Comments 363

Re: The Witcher 3 Livestream Set for This Week


@PhhhCough I'm running on a Series S currently. And played it on the One X originally, the enhanced/quality mode vs performance was so negligible graphically I could barely tell. So just ran it in performance for FPS. Maybe they will go Bonkers with Ray tracing or something else substantial. CDPR may have crapped the bed with the Cyberpunk launch, but it is at least very solid now with the upgrades. (Although I would still love a 1080/60 mode for series S.)

Re: Reaction: Sony's Positive PS Plus Reboot Proves the Value of Catalogues


The big win here is that old purchases via the PS Store on PSP, PS3 or even Vita (depending on the purchase) are available for download and play once this launches. It also seems to imply that these titles will be purchaseable via the Store, tho not confirmed.

Granted that list was EXTREMELY light on the back-compat titles, specifically with PS1, PS2 and PSP. Considering the lack of big name publishers: Square, Capcom, Bandai-Namco, etc. I would expect this list to be a slowly rising crescendo of HOLY CRAP! they did it! Very similar to the Xbox Back Compat which hit its final peak last year.

Considering the absurd depth of Playstations Library if they get with it and go nuts, this could be the biggest move in years towards serious Game Preservation. I am SOOOOOO glad they did not follow Nintendo's style of paywall only. I will hate that till the day I die.

Re: Sadly, There Are Currently No Plans for Shenmue 4


I get the idea of an Opus. But honestly he had the funds and the time to make Shenmue 3 truly epic. And wrap up the whole series. Instead he just went with another episode in the saga and then later said he always planned it for 7 total episodes. Rather ridiculous.

Re: Classic Games Including PS1 Curiously Expiring on PS3, PS Vita


@hoffa007 I dunno, Driveclub still works. You just can't buy it or play it online. I'm more concerned with the vagarious nature of digital license 'ownership'. I recently had to 'renew' all my movie and tv licenses thru XBL for my baby Surface (total pita). That's just weird. There is no standard or regulation controlling digital licensing. It seems the entire digital world is evolving into an always online license check. So we end up going backwards. There is something to be said for the semi-permanent nature of physical ownership. Although it means far less now with the necessity of day 1 patches. My favorites are the (very rare) physical cartridges that still run entirely on the 1.0 version or cart only version. I think I have like 4 total lol.

Re: Classic Games Including PS1 Curiously Expiring on PS3, PS Vita


You make all the points behind my originally going all Digital. I only in the last 2 years started a very small Physical collection for two reasons, my kids both have switch-lites and I'll be damned if I'm gonna buy 3 copies of Mario Odyssey or Smash Bros and secondly, my collection is stupidly large on Switch and out of caution for space I wanted some games on Cart. I keep all those carts either in my small case which is always in my backpack or my kids have them. But all your points are perfectly valid. I take my bug out bag with me to work every day and never worry about my games getting thieves or melted.

Sidenote: You make a great point about the undervalued Nintendo Store points system.

Re: Soapbox: It's Okay to Enjoy Elden Ring and Horizon Forbidden West


I got well into Horizon 2 and have dipped my toe into Elden Ring. But I've decided to wait till I'm done playing with Robo-Dinosaurs and then enjoy ER. Playing both simultaneously would be like reading LotR and 'War and Peace' at the same time. Both are classics that deserve my undivided attention. Don't get so caught up in the fomo that you lessen your own enjoyment.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Horizon Forbidden West?


Avoiding other comments for spoilers. But I'm 30 hours in and am fascinated by the game. Both the story-telling and depth of gameplay. BUT, there are some bugs. I just encountered one this morning where my weapon type got locked and it wouldn't switch. I ended up having to die and restart. Another one last night where a required enemy kill somehow got stuck inside a rock!
The bugs are totally immersion breaking. If they didn't keep popping up, this is an EASY 10/10. As it is, it's a solid 9.

The exploration of the game is so amazing. I've spent hours just going with a 'hey what's over there'?

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Sifu?


I've a bad feeling this is gonna end up on my backlog now that Horizon 2 grabbed my attention. Love the art style. Oddly, it's used in The Long Dark with great effectiveness. It seems to be especially good for facial animation. Just wish I had more time.