Comments 404

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Sequel Set in Egypt and Skipping 2016


I agree... Unity was a good game just not when it came out. Really liked how how detailed Paris was and the story was great too. Syndicate is also pretty good just seems a bit rushed?
This is great new for ac then, been wanting them to go to Egypt for a long time. Having read the article on kotaku they said there's going to be minimal parkour? Not sure about that.. Isn't that one if the great things about ac? Climbing up basically anything....

Re: Poll: Is the Force Strong with the Star Wars: Battlefront Beta?


@sebzweidrei my experience the matchmaking has been spot on had no issues joining or linking up with my party... Also expected not to be able to get on any game considering track records with massively popular online games. Destiny, GTA.

Am really enjoying it so far,on a different note not sure how your supposed to win on Walker assault when your the rebels seems a bit impossible to me. Stupid overpowered empire... Lol