Comments 71

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


This was just, not what people want from Sony. People have been pushing back against their new focus on live service games since it was announced. Honestly, if Concord had been announced and released outside of that, and been free-to-play, it probably would have done better. Not necessarily a hit, but more than the disaster it is now. There was a tone deafness to this whole thing, and hopefully Sony learned something here.

Re: Xbox Planning to Release the 'Majority' of Its Exclusives on PS5


Ok everyone, I know some of us have a console warrior mindset, and you might be like "yaay we win!!" But...we do not win. This is in fact, pretty terrible news if it's true.
Sony has been great overall, I would argue that their run may be better than even Nintendo's. But one problem they have had over the years is this: whenever they feel like they're running unopposed, they become absolute JERKS. with Microsoft officially out of the way, you can get ready for PS6 at $600-$650 MINIMUM, another game price hike, DRM left and right (yep same thing they made fun of Microsoft for, they would ABSOLUTELY do if they could). Basically with no competition, Sony will feel like they can do whatever they want. Microsoft was never really great competition for Sony, but they are rich enough and pesky enough that Sony has had to at least pretend to give a crap about their customers. No matter how big of a Sony fan you are, you should probably pray that Microsoft sticks around.

Re: Sony: Acquisition of Bungie Represents a Major Step Forward in Becoming More Multiplatform


@Apfelschteiner by the time the console actually MAKES money, the company is mostly recouping the money they lost in the beginning. it is NOT a golden goose. why do you think every company in gaming is trying to get into streaming? if they had their way, they would just sell games. the consoles are necessary for now, yes, but money makers? no, not really. Nintendo goes out of their way to make their consoles as cheap as possible, while almost keeping their first party games at full price for YEARS. why? exactly. the same reason why if you buy a new razor, it's usually less money than a pack of the replacement blades. that's where the money is. we're off track anyway. my POINT is that keeping games tied to one console forever is a dumb, antiquated idea that is partially responsible for game prices increasing, and permanent exclusivity should end. it serves virtually no purpose besides making a small group of fanboys happy lol

Re: Sony: Acquisition of Bungie Represents a Major Step Forward in Becoming More Multiplatform


i'm all for it. this is literally the ONLY medium where this exclusivity exists, and it doesn't benefit the gamers or the company MAKING the game. you don't think Sony would secretly LOVE to sell Spider-Man games to absolutely everyone? remember they don't really make money off selling consoles; they sell console so they can sell games. i think the future will be this: games will still launch exclusively for whatever platform holder owns the IP, but after a year or so, MOST games will make their way to the larger audience. it would equal more sales, and MAYBE even slow down price increases. as hard as companies try to nickel and dime us, this would be preferable to loot boxes any day.

Re: Soapbox: I Don't Know How to Feel About This PS4-to-PS5 Upgrade Uproar


Under normal circumstances, I would have no issue with charging more to upgrade. If people could simply go to Gamestop, take a ps5 off the shelf and buy it, there would be no problem. These aren't normal circumstances, though. A LOT of gamers may be stranded on ps4, maybe through 2022 even. It's not anyone's fault (except for the scalpers, who can die in a fire), so why punish gamers who want to buy your games but simply haven't been able to get their hands on a new system?

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Doesn't Have Sixth Archstone, No Difficulty Modes


@SailorNemesis that's all i'm saying. i don't really have 100 hours to play anything anymore. i'm still playing dragon quest 11 because i have an hour here and there. i'm about halfway through Sekiro for the same reason. i don't even think the moment-to-moment gameplay needs to be easier. Just a mode where there are more bonfires would be fine lol

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Doesn't Have Sixth Archstone, No Difficulty Modes


@Crimson_Ridley and that option should be there for people who like playing that way. most other games let people who just want to enjoy the lore or the story do so. i do think Soulsbornes games should be hard, i like them even if i don't finish them, they're very compelling. but someone (mark my words) will make one, simply OFFER THE OPTION of lower difficulty or more frequent bonfires, and make a ton of money. Jedi Fallen Order was a step in that direction, actually.

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Doesn't Have Sixth Archstone, No Difficulty Modes


@Nepp67 "git gud" amirite? listen, as i said, i enjoy these games. that isn't my point. my point is that the company that makes a game like this that also offers an easier mode will find a very large audience of interested customers. i know almos as many people who are curious but won't try them (or in many cases, don't have the time to play the same levels 10 times each) as i do people willing to grind the games down bit by bit. some developer will realize that BOTH audiences can be served.

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