Comments 308

Re: Former PlayStation Boss Shawn Layden Says It's 'Criminal' Industry Isn't Properly Preserving Games


The only genuine preservation of games as an art form is done by pirates. Honestly, you can barely consider them pirates. In times past, artworks would have been part of the "public domain" way sooner than they are now. But companies get to change the laws for their own benefit, because that's how it goes.

At the end of the day, "preservation" of games by companies themselves will inherently only be done to be able to illegitimately re-sell them to you over and over for eternity.

I'm fine with capitalism. You invest the money into a project, hopefully you make a profit. But it shouldn't extend forever, or you go back to feudalism.

Re: Sea of Stars Now at 250K Sales, Beats First Year Targets


@Cashews anytime I play a Switch at someone's house, I'm like, yeah... I don't need one of these. Half the good exclusives I already had on Wii U, the other half I'll wait and play on Switch2. For everything other than Mario / Zelda / Pikmin, it's just a worse version of what I already have.

Re: Poll: Are You Sold on PlayStation Portal?


There's a very niche market for this thing. Mainly for couch gaming if you want to be in the same room as people who are using the main TV for something else. A lot of PS5 owners probably have an old PS4, which you can use to stream PS5 in another room easy enough. I you have an old 1080p / 60 hz TV on hand, there you go.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Armored Core 6?


I'm partially interested, but I'll wait for it to show up on ps plus. I assume it's really difficult. Probably get permanently stuck on the 2nd boss type of situation. So it would just frustrate me to spend money on it.