Comments 311

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


9/10 and a worth day one title.

The save bug was unfortunate. The only personally thing I had trouble with was the controller, especially the horizontal placed thumb-sticks. After a few hours of use I always got cramps in the left thumb, a reason why I prefer the Xbox controller where I don't have that problem. The use of the left thumb in this game is brutal (= the cross, triangle, circle, cross & square levels since you need to finish it in 1 go) but the gameplay overall is top notch and has many magical moments.

Re: Poll: Would You Buy PS5 Pro If It Was Cheaper?


The stand + DD = €150 here. The more I see the price the more I think scalpers have a lot to do with it. Sony want to collect that money instead of losing it attitude (a point I'll give them).

Beside sales in about 6-12 months, I also want to see who will make Pro features of their game. Certainly not MS, so I expect First Party and some Third Party. Overall, it will not be worth it imho. I don't expect overall 60 FPS magic in games that didn't have it. Bloodborne without the mod is still 30 FPS on PS5?

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


Way to expensive! No disk drive & even more surprised, not even a stand? It's not only a case of people being able to afford it but PS adopting those typical Apple antics and get away with that! A fool and his money are easily parted.

But ... if it could have officially emulated Sony PS3 games, I think, people would have been a lot more interested.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


If you don't own a PS5 then maybe, until I saw the price without a even a disc drive. The impression of this Cerny talk was not very positive, especially towards the many PS5 owners. Almost like, your PS5 can't do the "big three", you need to upgrade.

I always go for performance mode and I expect the "big three" to be on that machine, especially with the 8K on the box.

Now, get out of your bubble, go make some SP games, and forget about this silliness!!


$700 = €634,89
€800 = $881,98

Re: Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown Review (PS5) - Flawless Driving Stalled by Technical Issues and a Lacking Hong Kong


I saw this coming but wanted to keep some hope for the full release as this is my fave genre and it had some different features. Loved the first TDU but this genre has a fierce competition, current day! They said the final version wasn't close to the final release but the technical problems haven't disappeared all of a sudden. With time these could be resolved but will it be enough to convince gamers?

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


That's crazy for a AAA new IP (2 weeks must be a sad record). A lot of people will probably lose their job and like I said before, I truly feel for them. I'm not a fan of GAAS but this is something you wouldn't wish on your colleague devs (dislike them or not) on whatever platform.

When Halo Infinite wasn't doing so great a lot of people laughed at MS. With Concord, the situation is even worse, and people with a sense of schadenfreude will turn up again, which is sad & cruel!

The person(s) responsible for giving this the green light will probably stay unscathed and won't have a worry in the world. Many gamers can see the market for these are over saturated! (still leadership made this expensive gamble)

This is a financial disaster and the dev will probably never recover. Tough decisions are going to be made.

Letting it bleed out on PS+ or trying to remake characters and universe and keep the good gameplay? Is the latter even an option? I mean, lessons will need to be learned but this is such a fiasco for a dev that isn't even bad overall imo.

Edit: and Bungie isn't doing very well with future Marathon either, according to Jason Schreier!

Re: Astro's Playroom: All Special Bots Locations


The creativity is God Tier. After getting the bots I almost forgot to get the remaining PS5 artifacts and going into the mission room where other bots are hard at work, accompanied with a visible countdown when release is due!

4 days ...

Re: Players Complain of Lengthy PS5 Matchmaking Times As Concord Numbers Dwindle


Despite knowing how most players feel about this "DOA" game, I do feel concerned about the devs at this point. These are not bad devs, it is not Gollom standard by any means!

At this point, is it even possible to turn that players amount around?

Sony even knew how the game was going in a certain way, but didn't step in to put it on PS+ for instance. They lose the money either way but now there is so much negativity around this title, people won't forget about it soon! This could've been minimal damage!

Re: Mark Cerny's Feedback on PS5's Astro Bot: 'Now This Is a Game'


This game is going to be epic and it's not even my favorite genre. From what I've seen and heard, I almost know this game is going to rate not lower than 9 or 10 out of 10! This game will hold its price for a long time too I bet. With how this game will be packed full of little details I would say it warrants a day 1 purchase.

Re: Mini Review: Monster Jam Showdown (PS5) - Familiar, Enjoyable Monster Truck Madness


I'm not a Monster Truck fan at all, but mid nineties I played a lot of Monster Truck Madness on PC, instead of playing Solitaire, I put in a few sessions of MTM regularly. Different standards now but the nostalgic factor brings back good memories (those random voice lines still exist in my head ).

I'm always on the lookout if one releases. I wish there was a demo to try it out!

Re: Reaction: It's Time for Xbox to Tell Us Which Games It's Bringing to PS5, and Which Games It Isn't


It looks like they are kind of winging it tbh. Messaging is too unclear for Xbox gamers already. I also think, Xbox only gamers are anxious to know when they are going to see PS first party titles on their Xbox at this point.

Don't think they are going to see any answers until the last minute, if it even happens.

It's kind of a big ask to know which games will come to PS5. On the other hand, I don't get MS strategy at the moment, they are all over the place.

I truly think they haven't got a clue what to do next or what games to move over next. There is some backlash, but do they care? If it's all about Game Pass, move them all over but your paying customers will vanish like snow in the sun!

Of course, if I only had a PS5, I would like to know what games I was going to get.

Re: FC 24's Free Euro 2024 Update Kicks Off This Week


Free EA update wasn't on my bingo card. The long fargone days, I still did buy FIFA games, I waited for WC or EC editions. See. if they want they can be nice to their customers.

What's you guys top 3 for winning the Cup?
Brons, Silver & Gold (final)

Re: Astro Bot Is the 'Biggest' Game Team ASOBI Has Ever Made


This is going to be such a joy to play this through, feeding us with nostalgia, because those PS references were a delight and had one the best use of the Dual Sense tech. Very immersive experience!

This can’t go wrong I gather? And to 100% completion it could be at least +20 hours? Can’t wait!

Re: Reaction: PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand


I get the sentiment. Complaining or not, it doesn’t seem to hurt the brand very much, looking at the consoles sales.

I’m one that likes the first party games from ND & SP very much but the fact we see so many Remasters/Remakes, means they need the money to make them (and people seem to like that strategy). Is it even realistic to expect AAA blockbusters from those studios every 5 years?
Mostly they bet on sequels too because that’s less risk taken, so new IP’s aren’t always in the cards.

The SOP wasn’t for me except Astro Bot tbh but on the other hand I can’t believe Sony PS hasn’t got a clue what they are doing either. There isn’t a golden formula anymore and they need to be able to change strategies almost on the go.

In hindsight, maybe we were blessed having all those games where PS is known for, and that golden era is gone? Delivering awesome games is one thing, but keeping that same level/amount of hits year after year?
And if we can believe Sony, the loss of former income from COD does matter, and one of the reasons they are trying to create a Fortnite-esque moneymaker?

And is it greed or is it starting to be a necessity at this point? I thought Factions 2 would be a no brainer to be successful but apparently they can’t afford to have a team that would support that title for an amount of time?

Re: Sony Wants Non-PS5 Owners to Use Its Accessories


@Titntin Wow six! All the same issues? Or 6 different ones? Edit: (already answered, forgot to add my comment on time)

I had my first stick drift with a controller with the OG Dual Sense (Edit: Switch still good). I don’t throw or manhandle my controller (can also happen when little children get a hold of your devices), although I understand the frustration in games sometimes 😅 but I immediately stop playing to avoid that = too expensive!
That used to be my thinking but that stick drift took me by surprise. Chances are bigger to have broken controllers when they fall or something along those lines but you can have problems when those things don’t happen. I keep wondering if it’s part of the built quality or the quality of the parts?

Re: TopSpin 2K25 (PS5) - A Killer Serve 13 Years in the Making


Best tennis series I've played minus this one. Interested in the Grand Slam edition (standard edition is just an empty shell), but not for that price. Devs are losing the plot with all these different editions. It's been 13 years but I promised myself to stop being gullible in 2024! A pack to boost your level? 🤨 Several reviews talk about it being a budget title ... 2K/MTX = normal but it doesn't seem to result in a quality AAA tennis title. Devs call it upcoming updates but maybe it means the game isn't finished and buyers are beta testing it?

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


If I wouldn’t have a PS5? Sure, but since I have one it’s pointless to me. If they would have shorten the cycle and release a PS6 that would be different.

Also, this Pro will not be impressive (game wise) compared to the regular PS5. PS5 has been underwhelming this generation, partly because of keeping cross-gen into the equation so why will this Pro version be important? The only positive thing I can see is what developers can make or be able to make when PS6 dev kits will appear (already been experimenting with those extras). But that being said, even the latter must be a bigger leap than Reg PS5 to PS5 Pro? And making reg PS5 games inferior to Pro PS5 game isn’t a good look either imo.

A fool and his money are easily parted (and Sony will be happy to take it too)!

Re: Judge Rules in Sony's Favour in $500m Controller Comms Lawsuit


Well, I’ve been gaming for several decades and the white OG PS5 controller was my first stick drift experience (and used it with another controller for battery life). Always thought this happened because some people manhandled them. I have always been very careful with my stuff, so I was very surprised getting a stick drift controller and it changed my mind that even if you careful with your possessions, it can happen to anybody at this point.

Sony controllers aren’t cheap so I really wonder what the reason could be since so many people experienced the stick drift part (and also with other brands). There should be an easy and cheap solution in place so people wouldn’t mind that much (cost part). I hope the new PS5 controller has had an update concerning stick drift!

Re: Game Pass Woes for Indie Devs as Microsoft, Epic Funding Reportedly Drying Up


Slowly saw this happening. It would’ve been different if their first party games were top notch! They lack in quality and gamers will not keep giving them free passes. After the fiasco of FM 2023, imo, they need to step up big time. Months have been passing by and the QC is still under par! The pressure they created themselves will certainly not help them do better in the short term. 3rd party wise, March, has been great for me regarding gamepass and tbf, PS isn’t going to blow away Xbox in 2024 either. So maybe in comparison, 2023, is going to be a bit less awesome game year? We have been spoiled …