Comments 3,633

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for July 2024 Announced


Enjoyed borderlands one with the wife but it became too bogged down later, no interest in social games so Among Is is out, that leaves hockey. I liked it on the mega drive but imagine it’s more like Ultimate Team these days…I’ll skip them thanks. Still Football Manager 24 is keeping me very entertained so I’m happy with my sub.

Re: Dr Disrespect Admits Messages to Minor 'Leaned Too Much in the Direction' of Impropriety


This doesn’t really explain anything. Main things for me would be whether he knew their age at the time and what the messages actually said.

Note I’ve never used or cared about Twitch, let alone something defunct like Whispers, so don’t know if this would be obvious to whoever this guy is.

Edit: I see she is 17, so that at least makes things a bit clearer. Although not sure if he knew this and thought she was younger (or older). Also not even sure of the age of consent were he is even if he did know. In most places it’s 16. Not that it isn’t still weird if he knew, but find it hard to consider him an actual paedo. That word is thrown around far too easily. I judge him more for the fact he was being unfaithful to his wife in this.

Also, does Twitch have adult and kids accounts? If so which did she have?

Re: Metaphor: ReFantazio Director Explains the RPG's Lack of Persona-Style Romance


Strange. I think that it’s a fundamental part of all human life experience to look for a partner. Sure, there might be times in life when one is not actively looking, but should a situation arise, it is emotionally impossible to ignore irrespective of surrounding conditions. It may be that it was not what they wanted tonally for the story, which would be completely fair and right, but that’s not what they said.

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficultly Put You Off Playing It?


Sure. But not because it is hard per se, just because I don’t find it fun to learn to “git gud” through what is effectively trial and error. Plus the whole limited time available thing.
That’s not to say I want games to have easy modes by default, just that I accept certain games aren’t for me at this point in my life.

Re: UK Video Game Retailer GAME Will Reportedly Stop Stocking Video Games


So Supermarkets stop stocking physical games, and now game. CEX is around for those like me who don’t mind second hand, but were does this leave new physical game sale when the only option is to wait a day or two after release by ordering online. An even bigger push towards expensive digital only purchases it seems, with no sell on value or second hand market.

On the other hand, Game have been crappy and expensive for a long while now so I’m not too sad to see them go. Just wish there was an alternative.

Re: New PSVR2 Games Release Dates in 2024


Still amuses me how zero effort is put into making this accurate, and it’s the only article the author refuses to comment on. Not sure how many times commenters are meant to do the job before things are looked at. This article is abandoned by Pushsquare to a greater extent than PSVR2 is by Sony!

Re: Embracer Claims Newly Adopted AI Policy Will 'Massively Enhance Game Development'


Someone needs to get ai working in world building, as things are ridiculously labour intensive at the moment, and using the same tools and engines as everyone else leads to extremely generic looking and playing games. As does the huge risk of investing in projects that are just far too long term these days. AI is necassary. Not sure what they are talking about when it comes to logistics and HR, but in game development it’s fast becoming essential.

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


I disagree. A kid or elderly person will instinctively latch on to VR much easier than they can a standard videogame using a “complicated” controller on a flat 2D pane. All else being equal (e.g. past exposure), it’s just much more natural to manipulate things in VR than in normal videogames. It’s just the comfort element in the way for VR in their cases, but that’ll improve.

Re: Over 1,600 Must-Play PS5, PS4 Games Discounted on PS Store


Oh, fair enough. It’s just my entire Wishlist then lol. That’s often indicative of whether a sale is actually a sale or not given the number of games on there, but perhaps it’s just my luck this time.

Still, there needs to be an end to yo-yo pricing strategies. If a game is on sale it should be lower than every previous price. By at least 50p. Otherwise it is clearly just a continuing manipulation.

Re: Ex-Sony Boss Shawn Layden Explains How to Make Games Faster, Cheaper


I can’t say I agree with much of what he says:

Game length:
It is not the case that people do not finish games because they are too long. People do not finish games because the games are not good enough and, crucially, almost never varied enough. Neither between each other nor within themselves. And so, from a gameplay perspective, you can feel like you have seen everything a game has to offer before the ending credits roll, especially if the story is as generic as they usually are in games.

There are ways around this which would not take the devs long to implement however. I do not want good games to be shorter, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the game world has to keep growing and the story be longer etc. in my view (as largely a JRPG player) I do not mind if a game is shorter to credits if it has a good NG+ mode. For example, in the Tales of games where you earn Grade through the playthrough to change the dynamics of subsequent playthroughs. This could be used in any game to allow players more control over how they want a game to perform. I often finish a game thinking “that was good, but I wish it played like this”. For example, melee being more viable. Being able to change a game’s parameters once the story has finished brings variety without having to add a load more game.
Variety can also be provided for me through trophy challenges, but that’s hit and miss per game. Sometimes they don’t get the attention from the devs they deserve and you aren’t really encouraged to play in different ways or given unique challenges. Again, the Tales games are a positive example, where often you will be given a challenge to beat a boss in a certain way (which can often be made more realistic in subsequent playthroughs through changing things in the grade system)

Again, as a JRPG player, photorealism is not as important to me as art style, but even so, giving an artist more tools to create a better world is important. His example of lighting is interesting; the last “bigger” “JRPG” I played was FFXVI, and that game’s look was ruined for me by flat, unrealistic lighting. Plus, with games often being built in the same engine they will look very similar to each other. You can’t tell me this is what every artist intended. So I agree that photorealistm is not always necassary, but this doesn’t mean devs should just stop working on ways to make games look more unique and so better. Which brings us to

This is the only way to have games continue to develop without the implied necessity here to stop improving and making things better or cutting content. Imagine a world where a program can scan an artist’s painting and, with a few keywords, use it to create the look of a world that is completely in line with what an artist wants. Or imagine just being able to speak to a program and just tell it to adapt certain stock animations, such as give a disabled character a slight limp or something. It would save so much time and allow for more varied character designs and such.
So I agree with him on the importance of AI and letting the machines free. I don’t agree that this leads to more generic output though, just because it uses influence from the real world. The fact is that all humans do this too, with the added problem that they are also restricted by the limitation of their own single person’s life experience.

Re: Preview: Black Myth: Wukong Could Finally Be the Game Journey to the West Deserves


I appreciate it’s a bit more forgiving, but for me this all comes down to something very simple: does it respect my time?

For example, if you die on a boss how quick and easy is it to get back to said boss? If it’s not quick and easy, is fighting mobs again at least helpful for the xp, or do enemies scale with you / is grinding for the next ability effectively impossible as experience from bosses is so over scaled that this is the only way to effectively gain new abilities as you progress?

If it’s simply a trial and error game, where you have to learn boss patterns and animation timing, but between tries you have to just repeat a load of the game again to no benefit, then this is not the type of game for me. I no longer have that type of time or patience.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for June 2024?


I think that there are always those which we would try if on plus but not otherwise due to time constraints. For example the ghostbusters game in my case. If they earn from people buying the DLCs and such after finding they like the games that’s more money in their pocket. I can see that happening with games like Ghostbusters sites, synth riders, the mini-golf game etc.

Of course there are some, like Walking Dead 2, that ie old have got to eventually (still have to finish the first) and which k don’t now have to buy. But I guess that may depend on how long they stay on plus.