Comments 131

Re: Poll: Do You Think GTA 6 Will Release on PS4?


I know rockstar better than the back of my hand, I'll be VERY surprised if it releases on ps4.

Even financially, it doesn't make sense. This is going to be a long term live service style game (online portion) so why do it for dwindling sales over the years.

Re: Rumour: Naughty Dog's Troubled The Last of Us Multiplayer PS5 Project Was Sniped by Bungie


I disagree. Naughty dog is Sony's star studio. They should let them release an unfiltered naughty dog game. After all, the first tlou multiplayer was naughty dog and remained popular for a long time without neccessarily encouraging the tricks live service uses to retain players.

This sounds like they focused more on the gameplay of tlou (say what you will, tlou 2 shooting was absolute nerve wracking which is why I was excited) and Bungie was like 'where's the live service elements' and now we might never see what could have been a true sequel to tlou 1 multiplayer.

Re: PS Plus Premium More Popular Than Extra, 30% of Subscribers Upgraded


Power of marketing. There's no difference between this and the PS NOW which was struggling at 2 million for an eternity, they rebrand it with the popular service, split it into two options and people are even subscribing to the streaming option.
Probably what convinced them to release the streaming handheld.

Re: Hidetaka Miyazaki Says Elden Ring's Success Won't Determine What Comes Next


This is a theme I have noticed with Japanese developers. That they're more passionate about making something unique, creative while America has a more profit-oriented culture. Hell, most of them don't even try to chase the international audience!

Notice how anime tries to target niches while, in general, Hollywood makes the budget higher and tries to appeal to everyone with one product. The result are 'company products' that are designed, tested and 'safe' or 'non-controversial' when it comes to America and the West in general. While Japan generally comes up with much more creative things with some absolutely insane niches if you truly explore the entertainment pieces they put out.

Not that America isn't creative but they are truly 'maximize profit chasers' and it shows in most of their mainstream cultural products. I just read niche novels now, since what's the point of consuming good but 'safe' entertainment that adds nothing new to your life once you have seen the basics.

Re: Despite Scrapping PS4, Gotham Knights Is Just 30fps on PS5


Comment section is prime example of why the gaming community has such negative stereotypes. The developer tries to make the consumers understand, and all you get are self-entitled complaints.

First, when did console gamers start obsessing over 60 fps. Games have always generally been 30 fps, if you want 60 or above, you always bought a pc.

And, second, you guys are not developers, how would you know 'they should be able to do it'. Very self-entitled behaviour, and one of the reasons why I consider gaming community to be excessively toxic, and always complaining.

Go on communities like goodreads, and they never have this self-entitled behavior that you regularly have (e.g why so many microtransactions while buying them, why battlefield not balanced while buying it, why cyberpunk glitchy while buying it and a million others). Respectfully speaking to you guys, this shows the difference of patience, and un-childlike behavior!

And that's after I consider pushsquare to be better than some pc gaming communities! Again, I'm not surprised gaming has such negative stereotypes. To the always vocal people in this community, please try to be thankful and kind to the developers once in a while! They spend their lives to earn a living and make you all happy!

Re: Hands On: eFootball PS5, PS4 Feels Better Than FIFA 22 After Major Update


If anything it shows how emotive and fickle the top commentators on any website always are, with absolutely no longer term sense. It was obvious from day ZERO, that live service was the right step to take on practically any annual sports game, on any sports game infact.
Anyways, 3-5 years later, this'll be wayyy better than any sports game ever released, simply because its live service. And eventually industry change will lead to similar sequels being released in the live service model, again an overall net positive.

It's the same nonsense with NFTS, you can't stop it and it will lead to a much more dynamic and interesting industry eventually, just like social media did with the internet, just like rampant mobile usage led to human rights crime footage. All I'm saying is, freedom and the ability to do what you want regardless of fickle, and short term public opinion (almost always meaningless) is what lead to an interesting and unique world.

Re: George R. R. Martin Feeling Bouncy Following Elden Ring's Glowing Reception


I can recognize Martin's writing better than the back of my hand having read a lot of his material, my favorite being the Theon Greyjoy/Reek Chapters in the 5th asoiaf book (where my username comes from). He's a political writer with deep complex characters in the story with fantasy primarily in the background.

There is nothing in the first 10 hrs I played or in the marketing of the game thats actual Martin. He probably has an old-fashioned perspective on videogames, and certainly has no proper idea of what fromsoft games really are. My guess is he sat down and had coffee, gave a bunch of humdrum ideas that he thought Fromsoft, 'those gamey developers' would like from him and thats all his contribution is. Old man probably doesn't even know what he's wearing in the picture.

So yeah, marketing at the height of his spotlight, nothing else. If anybody's interested, do read or see what he says when he talks about games, it's hilariously cringe. Sounds like a grandpa who has no idea but is trying not to offend or saying what he thinks people would like to hear. Very funny.

Re: Netflix Nabs Rights to BioShock Movie Adaptation


@BRT15 I have always believed Tv would work, once American Tv got better (which it mostly has thanks to streaming), and ofcourse once they start trying with good source material. Call witcher whatever you want, it's enjoyed more popularity than any movie based on a game (i know witcher is based on a book but still). Probably why I'm sure halo will be warmly received and tlou can actually blow up.
It's simply because tv shows not only allow you more time, but they're also safer to nail than a two hour movie in general. They've just been less attractive financially but that'll likely change once a few hits emerge in the coming years. My prediction is that most of these 'want to adapt into film' video game adaptations will turn to tv once that does happen. Either it'll change before the movie releases and predictably flops or after (like assassins creed for example). But it's very easy to predict general trends once you have been doing it like I have for years so I'm pretty sure my prediction will be correct.

Re: GTA 6 Officially Confirmed, Development Is 'Well Underway'


@Snake_V5 Current only, this'll likely release in 2024-25 and I imagine it quite strange to see a ps4 game then. Besides, they peaked in graphical prowess with rdr 2. Plus, the next gen consoles came just one year after rdr 2 pc version. And most importantly, they'll likely update it for the next ten years if another online version launches so having a ps4 gta in 2035 is probably not ideal.

also, on another note they could probably update the current gta online till 2050 and it would probably work, same as wow.

Re: GTA 6 Officially Confirmed, Development Is 'Well Underway'


People can complain all they want, this is probably the biggest thing thats going to release this decade (not counting AAA f2p). At the end, Rockstar is like James Cameron of games. People complain for a decade, hate on it, etc etc, but it comes out and blows everything out of the water. Probably the only company that not only peaks both in single-player as well as the modern live service element but maximises hype and then surprasses it.

When this does come out, it'll be interesting to see the entire WORLD stop and only talk about this, for quite a long while. From mainstream websites to news channels, there are a few things left in this world that gets everybody talking at the same time, given how diversified and targeted everything is.

Re: Ghostwire: Tokyo Puts the Capital on Edge in PS5 Gameplay Showcase


@WolfyTn You can get used to it, its hard to transition but trust me, entire WORLDS open up to you once you move past the language barrier. Hell, you start looking at life differently because now you're not stuck in your country's bubble. There is a world of mediums that you're missing out on.

Re: Ubisoft Announces In-Game, Playable NFTs Called Digits


Why is everybody so against this? Atleast the vocal ones. Companies should be experimenting, trying new things, exploring?

I have learned in life, if there's something that gets a very strong vocal hate, it probably is a demonized thing with limited basis in reality.

Re: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Upgrade Prices Revealed


@huyi I get that you were obsessed with this stuff. I used to be too back in the previous decade (tho I completed skyrim once not five times). But maybe you're taking this stuff too seriously? Isn't the entire point of life to move on and not let things effect you the way they used to? See, I got dumped recently by somebody I had an amazing month with. Now that HURT. But this childhood game of mine coming a decade later for 50 pounds is mere amusing trivia to me. I can't really understand having such strong feelings about this as you're having. Who cares about these companies and their exclusivities and their games? It's ultimately a trivial point of life. Am I being ignorant saying that? I'd like to hear your point on this.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Death Stranding Director's Cut?


My time on this planet is very limited and more valuable than most things in life including money. That's precisely why I play sony games as they're the proper 'blockbuster' of the game industry that respects your time mostly.
Do I really want to play a game where you walk around just so I can play something others call 'art'. It's unique, it's adding something different and thats noteworthy. If i was immortal or a teen again, I would play the crap out of it but I think it might be too late for me now sorry gaming world.

Re: Destroy All Humans! 2 Remake Probes PS5


Will multi-platforms look as good as ps5 exclusive game? In last gen, playstation exclusives were generally the best looking games. It might be the case this generation too mainly because of the series S. To provide a lower price point, they have made a weaker console thats not really next gen and since multi-platforms have to accomodate it, even if they don't have to run it in 4k, I feel this gen might get limited. I really really hope I'm wrong tho.

Re: Round Up: Lost Judgment Reviews Are Off to a Great Start, But Story Is Dividing Opinion


It's suffering from one issue nobody's mentioned yet. The fact that it looks the same as the previous game. As a rule, if your sequel is so similar you should target next gen, same thing that they're doing with god of war. I know this is japanese with a lower budget but still.

@Dragonaged Good luck, that's what I used to think. Then I grew up a few years, lost interest and now wish I had played the stuff I used to be interested in as a kid. It's too late now for me.

@Z390 We already have entertainment that's heavily filtered and tries to avoid controversy and discussion constantly, what are you on about? Adults watch silly superhero movies while 25000 people die of hunger every day. Remember that scene in iron man where he saves innocents from the taliban, yet in real life, we have a superpower that ignores it and leaves the victims to them and while the women are forced to wear burqas, the world ignores it and discusses morality on social media. We're already so 'pampered' we become complacent and ignore real life atrocities is what I'm saying.

Re: Candyman's Tony Todd Will Voice Venom in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on PS5


I have nothing against this man but whats the point of celebrities? So they can charge a high rate resulting in budgets increase causing games to become safer and hoping that enough customers are able to buy the game and so on and so on.
Control your budgets developers, nobody buys games for celebrities, heck nobody watches movies for celebs.

Re: PS5, PS4 Playtime Website Encounters Turbulence As Sony Bans Accounts


I think sony does these things occasionally. Banning things that might affect them even if it comes at the expense of the customer. I think when EA play launched, xbox accepted it but sony didn't, saying they didn't see the value or point in it (probably saw it as competition to their-then failing PS now). Same with the cross-play controversy.

It's being overly protective, something Nintendo has always specialised in. Sony's like the Japanese company right behind Nintendo in that regard. Same as Disney in movies. These 'forced' family-friendly companies generally pull these moves (though Sony just copies them in one aspect). Remember Nintendo's seal of approval to exclude adult games in the earlier decades of gaming? Or Disney not letting directors make even PG-13 movies until Pirates of the Carribean? And now only Deadpool for R-rating? Or an obsessive control over their IP superheros (with Disney Marvel, with Sony it used to be Spiderman). Kind of like how Rami Malek typish actors, or states like China or even some Islamic states have this desire to control public image, the way they're seen internationally. Anyways, going off-topic, I digress.

Re: The Medium Details PS5 DualSense Features Ahead of Launch


I remember thinking " this game has gotten so tedious" somewhere in the middle of the campaign. Ironically, (one) of the main characters in the game says "this is getting tedious" at the exact moment and I was like "recognizing the bad parts atleast are we?"

Re: PS4 Console Sales Limp to Just Over 116 Million


Nintendo switch might cross the ps2 given a few more years on the market though it does have the advantage of a lower price point and much lower manufacturing costs as well (which potentially allows them to price it even lower if they wanted to).

And, not to be a downer, but at the end of the day, so much hard work, 7 years of growth, and incredible exclusives and all they added was like 30 million people probably from the 360-to-xbone leavers. That's why Gamepass sounds way more exciting, it's far more 'shake up the industry' and has potential for mainstreaming AAA gaming in a way Sony simply cannot, regardless of how well they do the job.