Comments 176

Re: Over 1,600 Must-Play PS5, PS4 Games Discounted on PS Store


@purple_mouse_gaming the 30 fps was a deal breaker for me.
If you never played any from soft games youre better off starting with original Dark Souls or Demon souls remake. All of these games run at perfect 60.
People seem to praise Bloodborne here because its there system of choice exclusive.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Dragon's Dogma 2?


The gameplay videos look really bad compared to the prerelease footage we were bombarded with.

Combat looks clunky and the climbing on big monsters looks like something from early 2000s game. Not to mention the insane frame drops and microtransactions.

I was looking forward for this game, but for now its hard pass for me.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition Heads to PC in March


I dont envy the PC players, wouldnt want to live thru that disappointment again.

@MaccaMUFC Porting games to other platforms isnt necessarily a problem. Sony slacking on first party exclusives is.

@AdamNovice Truu, the graphics were mindblowing. I think Alan Wake 2 came close/surpasses it in some ways. But still FW was pretty epic, especially the sand physics.

Re: The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now


@sanderson72 Hmm from what i could find the only console outselling ps5 was ps2 and still if you take that data during the same period of time ps5 is on course to crash those numbers too.

Youre right about the android tho, my mistake. Despite the percentage increasing in the recent years, if you look on overall data, android has long term much better market position retainability.
Again, my mistake

Re: The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now


@nomither6 Haha man are you ok? Who hurt you? Youre being waaaay too agressive given the topic.

I love you say that its not about me, yet youre the one throwing a tantrum on the internet telling a multibillion dollar company what they should and shouldnt do.

My opinions are just that, i never posed them as some golden standart, so chill out kid.

Id much rather useless features stripped down to maintain simplicity of the system. And given the ps5 is the best selling playstation yet, despite having those “”features”” removed tells me at least some people think the same way i do.

More options arent always better, thats why more and more people prefer iOS over android, its not as bloated with nonsence and therefore works better.

You dont always have to be condescending and throw insults around to drive your point across. I think youll learn that one way or ther other later in your life

Have a great day!

Re: The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now


@nomither6 I strongly disagree, theres a huuuge difference between a gaming pc and a modern console.

Also its no problem to strip features if theyre useless and do nothing but bloat the system.

I mean, internet browser? Really? To surf the interwebs using a dualsense? In a day and age where anything from bathtubs to fridges has one?
Cmon man, let it just be a gaming system.

Re: The Latest PS5 Firmware Update Is Available to Download Now


@nomither6 It also doesnt have a can opener and it cant tell weather.
Essencial functions in a gaming console if you ask me.

Edit - So im not just a sarcastic a-hole: The simplicity of just putting in a disc and playing a game without having to set up a theme and learn how to turn off cortana is the main appeal of a gaming console. What you seem to want is a PC :/