Comments 2,355

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Returnal


I haven't played a great amount of new games in 2021 but even then Returnal comfortably stands among the best games I've played over the past few years

Re: Soapbox: Please Don't Let GTA 4 Rot on PS3, Rockstar


It's not even just GTA IV though is it. Where's the original Red Dead Redemption? Liberty City/Vice City Stories? Max Payne 3??

Rockstar are leaving loads of money on the table by doing absolutely nothing with these games and they really couldn't care less

Most publishers would kill for a line up that they've just left to rot

Re: Soapbox: GTA: San Andreas Is Still an Open World Classic


San Andreas was one of the first games I was really hyped for the release.

I remember buying every magazine with it on the cover and reading every new little detail revealed in print. "You can make your character fat in this game? Wow."

I was only 15 at the time so my dad bought it for me too 😂. I think we got it from HMV. I remember the queue being full of people buying a copy

Re: Alex Scott Becomes First Female Broadcast Voice in FIFA 22


The commentary on the FIFA games has been abysmal for ages now.

It's always out of touch with the tone of the match, it's boring, repetitive, nonsensical and a ton of other phrases you could use to describe how inept it is.

I keep hoping there's gonna be a big shake up in this area but this doesn't really sound like it.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game at E3 2021?


Elden Ring the standout imo. Looks like everything we hoped for

My most anticipated game is eSports Boxing Club but not much new was shown at E3.

After that I'm excited for the follow up to A Plague Tale, although I'm not sure I needed or wanted a sequel to it tbh.

Re: When Will PS5 Exclusives Drop in Price on PS Store?


I can't see why they would at the moment. There's just not much incentive to do so from their side and the longer they wait, the less they'll have to drop to make it seem a better deal.

Once people get accustomed to games being £70 at launch, they can drop to £50 and it'll seem more reasonable. Then £35 etc. As opposed to £55, £40, £20 etc.