over a friend's shoulder when he was playing VII way back in the early 00's on his laptop). My only gripe so far is that the menus are a bit clunky and you can't dismiss the popups that come up when you turn in a quest or a hunt, which slows down the boring bits. Combat is very different to what I'm used to, but I'm cool with having something which is a bit more chill to actually play. If that's only 13th on this list, and based on my enjoyment so far, then it looks like I'm going to have a good time poking around this franchise.

Re: Gran Turismo Movie's First Trailer Tells the Whole Tale in Two Minutes


Well a biopic is much more interesting than what I assumed the movie was going to be - some drole racing drama.
Yeah, the slogan absolutely sucks. "From Gamer to Racer" is pathetic. How about "From Virtual to Reality; one man's journey to the chequered flag"? You could probably delete everything after the semi-colon, but this was suggested to me by ChatGPT, and is far better.

Re: Microsoft Goes Scorched Earth Over UK's Activision Buyout Block


I have to say, I have been wondering why neither MS nor ABK have bothered to make any statements actually criticising the decision and explaining why its incorrect, but are attacking the consequences (as they see it) of the decision in terms of their investment decisions, etc. Do they not have an answer to the CMA's findings? Or can they not come up with another remedy which wouldn't require ongoing regulatory oversight (which is not supposed to be the CMA's job)?

Perhaps they're keeping their powder dry rather than prejudice their appeal by making inconsistent statements now.

Re: Activision Blizzard Boss Bobby Kotick Warns Billion Dollar Buyout Saga Ain't Over


When it comes to games developed in Japan, I'm not convinced that Sony is actually locking those down in every case. XB has a tiny, tiny market share there, which is its own fault for not making games or products that appeal to that market. If I were a Japanese dev making a game, I'm not sure I'd bother with all the hassle involved in developing, certifying, keeping patched and updated, etc, for a console where I don't expect to sell very many copies.

Re: Activision Blizzard Boss Bobby Kotick Warns Billion Dollar Buyout Saga Ain't Over


I'm looking forward to the court case. We got such an interesting insight into what goes on behind the scenes in the gaming industry from the disclosure in Epic v Apple, and (despite the redactions) in the submissions made by Sony and MS to the various regulators in relation to this acquisition. Personally, I hope this thing runs and runs and we continue to get these tid-bits of information that the companies usually keep to themselves.

Re: Microsoft Dealt Major Blow as UK Blocks Activision Buyout


@stua12t Well, we have MS' word for it, but no insight into how they reached that conclusion. Do they, for instance, include the foregone sales of full priced game releases? Or is it just a calculation based on "we made X in gamepass subscriptions, and spent Y on acquiring licences to put games on gamepass. X exceeds Y therefore we are profitable"?

Re: Microsoft Dealt Major Blow as UK Blocks Activision Buyout



Given their comments, I assume that MS and ABK must have had advance notice of the decision. If not, then announcing an appeal before your lawyers have had a chance to review the decision is never a wise move. Keep your cards close until you're ready to play and all that.

I bet Ryan is popping champagne.

Re: Random: The Witcher 3's Next-Gen Pigeon Is Suddenly a Star


@Beerheadgamer82 I can top both of these. Was on the deck of a ferry waiting to depart. There were a lot of seagulls around. I said to my mate "we're going to get shat on standing here". Looked up at the sky, just in time for a large amount of seagull poo to hit me right between the eyes and splatter across my entire face. My friend was literally rolling on the floor laughing his head off for a good while.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Was the Most Downloaded PS4 Game in February


@WizzNL Story quality is debatable. Personally I thought it was full of plot holes. I can appreciate what the writers were going for and thought they mostly nailed it, but I thought they could have got there in a more intelligent, and possibly a more emotionally impactful, way. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those rabid detractors who 'hated' the game, I enjoyed it a lot, but thought Part 1 had a much better story.) I recommend you play it for yourself, and maybe you'll see what I mean.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Launch Sales Outshine Everything in Europe


It's just a crying shame that Hogwarts Legacy doesn't feature a time-management system a-la Bully, where you had to attend classes according to a schedule, and that the being-a-student role-play is somewhat lacking. They could have given you time to do longer quests with the time-turner device from the books. I've been doing so much side content already, I don't think I've set foot in the school grounds in what must be at least an in-game month! The professors must think I died somewhere.

Re: Dragon Age: Origins Writer Thinks It's Time For 'PS5-Era Bells and Whistles' Remaster


Yes, DA:O with remade animations, graphics, and a streamlined UI and class system (I seem to recall that you could waste skill points on perks that didn't suit your build if you didn't know what you were doing) would be ace. It had a great story that I replayed many times to see all the permutations of the story, and interactions with the world and party members based on your choices.