Comments 653

Re: 'Smaller' PS5 Exclusives Still Reportedly Coming Later This Year


Is Silent Hill 2 really a “smaller” title? There has been a lot of hype surrounding this game, it’s been teased and trailed for a protracted period - it seems like a reasonably big release. Even if it doesn’t meet expectations (particularly with fans of the series), surely the pedigree alone is enough to deem this title anything but “small”?

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


Due to a move, my PS5 was in storage for 18 months only six months after release. I have a huge backlog and feel like there is a lot more use to be had from this model. I can’t justify replacing a system I feel I’ve not spent enough time with for the sake of slightly better performance.

As has been stated, this feels far less warranted than the PS4 Pro. I think I’ll enjoy what I have and perhaps pick-up a PS6 down the line. I’m not a fan of the mid-gen refreshes at all and agree that the PS5 generation doesn’t feel as remarkable as its predecessor. I’d like to see investment in more games (including more modestly budgeted titles), rather than a PS5 Pro. Could the proposed upgrades not be saved for PS6? Do we really need them now?

Re: Soapbox: This Is Why Physical Games Are Still Important to Me


If it’s new releases, it depends, as it’s often cheaper to buy physical. I picked up TLOU Part 1 for £35 just after release - it’s not going to hit that price point digitally for a while. Sometimes it just makes more sense to pick up physical copies.

There is also the investment aspect - some new games, particularly Nintendo (and particularly sealed copies) are going to hold their value over time.

Also, collecting older titles can become a passion/obsession. My PS3 collection is 320 titles and growing. Some platforms are fairly cheap to collect for and there are some titles that aren’t even available digitally, so are worth trying to obtain and hold onto.

Re: UK's GAME Stores to Stop Accepting Trade-Ins from Next Month



I’ve never understood why CEX has a reputation for being a stench-pit. I’ve been in many branches around the UK, not a single one has been unpleasant in that regard.

The absolute worst aspect of every CEX is the legal obligation for every branch to play thrash music (or whatever genre it is) at a ridiculous volume for eight hours a day. I pity the stuff having to endure such ear-damaging obscenity.

Re: Alan Wake 2 (PS5) - A Nightmare We Never Want to Wake Up From



I only started the first game this week. The pulpy narration immediately stood out, that and the exceedingly clumsy running animation. I appreciate what they are doing with the narration, but I wouldn’t say I was particularly impressed by what I’ve played so far. However, thirteen years is a long time and the sequel does look and sound very good indeed.

Side note - is it just me that finds the use of the term ‘campaign’ completely out of place when referring to narrative-focussed games such as this? Whilst literally correct, the term was obviously adopted from military-focussed games such as COD, where the meaning is slightly different. Personally, I’ve never found myself referring to a campaign in any game, other than perhaps the aforementioned military shooters. It’s either the ‘single-player’ or more commonly, the ‘story’, because as with any narrative-focussed experience, we are organising our course of action to the goal in the STORY. In summary, ‘campaign’ sounds daft, bin it. End of rant.

Re: Veteran PlayStation Exec Has Allegedly Left Sony


'Rumors of bad news' threw me. There is no indication of the reason for departure - how can this be construed as bad news? Of course it may well prove to be for Sony, but if an individual chose to depart a company, for whatever reason, that isn't really 'bad news'.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Antagonist Lizard Inspired by Actual Lizards


Who are these people that think lizards are slimy? I’d like to make sure I avoid them, along with the people that think sharks aren’t fish (they exist).

Looking at lizard skin to research the look of a character who is a lizard - where did they get this idea from? How far did their research extend? Can they describe field trips where they observed lizards first hand? Do they have anything of any substance to add, or did they just look up some pictures on the internet? I’d be interested in hearing about their research process, but all we get is ‘People think lizards are slimy, they aren’t, we proved it’.

Re: Reminder: Last Chance to Stack PS Plus Subscriptions Before Price Rise


I gave up bothering to make sense of what all the different tiers offer in terms of incentives. Perhaps it would be better if the tiers were adjusted? Maybe there could be a very nominal fee for only-online play & cloud saves (I wish the latter was free like on Xbox), then a basic tier with free games and a premium service with back catalogue streaming on top.

Regarding waiting for sales, I rarely, if ever, buy a game day one. I can answer a confident “No” to all the “Did you buy…” polls. With such a back catalogue, I’m just not that desperate to play anything day one. Much better to save money and pick the game up in a sale after a few months.

Re: Reaction: Has Sony Put Together the Worst PS Plus Month Ever?


I subscribed for ten years, but decided to cancel soon after the tiered system was introduced. I don’t see the benefit anymore - I’d like access to the back catalogue games (and cloud saves, which shouldn’t be locked behind a paywall), but with such a backlog, there is little point having access to games which will inevitably leave the service before I have a chance to play them. This additional price hike just confirms that there is no value here for me.