Comments 402

Re: Rumour: Of Course Disney Wants to Release a New Star Wars Game Every Six Months


@BeerIsAwesome Agreed. I finished up pretty much everything up to the end of the new jedi order series this year after several years of intense reading and its really terrible that all those beloved characters, eg the solo twins, Corran horn, kyp durron, gavin darklighter and more are not canon and they couldn't come up with any characters anywhere near as good. All those beloved stories thrown out cause disney think they can do better.

Ps, they can't. Well Filoni and Favreau maybe

Re: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Trophy List Is a Completionist's Dream


I was hoping this would take time. A full price day 1 game needs to be and I'm very happy.

Hopefully cut scenes will trigger in free play as I wanna do mumble mode and voice acting mode, especially now I know the clone wars actors are doing most of the dialogue.

And my favourite trophy has to be the one for getting 17,000 studs. What a great reference.

Re: Poll: What's the Best Uncharted Game?


I bought my ps4 the day Uncharted 4 came out but to me 3 is the best. 2 is an amazing leap forward over 1 but 3 perfected what 2 did. 4 I found to be nearly as good as 3 but just not the best. I'm a sucker for an origin and a father son story.