Comments 1,945

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


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  • Nem

@Yagami On PC it's always been "achievable" cause it's a fluid platform. It just depends on how much money you want to pour into it.
And you will see that next gen we will be looking to achieve 8k 60fps and many games will still run at 4k 30 fps. It just keeps happening. The cycle has been repeating for several gens. Even on PS5 Pro, i doubt we will see all games 4k 60fps. 1080p? Even that i am unsure of cause it requires optimization that devs/publishers aren't willing to do.

I mean i have been saying that 60fps is the best way to play games and all games should aim for it. It is responsive and it feels great to play. I said so cause it should have been the norm since the PS3/360 era and we have been repeating this cycle where it isn't.
As someone who has made the argument that games should be 60fps and had to put up with things like "30fps is more cinematic. Films are 24 fps", i know what you are arguing as i have done the same for a long time. But i simply came to the conclusion from seeing 60fps games in all these platforms that it is achievable if the game is built with it in mind. Fixing it in post with hardware is lazy and keep kicking the goal to the next gen and the next gen, etc. It's time to realize the hardware is capable of it. We don't need to wait for the next piece of hardware. It just requires the will to plan for it. Unfortunately, they care more about fidelity and looking pretty in screenshots. It is what it is.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


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  • Nem

@Yagami Strawmaning cause you are keeping resolution and fps together and maybe you didn't notice, but i did not say i don't want 60fps. I only pointed the finger at resolution and unnecessary graphics techniques.
The fact of the matter is the switch is highly successful. I don't need to imagine. I know it. I have fought for 60fps far longer than you have. Which is why i know it. The majority of people don't care.

Yes, you need to feel and we don't need ever better hardware for it. 60fps games have been here for many gens. Heck i remember gamecube games at 60fps. Here we are, several gens later, still fighting the battle. I already explained why. The capability for 60fps has always been here. We have always been "on the cusp". The goal just kept shifting. Devs just don't prioritise it, no matter how much new hardware you buy.
60fps is achievable now. It just needs games to be built with it in mind. They aren't, and that is the issue.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance


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  • Nem

@Yagami Stop strawmaning. I didn't say anything about fps.
As for resolution, yes, i don't think it matters much. We have been sold ever bigger TV's to be able to see a difference.
Honestly, many people can't tell the difference between 30 and 60fps even.

Let's be honest,we are now at 4k 60fps. It never stops cause "devs" care more about "fidelity" than fps. While they keep prioritising fidelity instead of optimisation, 60 fps will never be the norm and they will keep taking your money with the promise.

So, no. I am perfectly happy with the tech we already got and i want to see more games and optimisations. Not getting pitched the dream that never comes through more hardware, yet again. I've done this dance enough times to tell that 60fps as norm will never come as they will keep adding cpu/gpu draining techniques and resolution with the smallest of gains to keep selling you the dream. It's always the next one.

Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations


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  • Nem

@J-Dubs Nonsense. That is a non issue. If you were right the series would've seen progressively lower sales. Yet, XIV and XV are commercial sucesses. You gonna say it was the +1 that made the difference? I think not.
The problems are of a different nature. They are the size of the market (ps5 not being as big a market as ps4+xb1 were when xv released) and the type of game that went into a different vibe and more action focus.

Re: PS5 Exclusives Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Failed to Meet Expectations


So... given that FFXIV is successful i don't think it's that FF isn't popular. I think it's just the change of genre. I think many FF fans simply prefer turn based party gameplay.
I am very curious to see how such a game would perform.

Also, we can't forget that the japanese market used to be huge for final fantasy and playstation simply failed to attract in that market. Had FF been on the switch i think yes, sales would have been vastly improved. Heck, it should've released on the PS4 as well to minimize that impact.

I really don't think launching in Xbox would've made a dent. PC might help a bit, but it is very overrated how important that market is.

Re: PS6 Is Already Deep in Development, Backwards Compatibility of High Importance



Are they?
Looking at console and software sales most people can't seem to tell.

1080p was never a necessity for games to be fun. Limitations lead to creativity and ingenious solutions. Relying only on the hardware to carry you is lazy and shows the problems with developers nowadays. Rather than optimise the game, they want the hardware to carry it's performance.

Re: 'It Makes Sense Why the PS5 Pro Price Is So High,' Say Tech Experts


My thoughts are that they should've thought more closely on how to keep costs down.
Covid really did a number on this, but at this point it's companies greed and i think the cure is to not buy.

I remember the days when manufacturers took a loss on the console to recoup on game sales. The infinite pursuit of growth will hit a wall. Games already got their prices raised too and we have been changing to digital where physical disc, box and retail have been eliminated
It's just too much damn greed and i am well sick of it.

Re: PS5 Pro Pre-Orders Will Be Exclusive to PS Direct for Two Weeks


They are pissing everyone off with this. Players with the insane pricing and offer and retailers with their own shop.
It's been a while since i saw Sony this greedy (ps3 reveal days) and it's not good to see it.

But, it's a general trend of the market and will have it's own consequences.

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


For me, it doesn't make sense why it's more expensive than the ps5, 4 years later and without disc drive. Yeah there is a 2TB SSD, but most of us already for a memory expansion which could easily be carried over. I didn't need more space on the SSD if it's just jacking up the price. This is what the 3rd party memory is for.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@Rafie I asked how much tax you're paying over the 700 dollars. I know how things work here, i don't need you to explain it.
I know... you are dodging the question cause tax doesn't explain the price difference. Your tax is about 6%. So, it's about 742 dollars. Ours is about 20%. So, it's 750 euros. Applied the prices we are still being awfully overcharged.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


@Rafie I didn't know you had to pay more on top of that price, no. How much is it?
Also, yes, i know the euro is worth more, that is why the adjusted number should be lower, not bigger. 700 dollars are 625 euros.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


The insult to injury is that its 800 euros here. The equivalent of 880 dollars. Like wtf?! Why do we have to pay 180 dollars extra? Just not gonna happen.
I am gonna keep my money for the switch 2 instead.

Re: 25 Years Ago, Square Released the Best Final Fantasy Game


Lol you woke up looking for a fight. 🤣
Like seriously... do you think you'd forget your childhood friends by the time you became a teen? I will never forget that awful ruined basketball court scene. It's burned in my memory over how ridiculous it was. The GF's made them forget the people they grew up with... 6-8 years ago, roughly? That were all grouped again in same the place again and traveling together, but no one thought to say anything? Even when the surrogate mother was the villain? And then they just decide to remember it collectively? Coincidence a ton. It was baffling how it took me out of the game. That moment there sealed the game for me. Yeah, drawing magic was boring and you could miss stuff and don't for one second say it was "ahead of It's time", it was trash. You were incentivized to stockpile your magics and not use them cause they directly influenced the character stats and no one wanted to get weaker. Finally there was the dynamic levels of the mobs which made leveling not exactly rewarding.
You weren't getting stronger by leveling.
But, that basketball scene, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. The story was completely incredulous.

So, sorry, but no. I don't want to revisit that train wreck of a game. A remake, if it solves all these issues could be ok. But, why? There are better candidates in FF9 and FF6 that already are great games without the issues that FF8 had.
FF8 had the benefit of the series becoming a train wreck after FFX. Especially the XIII trilogy which made FF8 look like a good game by comparison. But, it is certainly nowhere near the best the series has to offer.

Re: Soapbox: Astro's Playroom PS5 Did Live Service and You Didn't Even Notice


Playroom was a great primer, but none of it was live service.
A live service is characterised by being constantly online, which isn't the case with Astro. You can play it without internet and microtransactions, which Astro did not have.

What Playroom says is that a free demo that is well received will go great lengths into promoting a fully realised version.

Re: Days Gone Director Roasts 'Small Game' Astro Bot PS5 for Deacon St John Cameo


Well he is both right and wrong.
I understand that the IP he created was stiffled by Sony, which in itself makes sense cause it's too similar to the more successful the last of us.
But the shade in Astro is misplaced. It might be a small team, but the game will likely be bigger than days gone. It's also an example for an industry that lost it's way with development costs.

Re: Mini Review: Castlevania Dominus Collection (PS5) - A Fantastic Bundle of DS Classics


Got this on the switch myself, but at the price it's at, it's a great buy on any system.
I don't know why Konami shadow dropped this without any pomp and circumstance. Saved on the advertisement budget and passed it on the price, i guess?
Still a trailer announcement and some social media posts aren't exactly expensive.

Thankfully the game speaks for itself.

Re: Mini Review: Gundam Breaker 4 (PS5) - An Impressively Addictive Return to Form


Here is the tough question: This or armored core?

Thing is... i loved Gundam SD battle alliance. I still play it. I tried Gundam breaker 3 but did not enjoy it. The story revolved around gunpla aka toys and SD GBA actually recreated and gave twists on the anime story. Breaker isn't convincing me and i think i would go for Armored core if i wanted a customisation heavy mech game.

Maybe if they actually come up with an original gundam world i could be more interested. Kids playing with their gundam toys against each other is too beyblade for me. Ironic given that you'd expect SD to be the one aimed more at the youngest audiences.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


I think the lesson will be in Astro bot. A game developed with a modest team, that doesn't need to be the worlds biggest looker and will go on to sell millions.

They need to control costs and make... let's say AAB games that can broaden to more genres than just open world and shooter. People do want more than just those two genres.

Re: Online RPG Blue Protocol Shutting Down, Western Release Cancelled


@yohn777 No "bro". You are. There is no need to believe. The guys post is right up there and the article proves him right.
You are cherry picking and ignoring countless cases of failure due to the rare sucesses. You want to ignore reality, you do you.
Here, a quick Google can give you 15 recent high profile live services that tanked.
I don't care what you say indeed. We all have limited time. You can want 10 live services if you want. I don't care. You won't have time to play them all. That is reality. Sucess in one place comes at the cost of failure in another. That means the market is satured. Sorry that you uncappable to understand this obvious fact.
You can't tell me or anyone that 2 cases of sucess supercede a dozen failures. You just can't. We are done here.

Re: More Tales Announcements Incoming for Series' 30th Anniversary


I will be all over the 2D ones if they bring them over in a collection. Rebirth and destiny 2 are still stuck in japan. So is tales of innocence R (though there is a fan translation).
I really like the classic 2D ones though.

A compilation of Destiny 1 and 2, Eternia, Rebirth and phantasia would be sweet.

Re: Online RPG Blue Protocol Shutting Down, Western Release Cancelled


@yohn777 That's the thing. You and others didn't understand what he said. That was not what he said.
If you check the post he points out how companies are spending money on games people don't want. Notice that is different from saying the games are bad or that they don't want the live services they are already playing.
He is saying the market is saturated as i pointed out to you and it's a waste of money to be betting on this throw it to the wall until it sticks approach because players are already invested on the games they are playing and it's very difficult to compete with them.
You are quite rude btw. If you aren't willing to defend your position and will just get defensive maybe don't post? There will be debate on comment sections.

Re: Online RPG Blue Protocol Shutting Down, Western Release Cancelled


@yohn777 You are going to lengths to strawman me. I did not say every online game = stupid and bad. I said the room in the market for more is precarious and it's incredibly dumb and arrogant to think breaking into the market is easy. I said the market is saturated and i stand by that, which is why there are far more failures than successes coming out now. The market is established with the giants taking the lion share of the players. I didn't say the games are bad. Players just can't play all of these live services at once (time is finite) and player population is vital for these games to succeed.
So, dumb execs can try all they want. Chances are it will fail, studios will close and the strategy will have to change. They are still under the impression that if they throw enough to the wall one might stick. My argument is that no, it likely won't. They will eventually come to accept that with enough failures and no hit.