Comments 176

Re: Of Course Full Price Remake Persona 3 Reload Has a Full Spread of Day One DLC


I think witcher had a lot of free dlcs of the same nature.
But yea thats exactly my point. Theres different ways of doing DLC, not of all em are bad.

Edit- technically speaking all DLCs, hell the games themselves, are optional.
The problem is that the companies want you to buy them.
Diablo4 is a great example, optional dlc yes, but all other armors look like crap. So if you want to look cool you need to pay up.

Re: Upgraded PS5 Controller with Hugely Improved Battery Life Spotted


@TheMightyImp2 Oh yea i have original white ones. Might be that. I dont know why as im also extremely clean, i wouldnt touch a controller with greasy hand if my life depended on it.

To be fair i was pretty unlucky with the console itself, had to have it replaced after a month of use.
Its my first console since NES so i guess some teething aches haha.

Still love it tho!

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2


@Kanji-Tatsumi I feel like if you run a professional gaming website you should be able to objectively judge the product your field is based on.

Based on criteria like innovation, technical quality, writing quality.

It’s shouldn’t be all subjective.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2


To me SM2 is a safe, run off the mill crowd pleaser that didn’t take any risks whatsoever and had little to no innovation. I enjoyed the first game way more.

Yes it was a vote, but maybe it shouldn’t have been, since people will probably always vote for their console of choice exclusives. (see Starfield).

I personally hold a review website to a higher standard than just counting votes.

Re: Game of the Year: #3 - Resident Evil 4


@UltimateOtaku91 Thats actually a really good point, i cant think of many popular turn based rpgs that came out on consoles.

Thank you for a well constructed comment. I do admit i mightve let my personal dislike of the new spidey cloud my view of how popular the game actually is.

Edit - Starfield winning goty is hillarious tho

Re: Game of the Year: #3 - Resident Evil 4


@UltimateOtaku91 I personally believe and please take it as constructive criticism framed in the most respectful way possible, that exclusivity shouldnt matter.

Playstation site goty should mean the best games available for the console. In my opinion.

Edit - i would argue that superhero themed, combo based fighting game is way more niche than RPG these days.

Re: Game of the Year: #3 - Resident Evil 4


Pretty weird Spiderman2 being this high, is it because its exclusive?

There were more changes in RE4 remake over the original and that was a remake, not a full fledged sequel.

Alan Wake 2 had way better story and presentation while also being more technologically impressive.

I personally believe both of those games should be higher.

Constructive criticism - I dont think something being an exclusive should matter, i think you should be objective when chosing a GOtY.

Re: Game of the Year: #4 - Alan Wake 2


@Gremio108 the first one is recommended. You will probably be absolutelly fine playing the second one, if a little bit confused.
But they overall did a good job with introducing new players.

I personally played the remaster before playing AW2, but i dont think its necessary.

Re: Game of the Year: Jaimie's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2023


@Flippygruffle I, for one, think that Alan Wake 2 is extremely underrated.

Edit- Altho i also prefer Sagas gameplay, I think Alans parts are brilliant too, the instant rewriting of scenes is breathtaking. And the fact that you never know which shadows are real or not keeps you uneasy for the entire game.