Comments 144

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 546


Not a lot of time to game this weekend. My son and I are playing a lot of Vampire Survivors. A little Clash Royale with my wife (FTP crew for life). I did get a used copy of Triangle Strategy off of eBay. It's not quite the spiritual successor to Final Fantasy Tactics that it was billed to be, but it's good so far.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


Thirty seconds of the character's cutsie yips and yahs were all I could take - they're like nails on a chalkboard. I couldn't even watch the entirety of the gameplay demo. I'm glad there's a game out there with broad appeal, but it's just not for me. I didn't vote in the poll as I didn't play it.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


@ButterySmooth30FPS Playing newer games at higher fidelity. Gaming the market - a sale on Steam might be cheaper than a sale on PSN. Modding games that you want to mod. Playing older games in higher fidelity. There are plenty of reasons to have both. If you want to match PS5 Pro, you don't need to spend that much.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PS5 Pro?


@ButterySmooth30FPS Not necessarily - your existing console isn't going away if you already have games. I have my PS5 and PC right next to each other. Easy as switching an input between the two.

Re: 25 Years Ago, Square Released the Best Final Fantasy Game


I replayed this one recently and really loved it all over again. I received this one as a Christmas gift the year it came out and spent the rest of the winter break glued to it. Final Fantasy Tactics will (probably) always be my favorite, but this one scores a lot. Draw and Junction are still novel - there's a lot of depth to the game as a result. Really underrated systems.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


My first DualSense is still going strong after 18 months and a few hundred hours, so no issues there. The battery life is atrocious, but it is what it is. I always turn off the haptic feedback anyway - it'd be nice if I could just use a DualShock 4 - in my opinion, the best console controller ever devised. All of the features that I want are still there. It doesn't make any technical sense that we can't use them on PS5 games.

I'll pick up a spare maybe on Black Friday and order some hall sensors for standby in case one of them goes out.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 545


NFL is back, baby. Looking forward to tomorrow's slate of games. The Diofield Chronicle will be my primary game, though I may play around more with Final Fantasy XVI NG+. I'm winning an auction for Triangle Strategy, so maybe I'll be playing that next weekend. I've had a Switch sitting in my desk for 6 years and have never bought a game for it, so it'll be interesting to get it up and running after only really taking it out to top off the charge on the battery every few months.

Re: Rumour: Ubisoft Live Service Shooter XDefiant on Brink of Being Shut Down


A new GaaS in this day needs some kind of hook. Instead of whatever the heck Concord is, Sony could have tied it to an existing IP.

Example: Bring back Resistance as a fully-fleshed out single player game. Knock it out of the park. Put your best and brightest studio to work on it. Then release the multiplayer component as a free to play game with bonuses for progress in the campaign. Give it multiple modes like 4on4 or some PvE horde mode. Make an overarching goal like taking back parts of Europe. The primary development costs are recouped by sales of the single player title while the GaaS multiplayer element brings additional cash flow. If it doesn't support itself after a few months, pull the plug and call it a success since they released a strong single player game with a good campaign.

Re: Upcoming PS5 Games for September and October 2024


Not super excited for anything for the rest of the year. I played the Diofield Chronicle demo and fell in love with it, so I'll probably grab it - it's super cheap on eBay right now. Episode Aigis comes out this month, so I will look forward to the reviews of that. The physical release of Conscript comes out on Oct 1st, so I'll buy that day one only because physical copies of indie survival horror don't usually last long (Daymare titles excepted). I'm going to hold out for reviews on Metaphor and Silent Hill 2. That should about be my year.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Star Wars Outlaws?


I am not a fan of Ubisoft games at all. I am a fan of pre-Disney Star Wars - the EU is so very rich. Timothy Zahn's original Thrawn trilogy would have been a slam dunk for sequel films with a fresh new cast. The Knights of the Old Republic lore is some of my favorite too. The only bright spot for me in the last 10 years or so has been Jedi Fallen Order.

Re: PS5 Fans Who Paid $110 for Star Wars Outlaws Early Access Asked to Restart Saves


@Ralizah "Games starting at full price and dropping in sales is about adjusting prices to account for lessening demand, not milking your biggest fans for everything they're worth."

To continue playing the devil's advocate, I could argue that most games (barring exceptions for truly exceptional titles) are never more in demand than in their early release windows. What any commodity is worth is determined by the market - if the market is willing to pay $110 for a game, then that's that game's full price, and the $70 price point is the first price drop based on a projected fall-off of demand. I'd also argue that the publisher telling people up front, "Hey, the price is going to drop in three days" is a pretty stand-up thing to do. They could just say, "We're going to launch the game at $110. We will drop it eventually, but you're going to have to guess when. Either be patient or buy it now, but we're not telling." Given that people are willing to pay the price, I'd say that's between those people and the publisher.

Ubi's credibility went out the window ages ago. This doesn't hurt their brand image because it's already in the toilet, but that doesn't stop people from buying the corporatized garbage they continue to spew out. If Capcom announced a Resident Evil Code: Veronica remake and that I could play it a few days early for an extra $30, I'd do what I've done for the last 20 years any time a Resident Evil game comes out: take the day off work, ensure that I had it in hand as early as possible, and play the hell out of it with a smile on my face. Who am I to say that people who eant end to do the same thing with this game are wrong?

Re: PS5 Fans Who Paid $110 for Star Wars Outlaws Early Access Asked to Restart Saves


@Ralizah Is it really gross though? People want it, and they're willing to pay the price, so why not make a buck? When you think about it over the life cycle of the game, isn't that how it's always been? If you want to play it first, you're going to pay the most. The price will naturally drop due to decreased demand, so those who waited are rewarded with a discount. I dislike the Ubislop experience, but this to me is just downright clever. Monetize the FOMO.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 543


I've been bouncing off of every turn-based game I've tried lately - SMT V Vengeance, Soul Hackers 2, Dragon Quest XI, Lost Odyssey... I really enjoyed Stellar Blade, so for giggles and grins, I booted up Final Fantasy XVI NG+ for some more action goodness and am enjoying it on Final Fantasy mode - more so than I did my first time around.

Re: Stellar Blade Dev Expects to Sell More Copies on PC Than PS5


@Specky There have been some token attempts at this - Skyrim for example has an in-game mod manager and browser, but it's not as extensive as PC. The developer has to be in on it, and I imagine most would opt out - whatever mods could be introduced by the community are features that they themselves could sell for a profit.

Re: Dragon Age: The Veilguard Release Date Dropping Tomorrow, BioWare Promises Loads of Gameplay Details


Nothing is washing the taste of that first trailer out of my mouth. It was horrendous. If that's the tone they wanted to set in introducing the game, then the rest of the game being just like that is a pretty safe bet. I'm so tired of the smarmy Marvel-esque writing. Maybe the gameplay will be fine, but if the writing surrounding it in a story-heavy RPG is that bad, it's just a non-starter for me. If that's what people truly want, then I'm happy for them.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 541


This weekend will be BUSY. We're catching up on yard work today, and tomorrow is our annual back-to-school shopping extravaganza. My son enjoys it since there's an arcade and a restaurant visit in it for him.

If I get some time, gaming will be Trails into Reverie. I want to love this game, but holy smokes, it's 20 minutes of talking and cut scenes to every 5 minutes of gameplay. Hopefully there's a big meaty gameplay section coming up.

Re: Movie Review: Borderlands - As Bland As the Brand It's Based On


Great write-up. The attempted humor of this series hits the same as an awkward teenager trying to tell jokes he doesn't quite understand.

The casting choices are weird. I don't like when actors get loud in politics. I can only ever see them as who they are rather than their characters from that point on. Call it a personal failing on my part for being unable to suspend disbelief.

They got the whole thing backwards - for a film like this, spend heavy in the writing room and in production. Use nobodies and up-and-comers in the cast. An ensemble of recognizable B-listers probably bloated the cost to make this film when it was the most unnecessary expenditure and probably detracts from the experience overall.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Needs a Price Cut


With the current economic climate, continued support of the PS4, and PlayStation franchises going to PC, it's kind of impressive that the sales have continued. I believe those factors have kept it from staying on pace with PS4, not the price.

$499 USD in 2020 had the same buying power as $605.74 today. Staying the same price might as well be a price drop with this inflation.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 540


I updated my Eve client and undocked for the first time in ages. My main turned 17 this past June - time flies. I couldn't be bothered to build an alpha-friendly fit to get in some trouble with, and I didn't feel much like slapping down for Omega, so I did some ship spinning in Amarr and logged off. The temptation was there as I was longing to poke my head in to a wormhole, but alas.

I've been playing Clash Royale lately - fun little game, especially challenging if you commit to not spending any money.

I went back to Stellar Blade and am working through the Normal boss challenges. It only took me 5 tries to beat Raven this time.

I bounced off SMTV. I thought for sure it would grab me. The desert setting is so bland. I'll try again another time.

Not terribly excited to play anything else right now.

Re: Anticipated PS5 Platformer Astro Bot Looks Absolutely Outstanding in Gameplay Demo


"is this just par for the course for one of PlayStation’s best franchises these days?"

I must have missed several games, because I thought the only thing released with this character was a brief little play room game that was a tutorial on how to use the PS5. How does that and an unreleased title (assuming In haven't missed anything) make a franchise?

I think I'd have to put it down pretty quick - 2 or 3 minutes of the constant little yips and yahs were enough to get on my nerves. I might have bought this for my son a few years ago, but I think he's outgrown it? Really, really, really don't get all of the hype for this title.