Comments 583

Re: Suicide Squad Woes Continue As Hackers Make Free with Unreleased Character, Skins


@Mortal I paid for D2 and spent countless hours on the game. Not once did I feel swindled when it went free to play. I got my money's worth easily and if it meant other people got to try it out then good.

I noticed less people crying about live service games lately. I guess the most popular game and one of the most fun games right now, Helldivers 2, being live service with microtransactions has killed their already weak arguement.

Live service isn't inherently bad. Games being bad is bad. Like Suicide Squad. That's bad.

Re: Helldivers 2 on PS5, PC Is One of the Biggest Games on the Planet Right Now


I've been playing it all day yesterday. The Starship Troopers inspiration is so strong it made me smile.

It's good that they are pushing for more staff to create content because as it is now, it wouldn't be able to maintain the playerbase. I could see people getting bored.

As much as I love the game, it's nowhere near as good as Destiny 2 but I'm willing to give it time to build up.