Comments 865

Re: Final Five Games Battle It Out for The Game Awards Players' Choice


Genshin is a good game (gacha aside) but I'm 100% sure that most people only vote for it because they will receive free item if it wins. And that completely defeats the point of the award

Also it's kinda weird that a game that didn't release in 2023 and already won that award even gets nominated again. I think games like that should be restriced to the "Best Ongoing Game"-Award, while every other award is for 2023 games only

Re: The Next Shenmue Could Potentially Be a Prequel Story


I have never played Shenmue myself but I heard that a lot of fans didn't like Shenmue 3 because it basically was just filler (it didn't move the overall story forward) despite having waited many years for it.

So I'm pretty sure fans will be happy to hear that the potential next game will be a prequel /s

Re: Poll: Spider-Man 2 PS5 Bugs are Apparently a Real Problem, But Have You Had Any?


Beside minor bugs I had those bugs:

  • Sound would stop working (and no, it wasn't during Haileys quest). Had to restart the game
  • Soundeffects of the traffic stopped working three times. Had to restart to game each time
  • Progess bar for some side activitity didn't go away after finishing said activity
  • When escaping from a collapsing building I had to swing to the right. But the game just wouldn't let me. Had to go back to the last checkpoint (which luckily was right before)
  • After learing a new move the game told me to press L1 + X and even though I tried multiple times the game didn't do anything. Had to go back to the last checkpoint (which luckly also was right before)

But luckily this time around the game didn't crash during the final boss fight unlike in Miles Morales lol