Comments 3,633

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Will Get Free Post-Launch DLC


If it’s going to be just a short time after release then I’d rather they just wait a short time and have them in the game. I’ve nothing against free DLC of course, but I would hope they at least have their own trophies if they are going that route. I suspect they will given Playroom.

Re: Sublime Horror Resident Evil Village Tops 10 Million Units


Makes sense, you’ll need to full back on crutches like that when there is no one to one motion. I haven’t played a flat resi for many years, and never played 4 flat before, so I wouldn’t know how important it is in flat mode, but in VR movement and aim is perfect. I only parried in one particular boss fight.

Re: Tomb Raider Legend Unearths 480p, 30fps Performance on PS5, PS4


It’s a common release price. These games will all go down to £6.99 maximum as the common standard price (“sale” price).

But, as I said yesterday, Sony should have put more work into their emulator to run at a better resolution and performance, rather than just a basic emulation with a few quality of life features.

I know they are always scared of breaking games then getting a bad rep and needing to put work in to fix it, but they could just have a “performance” mode as an option and give a disclaimer.

Re: Ex-PS5 Exec Shawn Layden Isn't Holding Back His Feelings on Xbox


Wasn’t it many hours later that he made that comment? He knew exactly what he was leaving dangling regarding Sony with those first comments. It’s a common and rather transparent tactic in business, politics, etc. it’s not even that he lied initially, just threw a little shade. It’s his job after all to make MS seem like the people’s champion, they’ve been at it for ages now with the whole subscription thing, cross play thing, etc (when we all know these businesses are all just looking to maximise growth).

Re: Ex-PS5 Exec Shawn Layden Isn't Holding Back His Feelings on Xbox


Too right to! I’m not a big fan of modern Sony, but when someone says it’s slimy for you to continue a practice they started themselves (which Phil admits too much later in an interview), and in fact have accelerated massively by buying entire third party publishers and then taking games that where originally planned to be multiplatform away entirely (Starfield, Indiana jones, etc) I can’t blame him for commenting back.

The only good thing about this apparent hypocrisy is that Phil seems to be laying the groundwork for a change in policy that might see the likes of elder scrolls release on PlayStation.

Re: PS5 Needs to Do a Better Job of Alerting You to the Things Going on in Your Games


The only such service I would appreciate would be to have all such games and DLC that includes things like this to be a filter I can turn off in the PSN store. I don’t want to search for games and be assailed with a multitude of social hang out spaces. I do agree it’s weird Sony don’t do it better though, it’s where they are looking to make most of their money after all.

Re: Xbox Explains Why It Shuttered Beloved Hi-Fi Rush Developer


The problem is that, the way MS run things, it is extremely difficult to understand what type of benefit some devs give. I mean, how much did this dev contribute to people signing up for Gamepass? Because if MS put the game on Gamepass day 1 this is how they need to be judged, not on profit from game sales, which would have been cut off at the legs by the subscription service. How do MS decide whether their games would bring people on board and so be a net benefit or net loss? The answer is they cannot. There are too many varying factors which influence sub take up.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Will Reportedly Require a PSN Account to Play


No interest in this type of repetitive game. The cutscenes actually looked fun though. Shame it isn’t single player.
No idea why people keep running such an obvious story. Most of the big publishers require you to create a free account, both console and PC players are well used to this. At least doing it for PSN means you get additional trophy challenges (I believe Uplay did something similar in the past, although I rarely played Ubisoft games).

Re: PS5 Packaging No Longer Mentions 8K, Some Fans Accuse Sony of False Advertising


It’s not brand loyalty. I don’t even like California Sony and their sanitised cinematic games bore the hell out of me. I just don’t think crybaby opportunists should be given any credence whatsoever. But, yes, if it was never updated in the firmware they could be susceptible to such people on a technicality, despite there never being any actual point in allowing it given there is effectively no content that can run at 8K

Re: It's 'A Truly Exciting Time' for PlayStation as New Sony CEOs Take Control


I want them to release more innovative AA games, release more innovative PSVR2 games, remove the restrictive policies that lead to increased censorship/self censorship, and commit to, say, releasing no more than 2 live service games per year (10+ is just ridiculous).

Now, admittedly, that might all lead to a loss, or drop in, sales growth for Sony. But it’s what would keep me loyal.

If they want to make money, that’s mobile gaming. PlayStation can be there to grow franchises. Just connect mobile games to PSN so I can go for trophy challenges on the bus and I’ll be OK with it.

Re: Xbox Series S Specs Limit the Scope of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2


I guess the lower spec would also allow for more PC sales, plus means there is less difficulty getting it to run well on the higher spec consoles. Also would mean less game to actually make, so less dev time and expense. It’s not like they are the biggest studio. Not saying I like it, just that I can see the business case for them.

Re: Astro Bot Is the 'Biggest' Game Team ASOBI Has Ever Made


And yet by not being in VR it’s a fraction of the quality it could have been. Rescue Mission players will know exactly what I’m talking about. The only saving grace it that so few people played that wonderous VR game most just won’t understand what they are missing as they play. For me, and I am looking forward to the game, it will be a very bittersweet gaming experience.

I do wonder what the devs feel about losing so much by going back to pancake gaming. I wouldn’t be happy to be creating a lesser work. Especially with the promise of PSVR2 so close.

Although it wont be of the same quality as Rescue Mission, at least I have Max Mustard to look forward to.

Re: Latest State of Play Is One of the Worst-Received PS5 Shows Yet


I’m not sure what people expect. Does it have to be known IP? As long as there’s some nice sunny Japanese stuff I’m happy, my my only disappointment was the non VR-ness of Astro Bot. There were a few good things smattered within that were new to me too! Sony could do without putting their live service stuff front and centre though, doesn’t give the best impression.

Honest question though - what would people consider a good show if this was so terrible? I’d honestly like to know. Anyone?

Re: PS5 Platformer Astro Bot Will Have 80 Action-Packed Levels


Without VR support it will be a fraction of the game it could have been. Will still get it as it’ll likely be one of the best platformers ever made, but Sony absolutely should have made it a hybrid game. I’m glad non VR players will get to experience a small part of the Astro magic, but it’s a real shame for people who know how great this game could have been.