Comments 68

Re: Xbox's Forza Horizon 5 Snatches April Release Date on PS5, Priced at $60


To all the people complaining about the price: 1) I'm sure Sony has some say in the 60 price tag and 2) for people who have never played FH4, 60 is a good price for them cause it's a new game to them and 60 is the same price as nearly every Sony remaster of a remaster don't forget that. I won't be buying this cause I already got it on Xbsx but maybe if the price is down near Christmas or something I might get it for ps5 just to have a physical Microsoft ps5 game lol

Re: PS Plus Copies of Days Gone Won't Offer Cheap $10 Upgrade to New PS5 Version


Just play the original PS4 version. Stop Sony getting away with making a ps5 remaster machine that you suckers pay for. Send them a msg: what's the point of PS4 backwards compatibility if you remastering the games at full price and make new ps5 game. Like that will ever happen, sony tell you what to play and you all obey to justify buying a next gen consoles that's not being used for next gen games

Re: Onimusha 2 Remaster Announced for PS4, Coming This Year


This is my least favourite one but if means we get onimusha 3 and onimusha dawn of dreams after I'll buy it. Hope they don't forget onimusha blade warriors, would love to have all 5 games remastered. Also the guy in the new onimusha game kinda looks like takeshi kaneshiro who played samanoske, hope it is lol

Re: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown's Reported 1.3 Million Sales Not Enough for Ubisoft


1.3 million sold is good but Ubisoft need to realise prince of persia isn't that big of a selling point anymore, not like it was. It's gonna be the same with the rumoured splinter cell remake, if that gets released it'll be lucky if it sells 1.3 million because you gotta keep the names and make more games of them to sell high numbers, not abandon them then years later announce a new game in the series that most people forgot.

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