Comments 1,945

Re: Microsoft Employee Inadvertently Adds More Fuel to the Xbox Multiplatform Fire



Not at all. Lack means no or not enough. I think Nintendo doesn't not qualify as "not enough" given they sell the most consoles atm. So, be more specific with your words to get your points across.

No, i wasn't. You were giving a biased account of Microsoft as a positive competitor. I disputed that fairy tale version of Microsoft. They are a net negative for consumers.
Just cause they made a controller with acessibility options does not excuse the other malpractices they brought.

In fact you are crying cause your biased opinion was challenged and your defense is that "i'm hating". Hating is a consequence of the experience they provided me with, not cause i am on team blue or some crap like that. It's factual.

Re: Microsoft Employee Inadvertently Adds More Fuel to the Xbox Multiplatform Fire


@K1LLEGAL Of course i hate them. I bought their console, it broke down with the red ring of death. They lured me in with rpg exclusives from japan such as blue dragon and lost odyssey and once they achieved sucess they kept to just forza gears and halo. I hate them cause they are dishonest and greedy and make the market worse with their bait and switch schemes, just as they do on the pc market with windows where due to their monopoly we are forced to upgrade windows versions for no practical reason but to give Microsoft more money.
So, don't imply my opinion is worth less cause i hate them. I hate all companies that provide me with mediocre products.

As for the controller, i have no idea what you mean. Plenty of third parties that make controllers for every necessity. There is nothing special on their controller. It's just the continuation of the controller the dreamcast had. 🤷

Also you presumed Nintendo didn't exist when you presumed that Xbox leaving the hardware market meant there is no competition for Playstation. Simply not the case.
So, nothing to worry about.

Re: Microsoft Employee Inadvertently Adds More Fuel to the Xbox Multiplatform Fire


@K1LLEGAL You mean because of Microsoft we now have mandatory subscription for online, rushed games patched post release as the norm and dlc/micro-transaction malpractices.
Yes, i loved their introduction. Praise to the Microsoft competition. 🤷
Nintendo exists, even if you pretend they don't. With the battle going back to software rather than hardware we will all benefit. Microsoft's competition brought nothing positive to the market. They are a greedy and mediocre hardware and software company to the point they needed to buy Activision Blizzard and Bethesda to remain relevant in the games market.

Re: Recent Steam Concurrent Player Data Suggests Japanese Games Are Thriving


@invictus4000 What is woke and why is it bad? I don't think that's it buddy. It's bad games doing badly and good games doing well.
Harry Potter was a very inclusive game and it's the best selling game of last year. Monster Hunter that is japanese has body types rather than gender assignment.
These thing are happening on both sides whatever you want to think "woke" is.

The difference is western games are being monetized very aggressively and frankly just aren't very fun. The amount of them that want to chase the live service dream results in dispassionate games meant to extract money rather than entertain. It's that simple. No need to bring political agendas in.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


I think it's good for the market. I had theorised this move for quite some time.
MS move to services and admission that there was no win to be had on hardware kind of pointed in that direction.
As 3rd party they will be an important player and make more money than restricting themselves to a user base of 20 odd million where there are 200 odd million more they can't reach.

I mean... the switch is at about 140m and ps4 got to what 120m? There is overlap but that is likely 200m consumers right there that MS is not aiming at. Ofc they can't afford to do that or they will curtail their growth.
Elder scrolls 6 will not even come close to Skyrim sales if it's not released everywhere.

Re: PS5, PS4 First-Party Devs Won't Get Complacent Even if Competition Degrades


Quite the contrary. With Microsoft no longer making hardware, the focus will go back to the software rather than the hardware race. Nintendo is enjoying incredible sucess and i am sure Sony will see that too. No doubt they will want to echo that.
Besides... let's not pretend Microsoft was any competition on the software front.

I don't know why people pretend Nintendo isn't competition. They totally are, especially if MS exits the hardware market. The Nintendo console is strong competition and a viable alternative. If the switch is anything to go by, third parties will put the standard at the Nintendo console. I don't see third parties going for Playstation only.

Re: Rumour: Even More Xbox Exclusives Coming to PS5 Than Already Reported


@IOI The difference is that AAA games are way more expensive to develop now. They need multi millions in sales to turn a profit.
I guess an install base like the Xbox series is kind of on the level of a dreamcast back then. Creating exclusive games for it is a big risk. Game pass makes it worse as it cuts on the traditional sales returns.
So, they either settle for a system that hardly makes a profit or try to make game pass gigantic by putting it on every system to grow it and in a larger userbase for traditional sales as well. It's just more money. The console is holding them back.

With that said, i dunno how happy sony and nintendo would be to host gamepass on their systems. They will want a cut.

With all this said, i'm sure they will continue to support Xbox series while it runs the games. I would expect something more in the line of not making a sucessor.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Console Exclusive Starfield Is Setting a Course for PS5


@BlaizeV I can imagine. I was a Sega fanboy back in the day.
I was gutted.

But it's a different situation. Sega made incredible and creative games. They were a kickass developer. It was a tragedy for gaming to see old Sega go.

Microsoft is just a rich corporation playing at videogames. Their games are average. They suck at running studios.
But i can imagine those invested in the console war will have a bad day.

Dunno why though. This is a much better situation than Sega cause MS will continue to develop games mostly intact (until they mismanage and close the studios). Just have to buy a Playstation or nintendo instead and get a much better selection. It's a win for them too, even if they don't see it.

But i already see them describing it as merely a bump and streaming in where it's at. I don't see it. There will always be lag and the experience will never be better than having a console. Responsiveness matters in gaming.

Re: Rumour: A New PlayStation Handheld Console Reportedly in the Works


Nope. Absolutely not. Not after what they did to the Vita. I will not trust Sony again with a portable console.

They could go the way of the switch with the ps6 and have a portable option though. A ps5 one seems too late to me.
But, it's something they should consider if they want to grow in japan again. Thinking about it... yes a portable ps5 would still work for japan.

Re: Evidence of Rockin' Xbox Exclusive Hi-Fi Rush Coming to PS5 Continues to Mount



The logic is that i have played a lot of games and I know what i like and i like feeling invested in a series and get rewarded for it. I cleared up in the previous post that it doesn't mean i don't play new games but i want to have the guarantee i can continue to enjoy the series if a sequel is to come. That is not something i can do for Microsoft games given my past experiences with the company (unless it's a PC RTS) and my unwillingness to purchase more of their hardware.

We are different. I do understand new and fresh. But i want new and fresh in a structure i know i will enjoy. New just for the sake of being different doesn't necessarily result in a good game.

Let's use Hi-fi rush and Yakuza/like a dragon as examples.

Say i enjoy hi-fi and would love to play more. A sequel comes out and it's locked to Xbox. I will feel let down or blackmailed.
Does it take away the time i spent with the original? No. But, that is time i could have used to play something else.
Maybe something i didn't mention is that i got a decent back catalog and every game is in a competition with others for my time.

Now like a dragon. I have played every game in the series. Is the gameplay new and fresh? Well... it had a bit of a reset with 7 but it doesn't need to be new and fresh to me. Being improved is enough. It needs to be something i enjoy and show a new setting/story/mini-games. That is fresh to me. The core gameplay that works doesn't necessarily need to be changed for the sake of change.
Now, because i have played this series for so long i have an emotional attachment to the characters and i feel joy when i see them return and get to spend some time with them. That is a very rewarding feeling that comes cause i have played previous entries. If 8 was my first like a dragon, i would not feel joy at things like hitting the town in Ijincho at the start with Namba and Adachi before setting off in a new adventure. I think that will go over the head of new players that haven't played 7.
The emotional investment and feeling of familiarity and it's pay-off is something that matters to me.

Now, again, this is not to say i won't play new games. As i said i just want the option of continuing to the sequel, if one comes to be, before i invest the time.

So, at the moment i got ghost of tsushima to play. I have not yet. I likely will feel more haste if a sequel happens, but i will play through it and if i enjoy it and want more i can look forward to the possible sequel.

You may have a point. But, i don't think i will be playing lots of new games when i age more though. I think i will likely just replay my favorites and not be invested in any new ones. I don't think there is any gameplay i have not experienced by now and i have a good grasp on what works for me. So, i do think i am in a different journey where i am ever more selective to what i know i will enjoy.

Re: Evidence of Rockin' Xbox Exclusive Hi-Fi Rush Coming to PS5 Continues to Mount


@__jamiie only played The last of us cause i trusted naughty dog from uncharted. Though that proved a mistake as i did not like it. Have not played until dawn or returnal. No interest to do so. I'm sure i got Until dawn temporarily for free on the ps5. I tried it for like 15m. Wasn't for me.
Indeed, i only played Uncharted 1 after 2 was out. Though this is a specific situation as well. I have always been a fan of Amy Hennig and the legacy of kain series, so i knew the quality of her work before hand.

Not to say i never played a non-series game. But i tend to not do that as i get older. My point was that i cannot expect that microsoft games will come out regularly on the systems i own and i am not interested in an Xbox, so i see no point in getting invested in them. The only ones i would care which are Elder scrolls and Fallout cause they were series i was invested on which are no longer a guarantee. So, i shed them like lost weight rather than depend on Microsoft's "mood". For the same reason i see no point in getting invested in new ones not knowing if i will ever see the sequel, if there is one. It's about time investment. I don't want to invest time if i am not sure it will be rewarded and i won't be blackmailed.

Also some took my comments as a general blanket. I do play single games in some cases. But i want to have the guarantee that the sequel will be something i can play.
So, say i enjoy and finish hi-fi rush and a sequel is announced and it's Xbox only. I won't be buying an Xbox for it. So, i wasted my time investment in the series. Thus i rather not engage at all and reclaim my time which can be better used playing something else.

Re: Evidence of Rockin' Xbox Exclusive Hi-Fi Rush Coming to PS5 Continues to Mount


@thefourfoldroot1 I'm glad you got it. Yes, it's the same thing. It's about the time investment.
Say i got Guardians of the galaxy on my backlog. It's a good game (from what i hear), but i know there won't be any sequel. So, i am in no particular rush to go through it.
Let's compare to Star wars jedi order. It's sequel came out recently. My motivation to put time into playing it is bigger because i want to invest in it so i can enjoy the sequel/s.
But, yes, it's the same with TV series and movies. If it's a one off i will not invest the time. I need to know there will be at least 2 seasons.
Maybe it's not clear to some, but time is our most valuable commodity and what i'm saying is i manage it. I hit an age where i know i won't be able to play every single game and i have to be more selective. There is nothing crazy about it.

Re: Evidence of Rockin' Xbox Exclusive Hi-Fi Rush Coming to PS5 Continues to Mount


I am gonna be brutally honest here. I don't think any of the Xbox exclusives is worthwhile to me. Perhaps the elder scrolls 6, but even then i will not get invested cause who knows if it will ever release on playstation or nintendo (i don't like playing single player games on PC unless it's an RTS).
I am the type of gamer that needs to feel invested in a series, not just a single game and must have it's future secured. I don't do single games and i will not engage in unpredictability.
So... yeah. Have no interest on this.

Re: A Final Fantasy 6 Remake Would Take 20 Years to Make, Says Square Enix Producer


That is ridiculous. FF7 is a bigger game and is taking less time.
Not sure what makes him say that. It's not like the models of FF7 were thoroughly fleshed out either. Backgrounds were all 2D. Models were blocky messes.
The thing is that remaking FF6 does mean re-invisioning the sets. How extensive they make them is up to them. ¯(ツ)

Re: Deus Ex Game Reportedly Cancelled, Almost 100 Devs Laid Off


This is ridiculous. A really bad decision by Embracer. This studio's last game was amazing and an award winning game (Guardians of the galaxy) and they regularly released high quality games in the Deus Ex series and Tomb raider series.
This is incredibly short sighted by Embracer. This is one of their few studios that could have delivered a banger hit.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Tekken 8?


Game looks amazing, but it's a genre i am done with so i am passing. I don't have the time and patience required to get good at the game. Fighting games are huge time investments and i don't have that kind of time anymore and there's other games i play already.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?


Got it today. Already impressed at the start. I was expecting it to start on the Beach but they are actually giving what i would say is an epilogue to the previous game before moving onto new things.
I especially liked to know what happened to this character that did something shocking at the end. They never said anything in the previous game. Now we get to know what happened.

Re: Microsoft, Activision Cut 1,900 Jobs in More Video Game Layoffs


This is par for the course with Microsoft. They fired many more last year but people sleep on it.
It's the usual mismanagement. We are already seeing what is happening to Bethesda. Activision blizzard is next. 🤷
I feel sorry for these people but if the gaming company i was in was bought by MS it would be the hint to start looking for something else. Most of these studios will close within 10 years.

Re: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (PS5) - The Best Yakuza Game Ever Made


Actually the voice issue you mention was present in Yakuza 7 the other way around as well. You chose english voice, but locals would still talk japanese in the street when trash talking.
I noticed in the demo that it was the opposite. I actually like it cause i can listen to the superior japanese voice over and still understand what the locals are saying when picking a fight. 😆

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Director Says Travel Isn't Boring, Your Game Is


Nope. Big disagree. Traveling is cheap game design meant to increase play time. If i want to go explore, i go explore. When i want to get from A to B for the 10th time, there is nothing enjoyable about it. It's boring.
Perhaps try not to make fetch quests, but we all know you got them by the dozen.
I was hyped for DD2, but the more i hear about things like this and the pawn system, the more i remember the things that dragon's dogma did that were boring and they are doubling down on them. I'm not sure i'll be getting it anymore. I will wait for reviews.