Comments 363

Re: Best PSVR Games We Want Upgraded for PSVR2


Beat Saber
Skyrim VR
Star Wars Squadrons
Batman Arkham VR
Resident Evil 7

I love the PsVR2 but I would really enjoy it more with some port upgrades. And hopefully more studios will follow Capcom in adding a VR mode for FPS games. I'd do bad things for Alien: Isolation or the Metro series in VR.

Re: Soapbox: I No Longer Think Subscriptions Like PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Are the Future of Gaming


I've never liked the idea of Netflix gaming. Demo's are great. Old school Blockbuster or Redbox game rentals are still good, especially if you're just not sure or it's a very short game. I have a personal dislike of monthly subscriptions. Recently I managed to get down to only one, specifically for the kids and zero gaming subs. The console tax is just too high. NSO with its 2 tier overprice for games I already have. PS+ with its weird 3 tier system and stupid low back compatibility list has zero value to me. Game Pass has a ton of value, but it recently lost the long term gain with Gold losing 360 games (which are yours forever). I realize Gold and GP are technically separate, until Xbox started auto-converting gold subs into GamePass. Even still, even if I just went Gold and have it converted, it still has low value. I already own everything I want to play. And owning them removes the subscription compulsion that comes with the monthly payment. I have a Steamdeck now. That removes most issues for online play when the mood strikes me.

Re: The Last of Us Is One of Sony's More Popular PC Ports Despite the Flaws


Playing it on Steamdeck...hard to deny, but it's rough. The fps is all over the place. There's no optimization done. Even the default mode is barely playable with about 20fps, before dropping settings further. I've read there's a bad memory leak in the DLL, but I've only just started with it. Uncharted is in verified status and plays terrific, not sure why or how TLoU went so poorly. Should have been an easy hype release. I'm still waiting for Ghost of Tsushima and the 2022 release of Horizon and GoW. Ghost especially. I'm sure GT7 will be in there a some point, but it's online always style is a non-starter for me.

Re: Disastrous PS5 Demo Leads to Suicide Squad Delay


@johnny30 there's some simple etiquette in dungeons, especially FF, that everyone appreciates. If it's your first time, just say so as the dungeon is starting. And uhhh, I wouldn't recommend leaving in the middle of a dungeon to grab a bite. Dungeons are usually about 20-30 minutes max as is. But that is generally accepted as rude behavior and will get you kicked. FF is a far more laid back community, but still, respect the other 3 people's time in the dungeon.