Comments 1,402

Re: The Last of Us PS5 Remake Compared to PS4 Remaster, Has More Detail


You not wrong, the way I see it, if want it buy it, if you don’t then don’t buy.
My only gripe is it takes developers time away from making a new AAA game.
The counter argument is they could be using the remake on developers learning the trade so they can get up to speed quicker and develop their skills etc.

Re: Microsoft Accuses Sony of Paying to Block Games from Xbox Game Pass


You have very interesting points and I do wonder the same with Microsoft.
I think Xbox series console got off to a very good start in UK but now Sony are releasing AAA exclusives and Xbox are not 2022 and the PS5 stock is getting better we are seeing the true results.

Not sure where Microsoft go with this maybe they are just happy with game pass and don’t forget so far the Xbox series consoles have sold more than the Xbox360 their best selling console in the same time frame, so they may be happy with that.

But don’t ever underestimate them they now have an lot of studios and we know Trillions of Dollars 💵.

Re: We're Sure Fans Will Be Rational Over This The Last of Us PS5 Clip


Not sure why everybody gets so upset over this.
Don’t buy it, then they won’t invest the time and money to do it again.

The only bug I have with this, is it takes internal resource away from making new games, which has always been my complaint with remasters and remakes. I would rather something new.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for August and September 2022


It also shows how well managed and organised Sony have their studios and probably how well they micro manage their studios and big AAA projects.
I think Microsoft leave their Xbox studios to run around in the woods and play all day.
I would sack most of Xbox senior management employees including Phil Spencer, he needs to stop arsing around on line making love comments to Sony etc and work his Studio management team.
Unless it’s all a Microsoft plan to make average AA games for game pass then I guess Phil is doing as he is told.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for August and September 2022


I’m not sure what Microsoft and Xbox are really up to. Maybe more lower level AA games for game pass I guess I’m not sure.
There studios to take a long time like Halo 6 years, Starfield must be 6 years when it releases but it’s like the effort over those six years has not been put in AAA wise in all areas.
Ok HFW was 5 years I think and GOWR about the same but you can see where the effort and those 5 years have produced.
Anyway I have given up with Xbox, I don’t think they have a clue anymore, maybe the odd exception like FH5 for example, that is a good AAA and the only real AAA they have released.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for August and September 2022


Of course it was as PS5 had good stock
And has the top end AAA exclusives.
I’ve noticed in the UK series x and s stock sales slowing right down and stock sitting in my local stores for weeks now.
Xbox need to get some big relevant AAA games out and do a bit of PR. Being honest it’s like they haven’t learnt much from the Xbox one days in some ways. No big AAA for the whole of 2022 is very poor Microsoft.
Starfield and Redfall hardly looked big AAA either in the showcase. Starfield outside and environmentally looked more bland than Halo Infinite. I tell them this on PureXbox and some are sort of agreeing a little bit now.
The only game type Xbox have nailed down is Forza Horizon 5, which I do think is their only big really true AAA all round, so far.

Sony, probably looking forward good do with a top end AAA exclusive in the FPS game type though.

Re: Sony to Take Action as PS5, PS4 Owners Play Less Than Anticipated


I think at the moment there is a lot going against video games in general.

Cost of living increase, it’s real and costs me monthly. One example people leaving certain subscription services etc.

Similar to above £70 a game day one release.

Chip shortages, especially PS5 in terms of shop stock.

Covid is sort of died down let’s go outside and do things we couldn’t do during covid lockdowns.

It’s summer the weathers good, lets have bbq go out etc. summer holidays.

Gaming in general if you have been around for years like me, is there anything really new or just reimagined.

Just some thoughts.

Re: The PS5 Stock Situation Finally Seems to Be Improving


UK is getting a bit better if you don’t mind the HFW bundle with the disc or digital console.
Obviously there are still scalper shops as I call them that make you buy £600 bundles etc.
which sometimes is nearly all of them now in the UK and some given point.
And they go on about helping with the cost of living and make you buy expensive bundles.
What utter hypocrites these shops are, and these are the main big branded shops across the UK.

Re: 21.7 Million PS5 Consoles Shipped by End of June 2022


I’m all digital with my digital PS5
It’s a bit harsh price wise sometime but it was my choice.
All digital with music and movies as well.
Even be car with my usb stick.
Not a hard media device in my house or anywhere.
I think it’s fast and nice and brilliant.

PS, well done Sony and well deserved especially when releasing top end AAA games, when all other studios around seem to be failing releasing top end AAA games in 2022.

Re: Ubisoft Delays Its Avatar Game, Could Be a 2024 Release


It was not aimed at any other company in particular as I did not mention any other company be it main or third party.
Just that Sony seem good at organising thoughout the year and years their in house big AAA releases.

As for Nintendo and the Switch as you mentioned it.
Loved my switch in the early years BOTW, MK, Luigi mansion 3, Mario Odyssey the big AAA games I just adore.
But over the last two years they have not backed that up for me with more of those type of games.
Like another new big AAA platform game Mario or donkey Kong. We have only had one since release Mario Odyssey, not including remakes or the good but small bowser fury add on.
It’s just personal preference.

Re: Ubisoft Bins Four Games, Including Free-to-Play Ghost Recon Frontline


I tell you what some of this is for these studios
Dam working from home, companies brought in policies during and after covid and some are getting WFH all week or 2 or 3 days per week.
My company have done it, it’s a right pain and does not help inter departmentally at all.
Also some use it and abuse it for wrong reasons
Like saving on child care and keeping them at home
Which does not work when you meant to be working.
PS, I go into work full time.

Re: Ubisoft Delays Its Avatar Game, Could Be a 2024 Release


I never said anything about delays at all.
Yes Sony games get delayed.
But Sony seem to have a good spread of games through the year and years.
They seem more organised on releasing their big studio games, in a good order.
Look at 2022, HFW, GT7 and now GOWR November 2022. That’s a fine bunch of big games for 2022.
Ok GT7 is not for me but the other two are top end must have day one for me.

Re: Ubisoft Delays Its Avatar Game, Could Be a 2024 Release


I’ve more given up on Xbox for now
Maybe 2023 but the last game they delayed Halo Infinite was better for the delay but no big AAA it should have been.
My confidence in Xbox is very low and don’t bother with them now.
Yes competition is always good.

Re: GTA 6 Is Rockstar's Focus as Red Dead Redemption, GTA 4 Remasters Reportedly Shelved


Yeah I know I did it for a bit of fun and not really aimed at Rockstar.
Been a strange first half of the year for gamers.
It had so much potential and started well
HFW,GT7, Kirby. then the delays begun.
BOTW2, Starfield and more.
Seems like it might be a quiet second half of the year AAA exclusive wise.
Maybe GOW2
Splatoon 3 September
I might even try the new Mario Rabbids game in October if it gets to quiet 😂
There are some third Party games but not sure about them yet, Harry Potter etc.

Re: No inFAMOUS or Sly Cooper Games in Development, Sucker Punch Confirms


At the monument my favourite game producer
And if GOW2 hit this year then top that.
Nintendo second, but seem to have dropped big in house AAA games for to long, after a great first year or so.
Xbox third, a very good FH5, half hearted Halo campaign and looks decades old environmentally and graphically and biome wise.

Re: No inFAMOUS or Sly Cooper Games in Development, Sucker Punch Confirms


Yes some do work on more than one.
But sometimes you hear about other studios working on 3 or 4. Mainly not Sonys and then we wonder why those studios don’t get the game out or it becomes well below expectations.

I think Sony manage their studios the best by a long way when it comes to big AAA games and most of the time they really are amazing games.

Re: God of War Ragnarok Is 'Still on Track for November', Game Is 'Huge'


Delayed due to a situational case in the USA. I don’t believe that for one minute. But if true what a rubbish company decision Sony made.

It’s has nothing to do with gaming at all and was the other week not this week any way.

Also regardless the game will sell what it sells.

Sony should be far more concerned about making more PS5, they are down in the USA, nearly over taken by series consoles and now getting close in Europe by a console with no exclusives at all in 2022.

Let alone the loss in game and peripheral sales and PSN memberships etc etc.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Only Three Top 10 Games Are Available on PlayStation


Talking of micro chips have noticed this year in the UK the new line of TVs from various manufactures are in shops for sale, LG and Samsung.
Guess who’s are not or due soon.
Sonys, I bet that is chip procurement again the same as the PS5 issue.
Maybe they need to splash some cash and secure more chips, else they gonna have a poor electronic sales year all round in 2022.

Re: UK Sales Charts: Only Three Top 10 Games Are Available on PlayStation


They need to make more PS5
Just had a look at the weeks console sales charts, just been updated.
They are not in a good shape production wise, there is absolutely no doubt the console is in high demand and sales out quick, but to third again world wide shows the massive production issues they have.

Who knows when it will end with demand on electric chips for all devices are massive, take the car industry for one, attempting recently to secure more chips for cash. It’s must be a purchasing departments nightmare.

Re: Soapbox: PS Plus Premium Has Turned My Email Inbox into a Nightmare


Always and typical Sony, dam lucky their studios make the best amazing open world games and story driven games else I wouldn’t touch them from a company and customer point of few.

If Microsoft had not messed up with the Xbox one and grown and developed their studios and managed them correctly and even now that’s questionable, I think Sony would have some serious competition on their hands, against the series consoles and game pass.
But that’s not the case, so for now they can slightly rest on their fantastic games and experiences, for now and who knows maybe a lot longer as Microsoft still can’t really seem to get their act together.