Comments 1,945

Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Reveal Trailer Is Already the Most Disliked in Series History


This does come across as racist.
Yasuke is historical. There are portrayals of him in paintings and his story has been explored many times in portrayals of the period. It was a very interesting choice to make him playable.

Don't like? Don't buy.

Ubi's fault for having waited so long to deliver japan AC and let people draw their own fantasies that would never survive contact with reality.

Hey... this one is based on the warring states. There is setting for another japan one based on the end of the shogunate.
I doubt these people even know anything about Japan's history anyways.

But seriously... Nobunaga more than 500 years ago forewent racism and recognised the talents of this man for who he was and now we have supposedly educated people 500 years later uncappable of seeing past it. Some people can be truly despicable. Seems their branch in the evolution tree devolved. I know this is lack of proper education but man... it's sad.

Re: Best God of War Games


I don't get the hate for Ascension. In terms of gameplay, it was the best in the series before the reboot. Super fun.

Re: GreedFall 2 May Not Be the Game You Think It Is


@AverageGamer I see.

Well, as for the technomancer, yes they consider it a different story in the same world that runs in parallel as i mentioned. But those are technicalities.
It was a modern take on the world of mars war logs(both are rpg's). They talked on those same interviews how it was returning to the world of mars. That is a sequel in all but the title. Actually... where do you think technomancers first appeared? Yup. Mars war logs.

But, fair enough, if you have a different interpretation so be it. I do not agree with it though.

Re: GreedFall 2 May Not Be the Game You Think It Is


@AverageGamer erm... what do you suppose Greedfall 2 is?
Article says same world in the past with a new combat system.

Technomancer totally is a sequel to mars war logs. Actually it's a side-quel? They are supposed to happen around the same time in different locations. There is a character that shows up on both. If i recall it's the master of the technomancer that also appears in mars war logs as a bad guy.

Either way, totally the same series and came after so it's a sequel in that sense.

Re: Rumour: SEGA Wants Persona to Be an Annual Franchise Alongside Like a Dragon, Sonic


From my side, i don't care for it. Every persona spin-off fails to hit the same mark as the original work. It just feels like a different game. P5S had the characters but not the gameplay and the story felt like a filler retread.
Persona mainline brings it all together in a formula that spin offs just can't emulate.

So, i am all for mainline titles and remakes, but i don't care about spin-offs.

Re: PS5 Launch Makes Sea of Thieves One of USA's Best-Selling Games


@Neither_scene I would say the same brand dilution that had led Xbox sales to tank.
Releasing games on steam has a cost on console sales too. But the advantages overturn the disadvantages in that case, at least for now.
Again, not the case of the small Xbox market. Sony has nothing to gain there.
Sony made the math there too and decided it wasn't worth it huh? I can play this game too buddy.

Sony doesn't make only triple A games and they have games from previous generations that would indeed run on switch but you failed finance studies.
Not that i care. I was throwing you a bone which you squarely squandered. 😉 This is your argument at any rate, not mine. 🤷

Re: PS5 Launch Makes Sea of Thieves One of USA's Best-Selling Games


@Neither_scene The math is the Playstation market is way bigger than the Xbox one. So, maybe you do the math? This is not a 50/50 situation. The Xbox market collapsed. They don't even have sections for software on retailers. It's just playstation and nintendo.
This is worth it for Microsoft, but not the other way around.

Re: Rumour: Resident Evil 9 Reveal and Release Imminent, Out in January


Not sure what to think.
I bounced off after RE6 cause first person isn't for me and i had no interest in the new cast.
RE8 3rd person came too late for me to care.

If we are back to the popular characters in 3rd person i'll go for it most probably. Otherwise i doubt it will re-ignite my interest.
I really want a code veronica remake most of all.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Sales Remain Muted in the USA, Compared to Past Games


I think the ps5 install base is to blame. It's much smaller than the ps4.
People want ps5 exclusives, but it just doesn't make much commercial sense.

I don't think it has anything to do with narrative choices. Most people don't know anything about that.

If it was something it's that it's a 2/3 (we think) parter and middle of the stories are less attractive than the ending.
That is my personal reason. I have no reason to rush into rebirth cause then i will have to wait for the final part.

Re: Rumour: Kingdom Hearts 4 Slated for 2025 Release


@Steel76 Yes, it's trendy to use the convoluted word for it.
But it's actually not. It makes sense, you just have to keep up with it.
It's not the simplest of stories but that is why so many such as me love it. There's lots of theories and speculation that goes into it cause it's such a rich story and revelations as well as dramatic moments pack a punch.

But ofc, it's not for everyone. I like complex stories myself. Reminds me of legacy of kain.