Comments 1,945

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


@ZeroprimalDB it sold 20million running at 20 fps. I mean... the facts are the facts. It's not what i want, i am giving a business analysis.
Either way Sony is already on ps5 so it would never go to that point. But not going over 4k would certainly be a good idea. It has to stop somewhere cause it's not sustainable.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


@ZeroprimalDB And that is the issue isn't it? That means higher development costs and smaller margins. In short, this article.
Nintendo offers an alternative path worth considering, even if you personally don't like it. It's about money.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


This was always going to happen eventually.
I always knew the tech race microsoft started with sony would end this way. It's not sustainable.
Sony should stop trying to win that race and focus on software like nintendo.

Honestly, ps4 level graphics are fine. I doubt anyone even notices a difference without zooming in on the image. We've hit the point of diminishing returns and it's ok to stop chasing the tech. 1080p was enough 2/4k is already more than enough and requires a huge TV. Really... it's ok to stop. Let's focus back on making games. The hardware is strong enough to deliver good performance at 60fps.
No need to make huge games either. Focus on pacing and quality and honestly... it's time to bring back the AA line and all those classic IP you left behind. Give them love and embrace them like nintendo does. The fact that wild arms had to go to kickstarter is honestly embarrassing. Be better.

Re: Persona 3 Reload The Answer DLC Looking Increasingly Likely


@Nepp67 That's what I've been saying. Due to story reasons a royal or golden version can't exist unless they changed the ending, which now i can assume they haven't.
The answer itself is a pointless dlc that can be skipped. It's kind of like a spin-off that didn't get It's own game. It's there for peeps that want that high level dungeon at the end.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Becomes the Second Highest-Rated Final Fantasy Game of All Time


@Zenos Oh boy... i'm not sure you want to get me started on that.
The awful story twist and the terrible draw/junction system are forever burned in my memory due to how bad they were and the disappointment i felt after FF7.
I know that for some it was their first jrpg and has a sentimental value, but it was such a bad game. Those review scores were mostly graphics for the time.
Music was great though.

Re: Poor Suicide Squad Sales Disappoint Publisher Warner Bros


Oh no! Who would've thought?!

Will someone think of the execs? 🤣

The "one year of support" claims were hilarious when they were made and i still fully expect them to break the promise.
The question is what will happen to the studio now. Closure or will they put them on a new single player game? I guess the chances of a new Batman Arkham just shot up.

Re: Sony Shares Drop Sharply After Prediction PS5 Growth Has Peaked


@Marquez You didn't get it.
The fact they have no single player games this year is cause they are so heavily invested on the live service thing. They have 10 in development or something like that. It's a ridiculous resource hog and it's responsible for this draught (and will likely be a disaster). Those games take a lot more development time.

Without those games to drive sales, projections are down.

Re: Xbox Is Bringing Four Exclusives to PS5, But It Won't Say Which


@Kienda If you are all about facts you have to also include how they admitted they are not growing and the way to grow is to either bring their games to bigger audiences or milk their existing one and they are choosing new audiences. Which means these games and more will be coming. Otherwise there is no growing.
As others rightly said, this is a beginning. But, also, yes. They aren't dropping the Xbox hardware quite yet.

Re: SEGA Issues Financial Warning After 'Sluggish' Sales Over Holiday Period


@JeongersGaming We are assuming here.
Regardless the game has seen disappointing sales and reception and it's been on sale on psn every week for months now.
Mania took 8 months to get to 1m but was highly praised and digital only. If it had received the same backing superstars did, it would've sold much more, no doubt.
Also, let's not forget it was achieved without the movies and tv series raising popularity and awareness of the Sonic brand.
Superstars just didn't look up to par and they either need to put more effort into it if they are gonna charge full price or they need to pivot back to 2D.