Comments 2,744

Re: Video: Is Concord Destined to Fail?


It’s too early to say. The internet is vicious and tends to try to kill games pretty frequently. It certainly happened to Forspoken, which is a better game than the internet said it was (if you played it and disagree, that’s one thing, but if you just want to call it cringe, that’s another thing), but also no one’s played it yet, so it may have legs following that. Also, the internet’s been trying to kill Ubisoft for ages and it hasn’t happened yet. I’m not trying to support the game, as I think it looks rough to me, but I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt.

Re: Showing a Trailer at Geoff Keighley's Summer Game Fest Reportedly Costs $250K for One Minute


It’s sort of great that there is an allotment for some games that couldn’t afford to do that spend either just because Geoff wants to advertise the game. I’m sure Kojima probably gets in for free too.

Geoff’s events, in the post-E3 era, are the most watched gaming events now, so the spend absolutely makes sense. It’s honestly more affordable than I would have thought, given the scope of the event and the costs associated with the industry these days. I know people will jump to bagging on this, but that’s not a ludicrous marketing spend for companies of this size to advertise their product in a largely positive space for what they’ll present.

Re: Feature: Predict Summer Game Fest 2024 with Our 20 Question Quiz


@Toot1st Respectfully disagree. For me, Rebirth, Balatro, Prince of Persia, Tekken, and Animal Well have been the only 8/10+ tier games released this year for me. I can understand where people may disagree with that, but that’s me, and I’ve tried a fair number of games that were critically praised. Just a lot of games that haven’t been hits to my palette. This is the first year in a long time that I’ve struggled finding something that clicks for more than a month. Since finishing Rebirth, I’ve practically been waiting for Erdtree. Last year I felt like this in gaming was 2012. 2024 is a better year than 2012, for the record—by a long shot—but I still feel like this year’s been barren compared to the last 10 years, at least for my personal tastes. I’m just used to enjoying more games more often and the radio silence for announcements hasn’t helped.

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your PS5 Predictions for Summer Game Fest 2024?


I’m over here hoping for Plucky Squire and Silksong getting release dates (and hopefully Lost Records too). I’d love for Astro Bot to have a victory lap. Honestly though… my expectations are pretty low. 2024 has sort of been a flop of a year (outside maybe four releases), so I’m just hoping I’ll be able to have a commendable top 10 by the end of the year. As a dream, I dream of two Kojima games.

Honestly, Slitterhead being tossed out there the day after Geoff insinuated us to lower expectations raises my interest significantly.

Re: Upcoming PS5 Games for June and July 2024


@Specky Indika is an interesting little curio. It’s a short game and relatively easy too. It handles some complicated themes for a game though. Having come out right next to Hellblade 2, and being a similar type of game, in my opinion, it sort of trampled on that game for being a more unique experience. Indika is also intentionally divisive at certain points. It knows when it’s being obtuse and annoying. I currently have it in my top 10 for the year, at any rate. It’s a game you’ll like or you won’t.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 531


Maybe I’ll finally actually play Banishers this week. I’m caught up on the backlog, so technically that’s all that’s left for me on my to-play list til Erdtree (unless I decide to get Still Wakes the Deep or we get some Summer Game Fest surprises).

I’ve been fluffing about in Elden Ring mostly, regaining my skill, but the stuff I skipped is stuff I’m not able to beat. Lol. I was Elden Lord long ago, but now… Man, I can’t beat Commander Niall… Was I that dependent on others to help me through the game? Yesterday I was having a great time clearing Farum Azula though. Really fun area to practice in.

I might watch my son play Hauntii for a while. He quite likes that one.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game from State of Play?


@IamJT Hopefully a decent amount of people get the references and purchase the game. I know my son is going to lose his mind when he sees the trailer and my wife, as a non-gamer, will know Parappa but won’t know who Kratos is. PlayStation in particular is sort of an empty place for quality kids games (or all ages games) at the moment, so I do think there’s a market here and I’m hoping it’s a massive hit. I mean, frankly, there’s a lot of genre gaps that currently exist that Astro Bot fills and it’s the type of game that gets non-gamers interested. Given the release slate this year too, it’s got a shot at being discussed during award season as well if it’s better than the previous game was.

Re: Latest State of Play Is One of the Worst-Received PS5 Shows Yet


Hopefully Summer Game Fest is a bigger event. I like to buy at least one game a month and honestly… I just haven’t bought much this year. I bought zero games in April and Indika in May, which is a smaller scale purchase. June is looking to go without a purchase and July…

I can say that State of Play, at the very least, told me I’ll buy one more game for sure this year in Astro Bot. It’s a must buy. I’d preorder it now. Silent Hill 2 is still a maybe for me, but it’s starting to look likely I might jump on AC Shadows at launch since it feels like I’ll need something bloated while I wait for Death Stranding 2 and GTA6.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game from State of Play?


Do we really need a poll on this? It’s clearly Astro Bot!

Honestly, I don’t know what Sony’s thinking if they don’t consider Astro Bot to be a big release.

Outside that, Silent Hill 2 is realistically the only other game that may sucker me into a purchase from that SoP. Herman’s got his hands full righting the wrongs of the Jimbo era.

And yeah, yeah, Monster Hunter Wilds… I’ve never got into Monster Hunter, despite loving Capcom. If there’s a demo, I’ll try it, though the series hasn’t ever clicked with me. I would’ve preferred the Resident Evil rumors.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand


To be honest, there’s that joke and stereotype that PlayStation users have a bias towards cinematic third party story games, isn’t there? It’s there for a reason and it’s arguably the thing that’s been missing from this generation of games. Give us an Uncharted or GoT and we’ll be quiet for at least a year. Whatever happens, at least I’ve got my Death Stranding 2 to look forward to.

Re: PS5, PC Fans Are Trying to Figure Out If Concord Is Free-to-Play


I don’t think price is a problem. It wasn’t that long ago that Overwatch 1 was a $60 game at launch and it wasn’t exactly feature rich in those days, but still a 10/10 multiplayer shooter. As long as the game justifies itself and its cost, it’ll be fine like Helldivers was. I thought (and honestly still feel) that Helldivers felt free-to-play, but they fooled me there, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Concord does the same. That said though, I’m not the target audience for this one, unlikely I’ll buy, as I feel Helldivers is overrated and I’m not going to waste my money again. I’ll try the beta at least though. That’s a positive.

Re: PS5 Players Are Buying Fewer New Games, But Spending More Than Ever Overall


@NEStalgia I dunno if the big service games are really building a console base either, honestly. I think they’re creating more spend by consumers, of course, but I don’t think it’s accurate to say that the service games are bringing people in, as they literally could be playing on any platform they want. There’s still something to the special sauce of single player console exclusives that gets people invested into the ecosystem. Without them though, I think you’re right, but I also think a lot of people will drop out of those ecosystems if that takes place, which will leave “off in its own world” Nintendo in the best place in the industry when the bubble pops. I think the video game industry is pretty darn reflective of the economy as a whole. Everyone is trying to have their hands in every business to gather more assets without realizing that they are being less successful in more fields the bigger they grow, and as a result, the consumers are sort of screwed by multilateral planning of assets rather than the production of superior goods.

Re: PS5 Players Are Buying Fewer New Games, But Spending More Than Ever Overall


@NEStalgia oh, yes, I agree that this is what is happening in the industry, only the Fortnites and CoDs can’t exactly get away with that because they’re so mainstream, but this is part of the goal with live service. I’m sure Sony is aware that, if they push that too hard though, they will start to lose interest in their platform, which is what keeps the single player games alive. I can definitely see a crash happening again, given these circumstances. But at least Nintendo will keep being Nintendo, so at least there’s that.

Re: PS5 Players Are Buying Fewer New Games, But Spending More Than Ever Overall


I dunno. When I look at my own spend, I know I spent a decent amount on games in 2023. I don’t really buy DLC anymore and I haven’t purchased any microtransactions either. This year, I’ve cancelled both Gamepass and PS+, and my spending has been down year-over-year in totality. I’ve only purchased 15 games year to date, which is rather low for me. From this data, however, I gather that the industry is going to continue down its live service trend. It seems the casuals spend far more money on skins than dedicated gamers spend on games.

Re: Capcom Making Resident Evil 0, Code Veronica Remakes Next, Reports Say


@Americansamurai1 I agree. RE1 could be really cinematic and tense rather than action packed, which is a good thing for the series. I feel like RE0 sets up an RE1 remake to be next, which is good for Capcom because most people are probably thinking about RE5 right now, and, if they don’t want to go there and want to forget about 5 and 6 like much of the fanbase does, they’ve redirected expectations to keep the level of quality higher.

Re: Ubisoft Pirate Game Skull and Bones Gets Trial Version, Price Cut as Player Count Reportedly Plummets


@Juanalf To each’s own, but I find the cutscenes in Suicide Squad to be distasteful, honestly. Skull and Bones at least has visuals going for it and an ok gameplay loop. It’s just a barren title that should have had more to its game design. I’ve played them both (fortunately without having to spend any money) and I prefer Skull and Bones. At the end of the day, I’m rooting for a 4/10 over a 3/10, but that’s personal preference.

Re: Ubisoft Pirate Game Skull and Bones Gets Trial Version, Price Cut as Player Count Reportedly Plummets


@Nyne11Tyme the thing with live service games, even successful ones, is that they are sustained only as long as there’s an active and interested fanbase and that’s usually from a continuously generating content machine. Not sure how close Helldivers is to securing celebrity skins, but otherwise, I believe the hype machine has sort of run its course for the game for the time being. The whole PSN thing really impacted the trajectory for the title. Regardless of that though, it’ll likely be the first live service game ever nominated for GotY and is also very likely a very profitable game already. People tend to stick with one live service title long term and bounce to other experiences short term. The success of Helldivers 2 shows that people are ready for a new live service game, but perhaps Arrowhead wasn’t quite ready to sustain a Fortnite level ecosystem. That’s ok though. It could still have a second wave. I’m always surprised at how long Apex has floated against Fortnite, CoD, and Destiny.

Re: Sony Sets Sights on Ruling the Anime World


The largest library doesn’t mean the best library. With anime, I largely just purchase what I want at this point. It’s a genre of entertainment as crowded with junk as the Nintendo eshop. Man, this quality over quality mindset of industry is really obnoxious these days.

Re: Bombshell Report Finds Players Becoming Less Interested in Deep Strategy Games


I dunno, I’ll play a good strategy game if I’ve got one. Triangle Strategy and Three Houses were fantastic, two of my favorite srpgs. FE Engage was rough going for me though since I thought the story was corny, even if combat was fun. The big problem with strategy games beyond the SRPG bubble is that they’re not as good as they were in the past. The industry has stagnated the quality of these titles in pursuit of monetization and now it’s effectively killing off the genre.