Comments 647

Re: PlayStation Showcase Finally Announced for 24th May


This could be good. I will watch it because after all my classes end today on the 17th of May so I have time to watch.

I only want one thing and that is the next Mortal Kombat to potentially revealed in the PS Showcase. It better not be exclusive. Should release on PS5, XSX/S, and PC.

That's only my hope. Expectations are low.

Edit: Time to throw the prediction out of the water

Re: PS5 Games Likely to Remain $70 as Xbox Bumps Prices


@Fiendish-Beaver yeah. I am not happy about Xbox increasing their game price to $70 but the advantage they have over Playstation is that all Xbox Game Studio games come to Xbox Game Pass day 1. So instead of paying $70, you could pay like $9.99 (for me in the USA i think) a month and get to play a Xbox Game Studio game for free. Also you got a bunch of other games to play too.

Re: Talking Point: We Need to Discuss This Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 Remaster


Well yes, Nintendo is notorious with re-releases and charging full price is absurd but the Switch isn’t backwards compatible with the Wii U or any of the previous Nintendo consoles. So they kinda but not completely get a pass.

But the PS5 is backwards compatible with PS4 hence there is more outrage because of it. And like people said, HZD still looks good to this day and it has been updated to 60 fps on PS5. So there is no point in remastering this game for PS5.

Re: GTA 6 Hackers Potentially Under Investigation by the FBI


@dfsfdads bruh what is wrong with you? How is it Rockstar's fault? They didn't want to reveal it officially until they're sure that they are ready for it to be announced. We saw what happened with the GTA Trilogy. Maybe R* didn't want another GTA trilogy mess. Do you actually support the hacker?

and like @HeeHo said, its up to R* whenever they want to show it