Comments 3,633

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play for May 2024?


Well, this Astro game looks like the best platformer that isn’t in VR ever made. A shame it’s not 10 times better by being in VR, but I’ll probably still get it at some point, just not day one. What it does prove is that Sony had no intention of supporting PSVR2 from launch. To not even make it a hybrid game is just scandalous. And sad. Very, very sad. To lose such potential by locking Astro behind a pane of glass like some 80s Superman, forcing him to move in a 2d plane instead of being a true 3D platformer. Why Sony, why ruin things like this?

There were a couple of what looked like decent Japanese games from a dev I’ve never heard of. And it all started with a game that looked like it would have been great if it wasn’t shackled to a live service monetisation campaign (hopefully someone will collate all these CGI scenes into a channel where I don’t have to play the repetitive game, it looks like something I’d like to watch).

Behemoth was a bit more combat focused than I was hoping, with seemingly little exploration, but its early days.

Re: PS5's Streaming Handheld PS Portal Is Proving a Huge Hit


It’s the ergonomics and parity with dualsense features. Sure I could save £100 and and get a cheap tablet to stream to, but I’ve tried that with phones and various stands and clips and it’s awkward and uncomfortable. And forget about laying down on my back in bed and playing, it wouldn’t be possible. Then you have the easy fast connection and reassurance it will always be updated. For £100 it’s a no brainer for me.

It’s fairer to ask why this and not the steamdeck. But then you’d have to switch the price points around.

Re: Sony Wants Non-PS5 Owners to Use Its Accessories


That’s bad luck. I’ve personally only had one controller get stick drift in nearly 40 years of gaming, and that was on the Switch. Which I guess is common to almost everyone.

I’d be pissed if my Portal gets it as it’s a lot more to replace it, if there is even stock.

Worst would be if the PSVR2 controller gets it though, I couldn’t even buy replacements there if I wanted to!!

Re: Sushi Ben Looks Like a Superb Manga-Inspired Experience for PSVR2


Yes, I didn’t mean my comment to seem critical of the game, it was just a weird angle for the article to take in my opinion. I’ll probably actually get it at some point - it’s an antidote to all the bloody dark horror games, and it seems the characters are done well; I don’t mind the lack of an English dub, (especially as I’m trying to teach myself Japanese at the moment), but the lack of anything to do outside of the main storyline might make it feel a bit repetitive to me. I don’t expect it to be of Yakuza diversity, but the world seems a bit empty. I know the devs have said they are adding side quests so I’ll likely wait for that.

Re: Big Discounts on PS Plus Subs, PS5 Consoles, and PSVR2 in Days of Play Promotion


What you describe sounds exactly like GAME over here, and that’s going under. CEX is purely games, retro games, some collectors editions and old DVDs. I think I went into one that had some posters.

The only problem is, as with any second hand store, it’s hot and miss what is in there. I’ve still got about £200 worth of credit but not much to spend it on. Especially as they have few VR games.

Re: Big Discounts on PS Plus Subs, PS5 Consoles, and PSVR2 in Days of Play Promotion


That indeed seems terrible over there!

I use CEX over here (GAME isn’t really a thing any more). A quick glance at some of the last physical games I played shows FFXVI - £25 purchase price, £16 trade back; Infinite wealth - £35 purchase price, £23 trade in; Hubris £25 purchase price, £16 trade back…

Compared to some of these being £50-70 on the digital store (not Hubris of course, VR has very cheap games to make up for the high hardware price), which makes the convenience of digital very expensive. Thats not even considering the advantage of having some games physical for better PS5 performance or to avoid certain patches. These things make physical worth it for me.

Plus I have sometimes made money on the exchange. For example, I bought Blue Reflection for £22 and traded it back for £50 (it’s still holding strong at £36 trade in value).

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for June 2024 Announced


Jesus Christ PSVR2 games! Fantastic!!! So pleased about this. Plus I only have 2 of them for now. Will definitely give ghost busters and synth riders a go, plus Walking dead 2 is awesome but I need to finish 1 first. So happy about this.

It won’t make me renew Premium, because VR games are almost all very very cheap anyway, so it’s not worth a Premium prescription, but it would make me renew at essential level. Until I have to decide on that I’m happy seeing them starting to come to the service, even if making it premium is a bit stingy.

Essential is crap of course.

Re: New PSVR2 Games Release Dates in 2024



I just checked the PSN store and we also have the following (there are a lot more, but these are just the “Announced” ones they bothered to put up)

May 28th
The Exorcist Legion

VRSO Bare Knuckle Fighting

The Utility Room

2024 -
Building Simulator
Snow Scout

Arken Age

Re: Rumour: Full Astro Bot PS5 Game to Be Announced Very Soon


“ even though they admit the games look better on Quest. Can’t admit that psvr2 is just not as powerful as the quest 3”

Please stop the childish trolling. You are embarrassing yourself.

Quest 3 is great, but not even the most diehard fan would suggest it’s mobile chip can output games anything like the fidelity of the PS5 and VR2, nor do they care for it to do so.

Re: Rumour: Full Astro Bot PS5 Game to Be Announced Very Soon


I think the reason for this is that, in both cases, presumptions are made that not selling huge amounts of hardware is a death knell, whereas both MS and Sony are likely exactly where they expect to be. They don’t invest millions without having a bit of a better understanding than we bother with lol. The hardware is priced to recoup costs and software makes some money, but it’s always about looking for growth (whether that be cross platform publishing , subscriptions, or a hardware paradigm shift such as VR).

Re: Rumour: Full Astro Bot PS5 Game to Be Announced Very Soon


As I said, it’s ongoing development which they may as well release to market as not. Do you really expect them to just keep iterating until it has mass market appeal without releasing anything to make money? That’s not Sony lol. Breaking even, with minimal to no risk, while increasing their capability until it becomes a huge moneymaker seems perfectly normal to me.

Re: Rumour: Full Astro Bot PS5 Game to Be Announced Very Soon


lol, you don’t like Mario 64? As a kid with a new N64 my mind was blown, like it was never to be again until Astro Bot Rescue Mission.

I wouldn’t be so pissed off about PSVR2, not so certain there won’t be a PSVR3. Everyone knows that the tech isn’t cool looking enough to attract casuals, even though it’s an amazing experience, and it was priced well to cover the R&D costs. As will the next one, which allows Sony to be at the forefront of things when the tech matures fully. It’s not an unusual strategy. What would be unusual is if Sony tried to go mainstream price with tech that doesn’t appeal to the mainstream. Somewhat pricy for the enthusiasts is where we are at the moment. Yet pricey games won’t sell enough to cover costs, so cheap development is requirement, and quest ports do well enough for Sony currently it seams. Massive shame of course.But I’ve had more memorable experience with it than I have the last 10 £70 games, so I consider it worth the money easily.

Re: Persona 3 Reload Joins PS Plus Premium Game Trials Catalogue on PS5, PS4


I have actually found these helpful (although they absolutely shouldn’t be locked behind a paywall). I was going to by Balatro on sale last weekend, and remembered I could try it in trial just to make sure everyone in the world wasn’t wrong. Made it easier to drop £11 when I knew for sure I wanted to keep playing.

For this game of course I wouldn’t need that type of assurance, but others might.

Re: Sony Sets Sights on Ruling the Anime World


I’m sorry, but given what Sony has done for Japanese games, and their seeming abhorrence of anything even slightly risqué, I don’t trust them with anime. Not that we have much choice. I can just imagine what they would teach at their academy

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


Sure, I have all those too (in fact, the ps1 and 2 as well, and all the way back to the C64). So I agree. Although I doubt many people who have a PS5 and PS4 still use the latter (what’s the point when everything is back compat?). I only have mine so I can watch 3D movies on my PSVR as PSVR2 doesn’t let me!)

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


The number of accounts that is a second or more, on PS5s (with the ps5 being shared by multiple accounts in other words) is much more, I’m willing to bet, than the number of broken or in transit consoles. But, I can’t prove that, so it’s just an opinion ultimately. Although an opinion based on decades of me and most people I know owning consoles and having families.

Re: At Least Two Expansions Planned for Assassin's Creed Shadows


Hopefully, although they have said they are focusing in on “ongoing targeted investments in proprietary technologies to reach and sustain a competitive advantage”. Could just mean the AI assistance they’ve been harping on about, but it is just a matter of time before these publishers seek to force their own stores into the platform holders ecosystem.

Re: Sony Increasingly Focused on PS5 Playtime Alongside Hardware Sales


I’m not sure why it matters to the argument what the percentage is of money from whales to standard players. You need to have as much market as possible to addict people into becoming whales. It’s still a numbers game that relies on you capturing enough market share to create those whales in your system.

I don’t buy that “they no longer need those 500M on a couple of prestige games that make no money . Everybody buys their Fortnite adapter by default because everybody else buys that Fortnite adapter. Marketing and social penetration have made it the default, and those big budget games that "nobody" buys that make no money are no longer needed ”

A few reasons I disagree with some of those points: 1) crossplat means you don’t need the same platform as your mates to play the same big game any longer (which is why the market leader in Sony fought so hard against it, and MS where pushing so hard for it); 2) even whales seek out new highs (new games) and those big budget games (and more importantly the social conversation that makes them feel a leading part of a community) will appeal if only momentarily, keeping them engaged in your platform; 3) even if true, it would only be for one generation. Constant marketing is required to not lose the gained advantage. You need to keep attracting (and ultimately addicting and turning into whales) each new generation.

The answer to your final question though, is that whales will always gravitate, not to console or PC, but mobile. They are fundamentally addicts, and a system that lets them always have the drug in hand, like a vaping kid, is the system that will always win out.

Re: Sony Increasingly Focused on PS5 Playtime Alongside Hardware Sales


“ It just no longer makes sense to sell cheap/loss taking hardware when you just sell one or two games to most people buying it. ”

I can’t help but feel this is a little basic. Those people who just buy the one game are profitable as they spend a lot on that game in Microtransactions. The key then is to ensure you get a cut of these Microtransactions as that is where the money is. 30% on everything bought through your walled garden. It could be argued this is better for the platform holders as there is no chance of lending and second hand use.

If it takes spending 500 million on a couple of prestige games that just break even, but that make people feel they should buy your “Fortnite adapter” as you put it, rather than adapter b, then that’s sunk money worth spending as it facilitates the profits from the crap “games”.