Comments 254

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Dragon's Dogma 2?


I think a solid 8 is fair. I love the exploration and combat - one of the most open-ended games I've played recently. This is a lot of what I wanted out of BotW. That said, the story is (so far) seriously forgettable and I don't think any of the characters are memorable. Very Skyrim-esque in that way.

Re: Not Everyone Is in Love with Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5


@get2sammyb I feel like getting an accurate read on player sentiment online is so unreliable these days. Sure, there are plenty of valid criticisms leveled at every game, which should be taken seriously, but so much of the oxygen is taken up by trolls and (let's be honest) emotional/intellectual babies throwing temper tantrums (i.e. puddle-gate). What can we do to filter out the nonsense and make sure that developers/media are putting their focus where it really matters?

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


Honestly, I think it's pretty unnecessary, but for enthusiasts, like me, I'll still pick one up. I can't resist a shiny new toy, particularly one that can stabilize the fidelity-to-frame-rates ratio and maybe make ray-tracing a more utilized feature in future games. I have a big ol' LG OLED, so would love some more games to pop.

As mentioned before, though, for a typical gamer, this is a completely unnecessary upgrade. Save your money for the PS6 or... ya know... the games.

Re: PS5 Pro's Rumoured Spectral Super Resolution Tech Could Be Transformative


@Neither_scene I appreciate the apology, thank you. I think we both know our stuff, but are just coming to different conclusions.

I think it's understood that, as a hardware manufacturer, Sony has a pretty robust R&D department, which is built in and pre-budgeted for. No doubt, they are prototyping not only a PS6, but also a handheld, controllers, TVs, media players, cloud server infrastructure etc. Most of these will never come to market, but innovation requires investment and I think that, broadly, Sony shareholders and leadership accept this as a cost of business.

I also just don't think I agree with the zero sum angle. Sure there's always an opportunity cost for everything, but I don't think it's a fair argument to say "if they didn't do the PS5 Pro, then normal PS5 games would be better." We went through that same argument when the PS4 Pro came out and it just didn't manifest in that way.

I'm in complete agreement that the average gamer couldn't care less about 8K and 120fps. I don't even care about 8K and 120fps. Each resolution and fps bump has diminishing returns and I think 4K 60 fps is pretty much the sweet spot. Any additional GPU headroom should be put towards fundamental gameplay advancements, not how sharp a blade of grass looks on my TV. I have a TV that runs 120hz and I honestly can't really tell the difference, though I do appreciate the 40fps option.

Regarding the economy, sure, world economics are in a different place now, but I'm not convinced that this would really impact PS5 Pro sales. People who can afford a PS5 Pro aren't the ones really hurting from the economy at the moment.

To me, this all is a bunch'o nothing. It's like the MacBook and the MacBook Pro. They both broadly do the same things, but one does them better and costs more. If you want the incremental improvements and can afford it, then have at it!

Re: PS5 Pro's Rumoured Spectral Super Resolution Tech Could Be Transformative


@Neither_scene Ignoring your blatant condescension, let me break down my perspective as someone who literally works in finance and accounting (I guess I don't understand my profession, though):

Corporations of this size do not operate based on short-term gains. They play the long game. Sony is not operating paycheck to paycheck and is firmly in the black. Therefore, investing into R&D on products (something they are always doing) does not take away from budgets allotted to game devs. These budgets are often determined independently, based on the performance of said teams. 900 canned employees does not manifestly alter Sony's future hardware ambitions.

Regarding dev teams utilizing the capabilities of the PS5 Pro, no, it's not "free," but I also didn't claim it was. But it also does not add a substantial amount of work to the teams when they are optimizing. Games are constantly being tweaked to get the most out of their respective hardware and are typically designed to take advantage of multiple hardware parameters (virtually every PC game ever). If Sony is expecting to bring more of their games to PC anyway, this is something they are already doing. Additionally, the PS5 was designed to be more PC-like in its both its hardware and operating system, making modular changes like frame rate caps and resolution bumps easier to achieve. They already do this to their games! If you have a 120hz TV, a lot of PS5 games will offer additional graphical options that don't even show up in the menus for 60hz TVs.

Hopefully, you can accept this quite obvious rebuttal.

Re: PS5 Pro's Rumoured Spectral Super Resolution Tech Could Be Transformative


@Neither_scene I think you're missing some points, yourself. Sony has no interest in losing money. Sure, they've invested R&D, manufacturing, and marketing costs into the PS5 Pro, but they fully expect to make that money back and then some. Quite literally, this revenue can help fund the games development you think has been sacrificed to bring this machine about. In addition, claiming a Pro model makes it harder for developers is old hat. We've heard this already when the PS4 Pro came out. Wasn't true then, isn't true now.

Re: PS5 Pro's Rumoured Spectral Super Resolution Tech Could Be Transformative


@LifeGirl If it's not jealousy driving your distaste for a PS5 Pro, than what is it? Surely, you're not here just to rain on someone else's parade. What about a Pro version is so egregious? Phones and computers do it all the time. Hell, Xbox already has one with the Series X. If a small section of your audience wants a premium version of the console to take advantage of more modern tech, in what universe does that affect someone who doesn't want to buy it?

Re: Fancy Ghostbusters Items Up Next in Destiny 2


Pretty unfortunate that they have to resort to these totally out-of-pocket crossovers to generate any kind of revenue for the game. At least the Witcher and Mass Effect gear look like they are lore appropriate, but a Slimer ghost and a Cadillac? Come on, Sony. You can do better...

These bizarre crossovers are some of the biggest turnoffs in games for me. I want escapism in games - not a constant reminder of real-world marketing deals.

Re: Fans Discover Overlooked Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Reference


@Rhaoulos I get the frustration, but I think joy of audience participation has been cultivated by FromSoft over the last 15 years. It seems, to me, that each release leans a little more into the obtuse nature of their story telling. It's definitely not for everyone, though.

That said, if you dig the combat and general gameplay of FromSoft, but want a little more of a cohesive narrative, I would highly recommend Lies of P. Seriously, one of the best games of 2023 and I think it holds its own with the very best of FromSoft.

Re: Amphibious Horrors Await in the Distorted World of The Sinking City 2 on PS5


@SamMR I loved all the cerebral gameplay mechanics from the first game (which is undoubtedly in their SH games too), but yeah, totally agree that combat and general traversal is pretty rough. It's like watching an action figure with not enough articulation points moving around.

I'm really hoping they can figure that out, because if they do, they could have a real banger on their hands!

Re: Sony Secures Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy as PlayStation Console Exclusives


@ZhuckelDror "Console Exclusive" has been a term used pretty regularly in the industry for the last 2 generations, or so (a decade, thereabouts). Xbox used the term a lot when they started releasing all their titles on PC, and now Sony uses it a lot too, given their penchant for releasing their own titles on PC. I understand that the term is paradoxical, but it's widely accepted in the industry.

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Frame Rate Controversy Rumbles on as Previews Give Conflicting Reports


I was hoping this would at least hit 40fps for 120hz TVs, but I still stand by my opinion that 30fps is totally fine for 3rd person games, as long as it's stable. If it's hiccupping all over the place, though, that paints a different story. Hopefully, they clean it up a little more by release, but I'll probably be getting it regardless. Just looks like too much fun.

Re: Rise of the Ronin Is Another PS5 Exclusive with a Huge Download Size


I feel like this is pretty on par, nowadays. You'd be hard pressed to find a full-length title coming in at any smaller than 80GB, especially an open world title.

When everyone was saying that the SSD would make games smaller, it didn't take into account that newer games have higher resolution textures, higher fidelity audio, more complex animations, etc. All of these (especially textures and audio) take up an enormous amount of space.